Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited , such as the or you are using, your non-precise location, your type or which you are interacting with. Information about your activity on this service can be stored and combined with other information about you or similar users. Your profile can be used to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities....

FREE Horror Titles on Crackle in February
Winter temperatures may still be flexing on your neighborhood but your friends from Crackle are showing what REAL chills look like with these FREE horror titles in February!

Blood Widow

Feature Film

Laurie and Hugh are a successful young couple who have just closed on a weekend home away from the city. When their friends explore the...

Grandi offerte su app e giochi nel Play Store!


Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited , such as the or you are using, your non-precise location, your type or which you are interacting with. Information about your activity on this service can be stored and combined with other information about you or similar users. Your profile can be used to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities....

New app added to the Accessible Apps directory by Editorial Staff: Tasty. Accessible with few unlabeled buttons. Meet your new cooking coach! Over 3000 Tasty recipes now at your fingertips.

Universidad Nacional asegura que trabajadores de plataformas de domicilios no son autnomos y dependen de las apps

ist und bleibt digitales .
Es gibt in Deutschland stand 29.1.2024 immer noch keine elektronische und auch kein digitales .
Nein, gibt es nicht.
Jedenfalls nicht funktionierend.

Ich habe jetzt die , App, App und die App installiert, diverse QR Codes gescannt, Kundennummern und PINs abgetippt und nach zwei Stunden genervt aufgegeben.

kann Deutschland einfach nicht!

Cercando altro ho trovato questo: app completamente senza traccianti n pubblicit.
Le provo tutte

New app added to the Accessible Apps directory by Editorial Staff: SMS Backup & Restore. Accessible. SMS Backup & Restore is an app that backs up (creates a copy of) SMS & MMS messages and call logs currently available on the phone. It can also restore messages and call logs from already existing backups.

Buenos das! Do you Duolingo I do, every day, for several years. I've come across some things that make me go, "DAMMIT Do!" over the years. Here a a few.
Next week, I'll talk about things I really like about the app and system.

with this . It shows ypu what brands support isreal and you can scan barcodes

Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited , such as the or you are using, your non-precise location, your type or which you are interacting with. Information about your activity on this service can be stored and combined with other information about you or similar users. Your profile can be used to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities....

The contentious path to a cleaner future


Neue Newsletter-Ausgabe zu Pokmon Masters EX verffentlicht

Ein berblick auf die kommenden Inhalte wurde verffentlicht.

Zur News:

Arc Search: a new iPhone app combining browser, search, and AI - The Verge

How wastewater could offer an early warning system for measles

AAT Another Activity Tracker

GPS-Tracking Anwendung fr sportliche Aktivitten, mit Schwerpunkt Radfahren. Untersttzt offline Karten.

I have the , not the device. I liked it, back when I was still buying books from them. I'd been able to successfully add my other PDF ebooks to my Kindle for reading with their app. I haven't been able to take my Kindle-bought ebooks off their app though.

And now (I guess it's Google's fault) to buy a book from them is a little inconvenient, as it can't be done from the app... I gotta go to the website to make purchases.

Analytik Gerche sind subjektiv oder nicht
Wenn Menschen sensorische Eigenschaften bewerten, kann das nicht objektiv sein. Nun untersttzt ein Echtzeitsensor die Analyse flchtiger organischer Verbindungen, etwa von Kirscharomen.Geruchsempfinden ist ein komplexer und vor allem ein subjektiver Prozess: Erfahrungen, Assoziationen, Alter, Geschlecht, Gesundheitszustand, individuelle Unter

Spotify CEOApple
Apple Digital Markets ActDMA
The post Spotify CEOApple appeared first on .
# Store

For a while I've used only the official app, although I've got also installed.
Then I've switched to app, however, I think it is quite confusing compared to the official app.
So, let's try Tusky and see.
Any other recommendation for Mastodon and why

iPadOS iPhone
Apple iOS 17.4 Beta Sideloading App Store
The post iPadOS iPhone appeared first on .

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Bisher war die Sache ziemlich simpel: Wenn man sich eine auf oder herunterladen wollte, dann konnte man das einfach im erledigen. Das knnte schon bald ganz anders aussehen: Denn ab Mrz wird von der dazu gezwungen, auch alternative Quellen fr eine App-Installation zuzulassen. Das und mehr waren unsere Themen der Woche:

Just re-read this and as I have since bought an that I take around, I would like to add my own observations about using it.

1. I found that it even works well if I discreetly carry it in a loose pocket.

2. Readings in different parts of stores or other places may vary, so one value is not representative.

3. As a default it takes readings only every 5 minutes. I use the and Bluetooth to trigger more frequent readings, for short visits or bus rides.

2 nouvelles ont t libres:

Fossify Contacts :

Fossify SMS Messenger:

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 56 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Sehr ntzliche ab 13: " - Dim your flashlight"

Aprovecha mientras dure: 81 apps y juegos de pago de Android que estn gratis o en oferta por tiempo limitado

79 ofertas de Google Play: aplicaciones y juegos gratis y con grandes descuentos por poco tiempo

Card Decks

A app from The

"See for yourself why millions of couples worldwide have benefited from The Gottman Institutes research-based approach to relationships. Inspired by the popular card decks from The Art and Science of Love weekend workshops for couples (now available virtually) this fun app offers helpful questions, statements, and ideas for improving your relationship "

Os 5 melhores aplicativos para acompanhar voo de todas as companhias areas nos aeroportos


now have a better way to authenticate users using the new Credential Manager. Credential Manager is a Jetpack that brings together various sign-in methods into a single API, which will make it easier for users to become authenticated, regardless of their preferred sign-in method. According to the Android team, the simplification provided continue reading
The post Android authentication just got simpler with Credential Manager ...

Beluga is an iOS app that lets you post microblogs. Whats unique is that it posts to S3-compatible storage, using your own credentials. Bring your own storage!

No support for self-hosted Minio or similar custom endpoints - yet!

What are some peoples must have apps for iOS
I like trying new apps.

Sobald die die Funktion erhlt, dass man Bilder via Teilen-Funktion an sie bergeben kann, werden ich wieder paar schne Erinnerungen ablegen knnen auf dem Pixelfed Account.
Aktuell ist der stillgelegt, weil's zu umstndlich ist. Fotos auswhlen, an teilen, speichern. Pixelfed App starten, Bilder (die in ImagePipe verkleinerten) erneut auswhlen und weiter.

Als Alternative zur Audiothek kann ich die sehr empfehlen. Dort kann man beides: Durch die Empfehlungen stbern oder gezielt suchen oder Podcasts teilen - inkl. RSS-Feed




Home Assistant

Steuere alle Gerte in deiner Home Assistant-Instanz.

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