Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Absolutely LIVID that Google Photos has buried my manually-created Libraries under the new Categories tab, which is where stuffs all their bullshit. As if my content is less important than their classifier's failed attempts at sorting my images into their buckets. My shit's now an extra tap deep.

"Books and Magazines" No, that's box of cassette tapes.

stato appena aggiunto a Bitrequest, un' gratuita per commercianti. Funziona davvero bene ed super facile da configurare. Qualsiasi piccola attivit pu facilmente iniziare a usare Dash ora grazie a questa app!

Just a reminder to anyone owning/operating *ANY* or that serves the / that it is altogether to prevent users from A) Rejecting all or B) Accessing your site/app without accepting invasive/non-essential cookies.

and our regulators don't fuck around - regardless of where you're based - so please stay and - I still see upwards of half of all websites breaking these laws daily.

(mai 2019) mit 'n paar worte zu diesem chatprogramm statt signal, line, skype, etc.

(mai 2011) immerhin "gab's auch mal" ...noch zB msn, icq und weitere:
https:// www. diepresse .com/660432/apple-mac-schweres-sicherheitsproblem-in-skype

Power Ampache 2 deep link will be available in the release I'm going to push this evening!

Shared links will now have this structure:
For example in the demo I use:

If the user that shared the song is on the same server as the receiver, the song will be fetched by id, otherwise, if the users are not on the same server a search is triggered.

Make your own Tour App


Zeigt mit einem Fingerwischen an der Ladesule die gnstigste Ladekarte.

HandBrake 1.8.2 Video Transcoder Adds FFmpeg 7.0.2 Support and Fixes Bugs HandBrake 1.8.2 open-s...
HandBrake 1.8.2 Video Transcoder Adds FFmpeg 7.0.2 Support and Fixes Bugs HandBrake 1.8.2 open-s...

From now on, I only take my notes using my voice and the Voicenotes app, where I have just taken out a Pro subscription. The transcription via AI is incredibly good. Try it for yourself!

Ich nutze auch, wie oben erwhnt, in einem von und empfehle dies. Doch immer noch wird mir misstraut, da es frei ist und scheinbar keine Staus anzeigt, obwohl die mir dies vorwerfen in Staus stehen bleiben.

OpenStreetMap 20 Jahre offene Alternative zu , und Co.
Als gegrndet wurde, kannte es nur eine Handvoll . Mittlerweile ist der fast abgedeckt und nicht nur in ntzlich.

Eine weitere im hat Einzug in meine erreicht. Fr werde ich zuknftig verwenden. Durch das Fediverse kann man ja auch dann mit Mastodon schn folgen.

Wer dies tun mchte, hier der Benutzername:

Sowas nenne ich ein wirkliches

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 56 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

HeliBoard - A privacy-conscious and customizable open-source keyboard, based on AOSP / OpenBoard

What open source rss app would you recommend for iPhone, currently using NetNewsWire, but something with at least a basic algorithm or filter list of some sort would be nice.

Prenditi un momento per rilassarti con questa semplice pratica di mindfulness: chiudi gli occhi e sorridi.

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Take a moment to relax with this simple mindfulness practice: close your eyes and smile.

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Neues Episodenevent und Pepper ab heute in Pokmon Masters EX

Ab heute ist Pepper in Pokmon Masters EX verfgbar.

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Time Internet Will Replace Its Legacy App With Home Fibre

"Community is at the heart of Newsmast and is the driving force behind everything the Foundation choses to do."

Check out the latest blog from our own on why the latest updates to the Newsmast app can help us grow community.

You can download or update the Newsmast app on Apple App Store or Google Play. You can also visit on web at

Google Makes Big Changes to Photos App Ahead of Gemini AI Integration

Users,manly in and St. in ,of ,a messaging that provides end-to-end encryption,have been reporting glitches. Signal isn't allowing new sign-ups unless using or Signal's built-in bypass mode
What is happening I'm telling u

Nova Launcher, savior of cruft-filled Android phones, is on life support Nova Launcher feels the ...

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Apple introduceert nieuwe vergoedingen voor ontwikkelaars in de eu EU vergoedingen Markets Act Store beleidswijziging aankoopopties

Apple introduceert nieuwe vergoedingen voor ontwikkelaars in de eu EU vergoedingen Markets Act Store beleidswijziging aankoopopties

Malaysian Banks Integrate New Malware Shielding Tech To Their Mobile Apps

Earlier this week Newmast launched a big update with a few new features.

I'll be honest, I didn't expect to love them as much as I do. So here is my take on why they work so well alongside the ethos to build knowledgeable communities.

"Community is at the heart of Newsmast and is the driving force behind everything the Foundation choses to do."

Check out the latest blog from our own on why the latest updates to the Newsmast app can help us grow community.

Musk considers blocking X app in Europe and launches new subscription tiers It seems that Elon M...

How Crucial is Healthcare Mobile Application Development in Modern Healthcare

Healthcare mobile application development focuses on creating user-friendly, accessible, and efficient solutions that bridge the gap between patients and healthcare providers. These mobile apps empower users to manage their health, schedule appointments, access medical records, and even receive real-time health alerts.


KDE Frameworks 6.5 Released with Plasma Wayland and Dolphin Improvements KDE Frameworks 6.5 open...
KDE Frameworks 6.5 Released with Plasma Wayland and Dolphin Improvements KDE Frameworks 6.5 open...


entfernt Exif-Daten und reduziert die Bildgre vor dem Teilen.

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Friday sketches.

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Alguna app de celular que me permita cambiar entre varias de mis cuentas del fediverso Ms que nada para tener mi pixelfed y mi Mastodon en el mismo lugar, en mi celular que si jala apps y tiene buena cmara.
ltimamente he comenzado a crear contenido con el celular, es conveniente para la inmediatez aunque me cuesta acostumbrarme y meter todas mis cuentas en un mismo lugar. Ya a Google le parte la cabeza que quiera tener ms de una cuenta de YouTube logueada jaja.

Potebuju tip na njakou pro - chtl bych nco jako desktopovej Kontact / Thunderbird, jen na telefon. Defaultn Zoho appky stoj za bakoru a snam se degooglifikovat...

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