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Mehrfach fr euch getestet.

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One of his was 43 times, then

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Apple dzisiaj wydao uaktualnienie dla na Maca i iPada, dodajc mu kilka zaawansowanych funkcji Asystenta Masteringu, Sample Alchemy, Beat Breaker, Quick Sampler Recorder i wicej

Informacja prasowa

Dzisiaj Apple zaktualizowao Logic Pro o nowe, zaawansowane funkcje dostpne na komputerach Mac i iPadach. Dziki nowemu Asystentowi Masteringu i jego profesjonalnej palecie intuicyjnych narzdzi do ksztatowania dwiku muzycy mog dostarcza miks gotowy do wydania szybciej ni kiedykolwiek. Logic Pro dla komputerw Mac oferuje teraz niesamowit manipulacj samplami dziki Sample Alchemy oraz radykalne moliwoci przeksztacania i przetasowywania Beat Breaker. Logic Pro na iPada oferuje jeszcze bardziej zaawansowane funkcje, w tym tryb Quick Sampler Recorder, ktry pozwala uytkownikom szybko przechwytywa znalezione dwiki za pomoc wbudowanego mikrofonu w iPadzie i natychmiastowo tworzy wasne instrumenty, na ktrych mona gra. Producenci i twrcy beatw posiadajcy wasne kolekcje sampli mog szybko tworzy zestawy lub niestandardowe instrumenty, korzystajc z ulepszonych funkcji wielozadaniowoci, takich jak Split View i Stage Manager. Uytkownicy mog z atwoci pracowa pomidzy komputerem Mac i iPadem, korzystajc z moliwoci realizacji projektw w obie strony, zabierajc swoje dowiadczenia zwizane z tworzeniem muzyki w podr lub do studia.

Nowe funkcje dostpne na komputerach Mac i iPadach

Mastering Assistant oferuje twrcom szybki i atwy sposb na dodanie kocowego, profesjonalnego dopracowania miksu gotowego do wydania. Po zakoczeniu miksu Mastering Assistant moe natychmiast przeanalizowa dwik i dokona specjalistycznych udoskonale dwiku, dostosowujc takie elementy, jak dynamika, balans czstotliwoci, barwa i gono. Twrcy mog rwnie wykorzysta wstpne przetwarzanie Mastering Assistant jako punkt wyjcia, a nastpnie dostroi kade ustawienie za pomoc intuicyjnych elementw sterujcych, pozwalajc na miks, ktry bdzie brzmia wietnie zarwno w samochodzie, jak i w klubie.

Logic Pro obsuguje teraz 32-bitowe nagrywanie typu float, jeli jest uywane z kompatybilnymi interfejsami audio. Pomaga to artystom zminimalizowa cyfrowe przesterowania, ktre mog wystpi podczas nagrywania bardziej dynamicznych instrumentw lub wystpw. Dziki 32-bitowemu trybowi float nawet nagrania wykonane na niszych poziomach mona atwo wzmocni bez zwikszania poziomu szumw, zapewniajc dwik o studyjnej jakoci i elastyczno w postprodukcji.

Nowo w Logic Pro dla komputerw Mac

Wprowadzone na pocztku tego roku w Logic Pro na iPada funkcje Sample Alchemy i Beat Breaker s teraz dostpne w Logic Pro na komputery Mac. Sample Alchemy pozwala uytkownikom przeksztaci pojedyncz prbk audio w grywalny instrument przy uyciu rnych technik, w tym syntezy ziarnistej, addytywnej i widmowej. Artyci mog teraz tworzy szerok gam unikalnych ek dwikowych, padw, efektw i rytmw, przesuwajc granice kreatywnoci.

Dziki wtyczce z wieloma efektami Beat Breaker twrcy mog radykalnie przeksztaca i przetasowywa dwik w czasie rzeczywistym, wycinajc dwik, przestawiajc go i dodajc efekty skreczowania. Zmieniajc prdko, kierunek, gono i liczb powtrze kadego plasterka, muzycy mog bez wysiku definiowa zoone wzorce, ktre mona zmienia na bieco.

Menu Narzdzia w obszarze cieek oraz edytory oparte na czasie zawieraj teraz narzdzia przesuwania i obracania, umoliwiajce uytkownikom przenoszenie zawartoci w obrbie regionw instrumentw audio i programowych bez zmiany granic regionw.

Dzisiejsza aktualizacja Logic Pro dla komputerw Mac wprowadza dwa nowe pakiety dwikw: pakiet dwikw Hybrid Texts zawiera kolekcj 70 poprawek, a take ponad 80 Apple Loops z funkcj Sample Alchemy, natomiast pakiet dwikw Vox Melodics zawiera rnorodn kolekcj ponad 475 utworw lirycznych frazy, haczyki, warstwowe harmonie, efekty i pojedyncze ujcia. Uytkownicy mog pobra wszystkie bezpatne pakiety dwikowe aplikacji, korzystajc z Biblioteki dwikw.

Nowo w Logic Pro na iPada

Wtyczka Quick Sampler pozwala uytkownikom szybko tworzy instrumenty samplerowe z praktycznie dowolnego dwiku. Dziki nowemu trybowi rejestratora uytkownicy mog tworzy instrumenty i zestawy perkusyjne, bezporednio nagrywajc dwik za pomoc wbudowanego mikrofonu lub podczonego wejcia audio, dziki czemu tworzenie instrumentw moe odbywa si niemal wszdzie.

Teraz twrcy mog pynnie porusza si midzy Logic Pro i innymi aplikacjami, takimi jak Notatki gosowe lub Aplikacja Pliki, korzystajc z Split View i Stage Manager. Split View umoliwia uytkownikom otwieranie dwch rnych aplikacji  lub dwch okien z tej samej aplikacji  poprzez podzielenie ekranu na widoki o zmiennym rozmiarze, natomiast Stage Manager umoliwia uytkownikom zmian rozmiaru okien, wywietlanie wielu nakadajcych si okien w jednym widoku lub przeczanie midzy aplikacjami poprzez dotknicie. i wicej.

Uytkownicy mog szybko znale idealny dwik w przegldarce, po prostu przecigajc palcem w gr lub w d, aby wywietli podgld wielu sampli, ptli lub instrumentw. Dodatkowo uytkownicy mog wybiera i przeciga wasne prbki z aplikacji Files do Logic Pro, aby atwo budowa zestawy perkusyjne lub dodawa struny do projektu.

Logic Pro dodaje do swoich popularnych lekcji w aplikacji dodatkowe instrukcje obejmujce szeroki zakres tematw, w tym Asystent masteringu, Sample Alchemy, Beat Breaker, tworzenie beatw, automatyzacja, pakiety dwikowe i powierzchnie do zabawy. Pakiety dwikowe Hybrid Texts s take dostpne w Logic Pro na iPada, oferujc twrcom nowy materia do odkrywania mocy i gbi Sample Alchemy.

#App #logicPro #Oprogramowanie #Software

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Well, I didnt mean to switch my setup, but Im back to again! Its super-powered purple kryptonite and Im just scratching the surface. I only meant to test it out with HTML, which found a crack in my Apple Notes armor. Notes is a great app and I still have some use for it. But for my HTML coding and journaling, I find volcanic glass works best.

HTML parsing

Obsidians native language is Markdown. But it also speaks HTML at a basic level, which is much more than what Apple Notes can do with web markup code. Obsidian color codes HTML elements, offers line numbers, and has a handy built-in preview or reading mode. So as I draft my blog posts, marking them up with HTML tags, I can easily tap an icon to see my post as it will look online in final form. It doesnt auto-complete or suggest HTML items like Brackets or, I think, Textastic. Yet its a big step up in convenience and simplicity from Apple Notes even at a basic HTML level.


The app has a feature, called Daily Note. Its super simple yet very nice. Its a button that automatically creates or opens a note with the current date as the title. Even better, I have it set so when I open the Journal vault, the Daily Note also opens automatically, ready for soul-gushing. This is great for my daily journal entry. The date is formatted such that all my journal entries are sorted chronologically by title.

Using the , I was able to get all my notes out of Apple Notes and into a new vault in Obsidian. This let me easily move my thousands of journal entries into Obsidian as they were automatically converted to text files (.md). It worked like a charm! The only extra step, though, required me to set up the import on my MacBook. Then I could sync and do the bulk of the migration on my iPad. (Hint: give it time to index everything.)

The Vault

Enter the Vault. Besides organizing your data into a Folders, theres a high-level Vault system. Obsidian opens with a certain Vault its like the top parent folder. So the only folders or notes you see are the ones in that vault. Due to the special name and the way Obsidian shows only one vault at a time, Im able to focus better on my current task. It reduces the cognitive load I had in Apple Notes, where Id see all my folders for everything all at once. Different types of notes in folders were mixed among other same looking folders.

Obsidian lets me easily switch between vaults. I have one for Journaling and one for Blogging. When I open the former, the only folder hierarchy I see is the one specific to the way I organize my journal entries. And when I open the latter, I view only my blog folder scheme. An added bonus is that any Tags I use are specific to the vault. In Apple Notes monolithic approach, all my tags for everything were mixed I had to be more careful about how I tagged and organized notes.

Simple files

I prefer Obsidians fundamental setup, using discreet simple text files in the file system. Instead of creating a specialized database that locks in your data and obfuscates the filing system, Obsidian uses plain text in markdown files. You can easily organize your data freely in the native file system or within the app it just works either way. Apple Notes contains your data in a special database file. But Obsidian doesnt contain your data, rather leaving it in the open folder system on your computer. And it works across platforms Ive used it on macOS and Windows simultaneously with ease.

Speaking of simple files, Ive also stopped using Apple Notes to scan documents like receipts. Instead, I scan directly in the Files app, storing them in a specific folder as pdfs and tagging them. Its another way to use discreet files in the traditional file system instead of locking up everything in Notes. Also in Files, I can mark up scans with the Apple Pencil as in Notes.

Another advantage to storing my html files, notes, and scans in the file system (Obsidian or Files) is that I can easily create a clone or backup locally on a flash drive or external SSD right from my iPad, like its a real grown-up computer. Nice!


My current Obsidian setup is using the app on both iOS and iPadOS, with iCloud for sync. Im still using Apple Notes for my general notes that are less important long-term than my journals or blog data. But Ill probably import those to another separate Obsidian vault soon. Im not yet sure what Ill do with other types of notes though.

Apple Notes works well, but Obsidian works better for certain things. Among Notes strengths, its greatest is Apples overall ecosystem convenience. But Obsidian is some purple kryptonite strong enough to weaken my grip on Notes or Apples grip on me. And its better with its own key strengths like HTML functionality, the Daily Note, Vaults, the text file system, and some I didnt mention like note interlinking with backlinks. While it has me using the Notes app less, it has me using the Files app more, in multiple ways. Thats the principle of

Have you tried Obsidian

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Well.... I have two 3rd party FB apps.... Friendly and Folio.... And they're both getting less and less useful.

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Some ten years ago Shoutcast used to offer a possibility where by calling up a certain URL with a media player, it would return a playlist of ten randomly selected stations out of the entire catalogue. Launching that and listening to the first thing it would pick was a huge part of my morning routine back then and was especially useful during long commutes to school. My appreciation for music from different genres and corners of the world has expanded beyond imagination and every day I would be wondering what is it gonna be today: A morning show on a station somewhere in Greece, a bit of Liszt and Brahms or perhaps an obscure oldschool hiphop mixtape from the depths of Soundcloud. I was reminded about it last week as I put on a podcast in Hungarian and felt like I was on holiday and listening to a local station, not understanding a word but feeling connected with something local at the place I'm at - a really good feeling. Here's an idea for someone with a bit of time and coding skills to spare: we've got Radio Browser and its directory of over 30.000 stations. It's got an API method for fetching an array of randomly selected stations. Perhaps it would be possible to add this as a feature of an existing Radio Browser supporting app or create a dedicated gateway which, upon calling its URL with a media player would hit the RB API with a request and present a random station or more. Can't wait to get out of the usual bubble of streaming services' recommendations of music and experiencing all of the languages available.

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