Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder



Worst is which say "Better with our !" when I literally want to smack their daces and scream at them: "IT'S LITERALLY YOU DAULT, ASSHOLES!"

in your space with "Spruce Up", try out in & on &

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Has anyone else experienced this

I just updated the official on today, and when trying to open any standard page URL, there is an in-app popup stating, "There's no app to handle this action".

These are links that were working fine in the previous app version that now won't open inside Mastodon's in-app browser.

They are the usual '/watchv=xxxx' page links and not embed codes, etc. Perhaps I missed something, or added a new setting, but I'm stumped.

YouTube rinnova il player Android: ecco le novit

I mean, I suspected the wind speed prediction might be a bit off, but it's always wise to double check...



WhatsApp testa nuovi temi e colori anche su Android

Tip: Met Signal voor Android en iPhone kun nog sneller berichten bewerken door twee keer snel te tikken op een verzonden bericht. In Signal Desktop kun je je laatste bericht snel bewerken door op het pijltje omhoog op je toetsenbord te drukken.

Dit en meer tips lees je in onze uitgebreide Signal Handleiding

iPhone Phone App, iOS 18. There are so many ways of making a call these days, but one thing I noticed in the phone app, is that there is now a search box on the recent calls screen. So now if you go to the recent tab of the phone app, you no longer have to swipe down trying to find what you are looking for. You can just use the search box to quickly find it.

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Aqu tienes las mejores App que te ayudarn a iluminar todas tus fotos... y GRATIS.

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Estos son todos los datos que (sabemos que) Google Maps recopila de sus usuarios

Apple e Amazon insieme: Apple TV+ arriva su Prime Video

Der App-Zwang nimmt Nutzern die Wahlfreiheit, zwingt zur Nutzung von Apple- und Google-Diensten und macht Datenschutz ohne technisches Know-how fast unmglich.


Einfach zu benutzender und anpassbarer Open-Source Podcast-Manager.

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Android 16: le bolle flottanti diventano realt per tutte le app

Almost done with a small built in only using . The documentation and references left a lot to be desired but once past the first learning hurdle, its actually really nice.

Its also been an intro to and I get why people like it so much. Definitely will be using it more in the future.

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Search function just working at

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Its infuriating when apps misuse notifications so badly that I have to give up the functionality of the app to avoid them spamming me about unrelated and unwanted stuff I didnt ask for. The bar is so low for being a good citizen on iOS.

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is digital nicotine meant to hook kids, AGs fume in new suits

entering the are pitted against some of the most powerful and manipulative features in the world
The apps design including its , ',' push , filters and in-app boost the companys at the expense of childrens

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Threads: arriva la condivisione diretta dei Reel da Instagram

One UI 7: Samsung conferma beta pubblica, ma con ritardi

This app makes it simple to use my mac without a mouse

Using a Mac is known for its seamless user experience, but there are times when using a mouse .

Read more :

Anyone in Fediverse who wants an Invitation code of App Follow and would like to give it a try, please DM me. I still have some.

This message is used to verify that this feed (feedId:66820791848562688) belongs to me (userId:41363030845710336).

This message is used to verify that this feed (feedId:66821268903409664) belongs to me (userId:41363030845710336).

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Make your own Tour App

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Mit der neuen bekommen Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher Meldungen direkt aufs Smartphone.

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