Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

A cool idea () an app that you use to collect and organize all of your ideas, books, art, etc. and it auto generates a cool static site for you to post to say Neocities. Would you use such an

in of .

allegedly his through .

I am trying to figure out how to turn on on the , either on the iPhone or on the Apple TV.

I cant find anywhere to do that.

I am using the DirecTv app and I also have their satellite service.

New Accessible iPhone AI Memo App. The app is called Whisper Memos, and this app lets you record a quick memo, and once your done, it will transcribe it, and then email the results to you. The app is free to download and is totally accessible. I heard about the app on Jonathan Mosens Living Blindfully podcast. Here is the app store link. .

Ich habe schon lngere Zeit immer mal wieder etwas von Temu mitbekommen. Jetzt ist es aber an der Zeit, dass wir uns mal darber unterhalten. Denn ganz ehrlich, da stimmt was nicht. Ja, wir mssen uns nicht darber unterhalten, dass alles etwas zurckhaltend fr gut befunden werden sollte, was aus dem Reich der Mitte kommt. Aber der orange Laden wird nun mal

Design Milk : Former Drone Team Possibly Designs the Most Advanced Hair Dryer Ever -light Oral

My wife was looking for a simple image editing app for the ipad that didn't cost anything and ended up using my new drawing app on Brush Ninja I didn't suggest it to her cos I didn't think it was powerful enough but she says it had everything she wanted.

Watch the forced creep in action

Let op: Samenreiskorting is vernieuwd! Tot 22 april 2024 kun je de korting nog op je OV-chipkaart zetten bij een NS-kaartautomaat. Daarna kan dat niet meer, en moet dat op, in de NS-app of bij de NS-servicebalie.

Note: Samenreiskorting has been renewed! Until 22 April 2024, you can still put the discount on your card at an NS card machine. Later you will no longer be able to do so, but go, in the NS app or at the NS service desk.

EU opens formal investigation into TikTok over possible online content breaches

Make your own Tour App

Nur 5 Apps! Februar 2024

The search for extraterrestrial life is targeting Jupiters icy moon Europa

und : Das kenianische bietet ber seine und eine mobile nachhaltige an und legt deren offen

Kann mein das und das Ah, bevor ich ins kalte Lager runterlaufe und die Kiste auspacke und hochfahre, kuck ich doch lieber einfach kurz im Offline-Modus in der Fernsteuerung/ frs Pult nach.

an und Schalten Sie den Computer nicht aus!

Okay, ich geh ja schon runter.

Open-Source-Aufgabenlisten und Erinnerungen. (Fork der Astrid Aufgaben- und To-do-Liste)

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Tagungsbericht Interdisciplinary Workshop 2023 for Young Scientists in Mahdia, Tunisia
Supported by the GDCh, young scientists met for the tenth time in an Arab country at an Interdisciplinary Workshop on October 4th, 2023. The event took place in advance of the Humboldt Kolleg Functional Material Development for New World in Mahdia, Tunisia (October

Mehrere Eventinhalte ab heute in Pokmon Masters EX

Neue Gefhrtenpaare knnen nun erhalten werden.

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I opened up MyFitnessPal today... it seems I had both rapid weight loss AND rapid weight gain right after Thanksgiving. Either I REALLY need to watch it, or MyFitnessPal needs MyMathPal.

When a person needs an that will do the job.

#Pensando ancora (fin troppo) alle #fotocamere dei #NintendoDS, non posso fare altro che riconoscere quel pattern, secondo molti moderno ma che in realt appunto va indietro anche di tutti questi anni, per cui #Nintendo deve per forza introdurre un peggioramento nei suoi prodotti dopo aver introdotto un qualche miglioramento

A livello hardware non ci sono strani #particolari: le #camere hanno la stessa risoluzione (640480, #VGA praticamente), ma quelle del 3DS dovrebbero essere pi accurate e la risoluzione dei display delle due #console rispettivamente 256192, e 400240 / 320240, quindi meglio sul #Nintendo3DS. Per il #software

Insomma, dati questi #dettagli, non scontato dire quale delle due app di #fotografia migliore, e probabilmente una conviene pi dellaltra solo a seconda delle situazioni. Per fortuna, su un #3DS moddato si possono avere entrambe, e infatti io me la gioco cos.

#3DS #app #camera #camere #console #dettagli #DSi #foto #fotocamera #fotocamere #fotografia #funzioni #immagini #mobile #Nintendo #Nintendo3DS #NintendoDS #particolari #Pensando #scatto #software #VGA

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I found out that Google Podcasts was a simple and convenient podcast app. But Google decided to kill it.

As of today there are two opensource non-PWA podcast apps for iOS: Pocket Casts and Anytime Podcast Player. Not very broad choice, hehe.

I decided to stick with Pocket Casts for the future times.

Une alternative WinDirStat qui se dit 46 fois plus rapide. C'est un outil qui permet d'analyser tout votre disque dur ou SSD et de dterminer quels sont les plus gros fichiers et rpertoires en terme de taille. Parfait pour faire du mnage.


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How bacteria-fighting viruses could go mainstream

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Einfach zu verwendende kartenbasierte Anwendung, die Echtzeit-Blitzdaten des gesamten Blitzortungsnetzwerks visualisiert. Die aktuelle Gewittersituation immer zur Hand.

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Weekly Post #7

Talking about building CLI apps and not even considering Python, the one language everyone loves Not anymore, I take a closer look at Python lang in my next blog post of the series 'Cross Compilation Adventures'


Der ist dafr bekannt, dass er wirklich jede Videodatei abspielen kann. Die fr , und das wurde jetzt aktualisiert. Rund neun Monate nach dem letzten greren auf Version 3.4 bringt v3.5 vom Media Player nun einige spannende Neuerungen und Verbesserungen mit sich. -Fans drfen sich ber eine Integration von Apples freuen.

Alle Infos:

Among the plethora of options available , Telegram stands out as a popular choice for connecting with others. Is Telegram safe to use Let's dive into the nuances of Telegram to provide clarity on this crucial . Launched in 2013 by Russian brothers Pavel and Nikolai Durov, Telegram aimed to revolutionize messaging by prioritizing privacy and speed. At its core, Telegram functions like any other messaging , allowing users to exchange ...

Unpopular opinion about UI / UX:

If your app has a hamburger menu it means you failed.

Rather than actually design a navigation system for your app, you created a junk drawer and just threw everything in there so you didnt have to think about it.

Do you agree Any examples where the hamburger menu is actually done well

difettosa, bocciata l' delle multe del Comune di . Per il giudice di pace un problema nelle notifiche impedisce al cittadino di pagare la sanzione ridotta.

v roce 2010.

New app posted by Brite AI Vision: Brite AI Vision

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