Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

ADDENDUM: Hes going to Scotland for spring break!

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Make your own Tour App

tutorials finished. Start creating your multi-screen games now! Tutorials soon!

Vandaag ons moeder weer eens mogen helpen, en daarbij de indruk gekregen dat niet n van de Rabobank programmeurs zlf bankiert bij de
WAT EEN F**KIN DRAAK VAN EEN APP MAN! Zelf een Gen-Z kan hier niet mee bankieren...archasche troep

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Fast htten wir diese Woche unsere aktuelle Aufnahme ausfallen lassen mssen. Doch spontan und ohne Vorbereitung haben der Maik und ich un

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Vertex developed a CRISPR cure. Its already on the hunt for something better.

The way you can swipe quickly between your own lists is awesome. I got some positive reactions when showing this video clip on Discord. They didn't believe Mastodon could even look this good.


Guess the by Charles Chaplin.

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Techfirmen besttigen - Regierungen benutzen Push-Nachrichten zur heimlichen

Immer wieder hinweisen:
Dies lsst sich schon teilweise umgehen zB in dem mensch sich nicht bei & Co. anmeldet und eine -Alternative nutzt. Bei 's zB darauf achten, nicht die hungrigsten zu nutzen, die es als Alternativen bei gibt.

Visual Capitalists New App is Now Available!

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Meta and Instagram dropped new Notes that will improve the short word , and before it was only centered on text, it already features multimedia experiences. In the latest update, it is getting more of a touch of Instagram's branding with the new Video Note that will allow you to post a short clip, alongside the ability to send multimedia replies via the . Venturing over to the Instagram now and going to the Notes feature will lead ...

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Wo finde ich denn in der , die und die Timeline Ich finde da nirgendwo einen .

My first app published on Google Play!!! Cross Clock is an app that focus on providing easy-to-read world time design setting accurate alarm with specific time zone. You will be able to set an alarm in specific time zone without calculating time difference.
This app is the first work in CrossWare series and is still in early version. More functions are on the way and more cool apps are in plan. Welcom to send any feedback to me.
Links to the app:

Post-It Plus makes categorizing and analysis of sticky notes post-session just about as simple as possibleand the price is right!


first look at a possible dark mode setup.

Volendo realizzare una piccola #demo (per un #concept che per me non ha una vera utilit oltre lessere uno spassoso #EsercizioDiStile), ho dovuto creare una piccola #applicazione #Android.

Pro: ora ho il #software che mi permette di fare quello che mi serviva, per cui non avevo trovato altre soluzioni gi fatte che fossero funzionanti. In realt, lidea iniziale era di fare una #app specifica per questa #dimostrazione, ma strada facendo ho deciso che avrei reso questa pi semplice e generica, potenzialmente utilizzabile anche per altri usi, e avrei implementato parte della mia logica sul mio #server con qualcosa di pi rapido. Quello che uscito fuori ora una piccolissima app che esegue codice #JavaScript fornito dallutente e permette a questo di interfacciarsi con API native. 3 API al momento, lmao. Non so se nel tempo la espander o no, ora mi serviva appena questa poca roba, e la #UX #grezza grezza perch non ho tempo. Il codice qu (ma non bello): .

Contro: la programmazione Android in s, che sempre un leggero incubo. Tuttavia, lunica alternativa teoricamente (chiss praticamente!) viabile sarebbe stata fare unapp per Symbian o J2ME, che certamente non avrebbe semplificato le cose. Vabb, anche per questo ho alla fine realizzato questa parte del mio progetto demo nel modo in cui ho detto. La cosa pi strana attuale del codice (Content Warning: ) Il fatto che io debba tenere una classe dedicata funzionalmente vuota per dichiarare luso di un BroadcastReceiver allOS, anche se io nella pratica quello lo uso nella MainActivity, e non nella classe che specifico nel manifest per quel permesso (perch non riesco a mettere MainActivity l). Ah, per questo per quanto non abbia senso, funziona. La cosa veramente pi strana, invece, lo perch non funziona: su #Android4.4 (mio target) la UI a posto, mentre su #Android13 (che monta il mio #smartphone principale) manca la barra dellactivity, e quindi non c manco modo di accedere al menu vabb, il #programma deve funzionare sul #telefono #vecchio, e l appunto va.

(Ma come far ad accadere questo #bug )

Nel mezzo: ne ho approfittato per provare #Kotlin un pochino, che avevo sempre snobbato, e adesso me ne pento di non avergli dato una chance prima. molto pi piacevole di #Java da usare, secondo me, sintassi estremamente pi pulita e concisa. Kotlin compila in #bytecode #dalvik e in generale targetta la #JVM direttamente, quindi le #API sono quasi identiche a Java, e avendo usato quello non bisogna imparare quasi nulla di nuovo sintassi a parte appunto, che per si impara semplicemente scrivendo, esotica ma assolutamente non esoterica.

E giustamente vi chiedete, a che mi serviva esattamente Se rientra nellessere un sano #WeekendProject come ho programmato ieri, allora domani lo saprete per ora non faccio spoiler, oltre a dire che il mio #MicroBlog potrebbe ottenere una funzione che solo #Twitter aveva e solo nei primissimi anni, e ora un concetto estinto. Non vi dico che leggendo il #SourceCode potete intuire, ma mai dire mai

#Android #Android13 #Android4 #API #app #applicazione #bug #bytecode #concept #dalvik #demo #dimostrazione #EsercizioDiStile #grezza #Java #JavaScript #JVM #Kotlin #MicroBlog #programma #server #smartphone #software #SourceCode #telefono #Twitter #UX #vecchio #WeekendProject

Proton Mail introduces a beta version of its Mac , providing a sneak peek into advanced set to reshape security. Users can opt for the premium Visionary tier subscription at $40 per month for immediate access. It might be quite expensive for starters, but , let's take a look at its new features to see if it's worth the price or not. ProtonMail, renowned for user-friendly PGP encryption, extends its reach with the beta release of the Mac ...

New app added to the Accessible Apps directory by Amir: CCleaner Phone Cleaner. Accessible. Brought to you from the makers of the worlds most popular PC and Mac cleaning software, CCleaner for Android is the ultimate Android cleaner. Quickly and easily remove junk, reclaim space, monitor your system and more, and truly master your device.

Admit it: you thought webmd was an attempt to have markdown replace HTML as the standard web markup language.

Vertex will pay tens of millions to license a controversial CRISPR patent

The two words that pushed international climate talks into overtime

For some time now, I've had an idea for an application that could make my life easier and perhaps be useful to others.

Recently, I wrote down what functionalities I want it to have and started designing all the parts on paper.

I know I want to use Gtk/Adwaita, some kind of database, and Markdown export/import.

Here's the fun part: my coding skills are virtually non-existent. I have some experience with PHP, mostly from the time before OOP came along, and in the recent years I've started and dropped a few tutorials on YT (Python and Vala IIRC).

I want to use building this app to finally learn how to code, whether it takes months or years to complete.

What language would you recommend for this task Easy to learn, with online resources available, simple to use with Gtk and a lightweight database.

so.. heres a work in progress for a teenage engineering inspired ios setup. im not satisfied with the light icons yet and the drop shadows underneath the custom app icons drive me nuts. they appear no matter if i add the shortcuts with a blank space or with no text at all. (shorter / wider shadows)

does anybody know if this is a bug or if it has to do with the colour of the wallpaper

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Guess the by Darlan Cunha.

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Wenn sich Super-Apps etablieren wrden, gbe es unterschiedliche Arten von ihnen, oder wre alles in einer App

The new looks and feels really nice.

Jetzt ist mein Weltbild wieder gerade gerckt. erlaubt doch keine Nacktheit, anders als noch vor wenigen Tagen gro angekndigt. Nun so: "Upon reflection, we have decided that we went too far with this change."

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Wie weit hinken wir in DE in Sachen Digitalisierung hinterher Meilenweit.

Das Bild zeigt eine chinesische App zur Navigation im Auto. Die App zeigt alle mglichen Parameter an, u.a. das mE sehr ntzliche Feature der Lnge der Ampel-Rotphase vor dem Fahrzeug.

Ergebnis u.a.: Niemand heizt (unntig) auf die nchste Ampel zu.


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integration is already present in many apps, and this includes Spotify, but so far, its top which helps playlists via generative AI is not yet available, until now. Some users claim they already saw this feature from the , calling it "Spotify's ChatGPT," with the feature able to create a new collection of songs, based on what they requested. It was regarded that this feature is currently under testing, with earlier reports finding it on ...

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An end-of-session update: This week, I gave notice in the Senate that I intend to move that both Canadas Chief Actuary and the Parliamentary Budget Officer conduct their own inquiries into the impact of Albertas proposed withdrawal from the CPP on Canadians.
