Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Airbnb has introduced icons a new category of extraordinary experience.

Users can find the greatest names from music, film, TB, art, sports and more all in one place icons.

Airbnb has also redesigned messages where guests and hosts can connect and react with emojis.

Added profiles that put users and trips in focus, recently viewed listings, new highlights for listings and updates to the earnings dashboard to mention a few.

is IMO the most important app related to health and workouts you can find on .

In many ways it is better than .

I just upgraded from awesome supporter to fantastical supporter and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in insight and statistics. Or sharing selected workouts from AppleHealth to Strava, etc.

Schau mal neele : Wr das was fr dich

alguna vez usaron

Era un recurso re-bueno. Pero ahora est fuera de lnea.

Era una app que generaba visualizaciones de acordes y escalas para cualquier instrumento de diapasn en cualquier afinacin.

Yo lo usaba para estudiar New Standard Tuning.

Conocen un recurso similar

I finally shipped my first iOS app! Its called Photospots -> . It helps photographers save, organize and share their favorite photography locations.
Pls check it out

AppLovin Corporation ( ) is currently forming a low with decreasing volume. We'll be watching to see if it can reverse this trend from here, similar to what we observed with Primoris Services Corporation ( ). For insights and comparisons, check out the detailed post on Mastodon:

Happy Monday Folks! Who's ready to get more customers AND MORE MONEY If you're wanting to scale your stack, I'd love to help! I'm a tech lead with over 12 years experience in JavaScript, Python, PostreSQL, golang and so much more!

Whether you have a site or , Reach out to me today!

Wer heute vor der extremen ins flieht, kommt hufig vom Regen in die Traufe, meint Yossi Bartal in seiner neuen nd.Digital-Kolumne, und mchte fr zuknftige Exilanten eine entwickeln.

Building a real-time chat app or collaborative document editor

Firestore offers a seamless alternative to Websockets for listening to real time events.

Learn how to power up your app with Firestore in our latest blog!

I did it!

Catima Das Kartenetui
Fr deine Barcodes, Mitgliedschaften, Treueprogramme, Gutscheine und Tickets.

Although SAS has been struggling recently, you got to appreciate their digital focus. The is well made, has been thought through. It is not messy and is useful within the Apple experience.

How about saving drafts in the similarly to the experience on I sometimes write some thoughts on the flights without connectivity and Im sure Im not alone.

Manchmal richtet sich Marketing nicht an die Kundin, sondern an die Auftraggeberin. Das geht dann an der Sache vorbei, stellt aber z.B. die Firma so dar, wie die Auftraggeberin sich gerne sehen wrde.
Ich glaube, in der ist das fast grundstzlich der Fall. Adressiert werden hier Stellen, die das Produkt nicht nutzen, aber irgendwo ein Fax mit versenden und ber eine reden wollen.


Movs4u APK MOD 4.0.1 ( )

Movs4u APK . . Movs4u APK . !


Bilanz Henkel 2023 Verbinden, schtzen, reinigen
Henkel aus Dsseldorf hat umgebaut. Das Kosmetik- und Waschmittelgeschft zusammenzulegen senkte Kosten. Zweites Standbein bleibt das Geschft rund um Klebstoffe.Im Jahr 2023 lag der Umsatz des Konzerns Henkel bei 21,5 Mrd. Euro und damit um 3,9 Prozent unter Vorjahr. Negativ wirkten Wechselkurseffekte und geringere Verkaufsmengen. Positiv schlug

sera que la de tiene algun , no pude reservar un bono, el icono aparece con un punto rojo, pero no da mas info ...

Die Unsichtbaren sichtbar machen

Stamattina tra diverse distrazioni sono finalmente riuscita a creare cloni della app di #Firefox (Fennec, aka v68) per #Android, senza ricompilare da sorgente cosa che ieri sera stavo per arrendermi a fare, ma ovviamente ho constatato che non funziona nulla, col build system loro e i sorci vecchissimi. Dopo non pochi tentativi con estrattori ed editor di #APK a non finire (mentre che stavo in realt cercando di crackare un cloner di app molto pay to win, lol) scopro che Lucky Patcher ha una sua funzione di #clonazione. Perch non fare un tentativo allora

Era davvero cos semplice Evidentemente si ma, in primis il nome non cambiato correttamente, e quindi non appare diverso in alcuni launcher e poi licona rimane uguale, che un po un problema quando devi differenziare tra il clone e la app originale. Per sistemare queste rogne servono per forza altri strumenti, quelli che da soli non stavano funzionando, e allora:

Onestamente, non capisco perch modificare il nome del pacchetto con le stesse accortezze che per clonare tutte le app semplici vanno bene, in questo caso non basta e porta il browser a crashare ma ho visto che il Fortunello , shiftando lettere di poche parole scelte in base a non so che criterio, portandole semplicemente una lettera avanti come gi fa per il nome del pacchetto.

A proposito di questo si, per creare un clone 2 con questo metodo bisogna partire clonando il primo APK clonato, e cos dallAPK 2 per creare un clone 3, ecc tedioso. I wish che Lucky Patcher facesse semplicemente scegliere il package name desiderato, ma purtroppo questa la cosa. Con queste condizioni, almeno 5 minuti di lavoro per creare ciascun clone ci vogliono, quindi: per non perderli io, e nel caso servissero a voi, metter i miei vari APK .

#3 #Android #AndroidManifest #APK #apktool #app #applicazioni #clonazione #cloning #Fennec #Firefox #LuckyPatcher #modding #Mozilla #packagename #patching

bersicht der Spezialmissionen zum Community Day mit Frubberl in Pokmon GO

Frubberl erscheint heute besonders oft in Pokmon GO.

Zur News:

Recommendations requested: animation apps

12yo is into animation and video. He's used Gatcha apps and dabbled with a few others and wants to get a bit more serious about it.

He would like something:
On Linux or Android
Not an AI feeder or otherwise privacy invasive
With tutorials (integrated or elsewhere)
With a library of elements

What would people suggest

Thank you!

(Boosts welcome)

Probably a small thing, but I finally learned how to make these DMG installers with background image and custom icon for the volume

Call Counter

Kontrolle des Plans von ausgehenden Anrufen und gesendeten SMS.

Kennt jemand eine , die sich ins "Teilen"-Men integriert und Tracking-Parameter aus URLs entfernt

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 54 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

41 apps premium gratis por tiempo limitado (3 semana de mayo)

I have a draft on app. Its not actually there and I dont know how to remove the little draft button.

Discover new rock and metal releases in our app

Apple blocked $7 billion in fraudulent App Store purchases in 4 Years. :appleinc:

Apple's antifraud technology has blocked more than $7 billion in potentially fraudulent transactions in four years, the company states in its latest annual fraud prevention analysis.

Installa e per seguire i movimenti della

Keka v1.4.0 for released

Shortcuts and X-Callback-URL for power users
Estimation time of operations, at least
More enhancements and multiple fixes

Whats new
Test it on
Get it on

Thanks for the continued love and feedback to all users!

Special thanks in this update:


Thanks to all the translators ! In this update:

Zwei Studenten entdecken eine - in der eines -Betreibers. Damit lassen sich Millionen an Guthaben aufladen. Die Firma scheint das aber nicht zu stren.

Wie, was, warum und berhaupt, wird ein solches plumpes Marketing wirklich blind geglaubt!

Anscheinend gibt es solche Innovationen von KI Time-Management Tools. Nun ja, daen Marketing funzt aber NICHT bei mir.

Kann die KI die Stunden vom Tag pltzlich verlngern!

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 60 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Going to use this bad boy with Eaglercraft:


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Introducing FootyFee, the latest app Ive been working on.

Guess the football (or soccer!) transfers based on the fee and teams involved!

sixth sense