Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

- just released Mr.AIEffect :) photo postprocessing app. Features foreground/background recognition and applying artistic and abstract effects.

New BBC Audio Channels

BBC Sounds is planning to provide one expanded channel and 3 new online channels based largely on archival recordings in the style of Radio 4 Extra. Essentially, this will provide a Radio 1 Extra, Radio 2 Extra, Radio 3 Extra and an expanded Radio 1 Dance. A Public Interest Test for BBC Radio 5 Sports Extra is also in the works. The fate of Radio 1 Relax is ambiguous.

An dieser Stelle meine Empfelung zu dieser Auswahl hochwertiger, datenschutzfreundlicher Programme fr das Android.

wird seit nunmehr fnf Jahren abgeschafft unter ist das ein Prozess, der noch nicht abgeschlossen ist. Seit gestern sind nun allerdings und offiziell aus iTunes fr Windows herausgelst und, wie auf dem , separate . iTunes selbst bleibt weiter bestehen. Ein neues Design hat indes die - fr Windows bekommen.

Alle Infos:

Trailblazing App Design Trends That Will Rule in 2024


Jetzt schon lesen: -Doppelheft Februar/Mrz 2024 in der ! Ein fr BIB-. Heftschwerpunkt sind .

This just got me over-excited. I think its honestly gonna be great and I really hope that more services integrate this feature.
Imagine using your favourite to with all your friends on any other platform. is doing wonders for the entire world ngl. Cant wait for this to come true!

Neue Version dieser bisher schon sehr guten Karten-App mit vielen neuen Features.


Darum hat die die (vermutlich) beste - der Welt

> Die Qualitt der ist weltberhmt. Nun legt der Bund mit der neusten Version der -App auch digital nach.

How to ensure user privacy as an app developer

Advanced solar panels still need to pass the test of time

Uz nejakou dobu pouzivam na klienta . Je hodne minimalisticky. Krade IP z pokemonu, mastodon pokemon, ha, genialni! Hodne veci mi vadi.

Ale jeho naprosta killer feature a duvod, proc si ho pro doom scrolling hudby a dalsiho umeni na WRKS necham, je vizualni oddeleni boostu od originalnich postu.

Vubec nechapu, proc to jeste nema kazdy klient. UX je uplny no-brainer. Obri timeline neskutecne zprehledni.

Keka v1.3.0 for released

Lots of changes in this one
AppleArchive support
Photos and Videos compression

Whats new
Test it on
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Thanks for the continued love and feedback to all users!

Thanks to all the translators ! In this update:


Sieben fr Mastodon bei

Im GPlaystore 2.59 bei kostenlos







- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 90 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

umgibt uns mehr als sonst in der der . Stndig online sein, hier noch eine und dort noch ein das berfordert viele Menschen zusehends. Eine Betrachtung in auf : .

Prozesssicherheit Pumpen frs Herzstck einer Chemieanlage
Pumpen sind Schlsselkomponenten chemischer Prozesse und beeinflussen die Sicherheit der gesamten Anlage. Wie Doppelmembranpumpen Leistungsfhigkeit und Ausfallschutz verbessern.Pumpen, die fest in chemische Anlagen integriert sind, sind mageblich verantwortlich fr einen reibungslosen Prozessablauf. Sie frdern beispiels

Easily create a desktop app for any web site with minimal fuss in Firefox.

Code review finished. Starting regression testing now!
If all is good, NEW RELEASE coming out soon on -releases and (links on profile)

Version 0.62.0 is out!

This is an showing you based on from the Deutscher Wetterdienst ( ).

See the changelog for what's new:

Get it on :

Visit the project at :

In between contractor consults we did something huge.Something Earth shattering.Not for us, but for the cats.

We have replaced the two litter boxes with one new box.The Earth shattering partIts a self cleaning, automatic litter box thing.

It has an app.A litter box app.Literally a shit app.It told us that one of the cats has used the box.Based on weight we are guessing it was Robin.

We are going to know everything about our two cats bathroom behaviors.

Like I said, Earth shattering.

#app #Cat #Kitty #lily #litterBox #robin #tech #thereSAnAppForThat


Erkennen Sie Vgel anhand ihres Gesangs, berall auf der Welt.

Colpo di #genio estremamente radicale per risolvere un annoso #problema: il creare una data #webapp, che non abbia bisogno di grande interattibilit (vedi un social network, o un CMS), senza dover mantenere 2 #codebase separate e quindi impazzire, facendola funzionare sia con un #server che totalmente senza ossia, come unire in una sintesi circa accettabile i due maggiori paradigmi del #frontend

Ormai quello antico non si usa quasi mai per #progetti nuovi, perch gli svantaggi sono pesanti appena si vuole andare un po pi in l: per tappare i buchi nel progetto medio si finirebbe a dover scrivere talmente tanto #codice #ClientSide, che a questo punto era meglio fare tutto nel secondo modo, senza menzionare i modelli e le #API da esporre nel server che altrimenti non si sarebbero implementati. Per, le webapp antiche girano bene anche sul computer tascabile meno performante (average Ximi), sui browser vecchi, e spesso sono le uniche che vanno quando tutto il resto ti lascia a piedi. Daltro canto per, anche se in teoria quella #app potrebbe funzionare #offline, magari mostrando dati cachabili, se sviluppata in modo attaccato al server ecco allora che non si pu fare nulla: muore il server, muore tutto.

Quindi la mia #idea paxxerella, dato che devo fare banalmente una #applicazione come , ma voglio i vantaggi appena millantati: sviluppare con i paradigmi #ServerSide in un framework JS adatto, che giri sia in Node che nel browser. A quanto pare, qualcuno ci ha pensato prima, e qualcosa di gi fatto ho trovato (+, +, ) ma tutta roba ormai abbandonata, che o non funziona (ho provato) o ha altre #rogne. Te pareva che trovavo mai qualcosa di buono gi pronto Per, in un quarto dora ho tirato su uno #script scheletrino, giusto per poter partire per questa via.

Rapido #esempio: questo #programma (giusto da #dimostrazione, non fa nulla se non mostrare questo testo e far navigare tra pagine) gira sia come server su #NodeJS, che come script in una pagina #HTML totalmente #locale, e lesperienza non cambia. Percepisco il potenziale, continuer cos.

#API #app #applicazione #backend #browser #client #ClientSide #codebase #codice #dimostrazione #esempio #frontend #genio #HTML #idea #JavaScript #locale #NodeJS #offline #piattaforme #problema #progetti #programma #rogne #script #server #ServerSide #web #webapp

A chatbot helped more people access mental-health services

Hey Android users of Mastodon, can someone tell me how to prevent "Load Missing Posts" segment in my feed

The issue is, whenever I click, it scrolls up (to the latest post in my feed) and so I have to scroll down all the way back to post that I was reading before clicking it.

So I'm looking for a solution where either clicking the segment doesn't scroll at all or Mastodon loads all my posts without those segments.


Ein intelligenter RSS-Reader, der Ihre Daten nicht stiehlt und gut aussieht.

: WizTree - The Fastest Disk Space Analyzer Windirstats mais en plus rapide (mais aussi avec pleins de boutons qui clignotent pour suggrer une donation) C'est vraiment trs trs trs rapide, j'ai jamais vu a, mme sur un "vieux" HDD.

Unternehmerische IT-Bildung im Rahmen von Hackathon-Projekttagen vermitteln

Unternehmerische IT-Bildungsmanahmen an Schulen zu verankern, ist Ziel des Projekts . Initiiert hat es die Pdagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe und ein Konzept entwickelt, das auf Hackathon-Wettbewerbe setzt. Vergangene Woche fand der erste Programmier-Projekttag mit Schler:innen statt.

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Solar geoengineering could start soon if it starts small

stupidly thoughtless user interface design...
I used to always use my grandmother's birth year when apps asked for my birthday when all they need to know is that I'm an adult... She lived to be 108... and curious even now, I sometimes check how old the software developers think the maximum is. Of all the apps in the world, Rocketbook seems like it would be a great app for someone's grandma (or great-grandma) who is still living! The max age though is 100. Ageism strikes again!

Ci sono parecchie app per iPhone (e per Android) compatibili con FreshRSS, qua c' l'elenco:

Artikel Flexibilitt im Job hatte immer Prioritt
Matthias Bahlmann ist Chemiker sowie Vater von zwei Kindern und freut sich, wenn sie gerne vom Papa ins Bett gebracht werden. Der Weg in die Industrie interessiert Matthias Bahlmann schon im Studium. Er mchte wissen, wie die Chemikalien am Ende tatschlich eingesetzt werden knnen. Er und seine Frau setzen bei der Berufswahl ab

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Elevate user experiences with our expert mobile app development. Whether it's Android, iOS, Flutter, or React Native, we specialize in crafting apps that seamlessly align with your vision. Let's build something extraordinary!

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Oooh, look... just updated with some sweet new features!

If you are looking for a great alternative player, I highly recommend this .

Customizable flexible UI, scrobbling support, and now playback speed controls, and more! Such an essential tool!

WhatsApp Cross-Platform Functionality Will Not Initially Support Groups, Calls

GoPros New Annual Subscriptions Add Many Perks and Cost up to $100

Wir verbringen teils Stunden am Tag damit, um uns durch , und zu scrollen. Sollten nicht wir selbst die Kontrolle haben, was wir uns ansehen, anstelle eines Algorithmus, der uns die Inhalte vorschreibt Dies fragte sich der Entwickler von , James Parrott, und entwickelte kurzerhand die --.

Alle Infos zu feeeed:

Garage An open-source distributed object storage service tailored for self-hosting. S3-compatible API, single Rust binary that is installable everywhere.

The only good thing about this experience is that it pushed me to write about it on my - So full of rage!

what a garbage application

Anyone else enjoying journal


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