Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder


AltStore iOS
+ AltStore
+ AltStore

sind da.

They want to ban but not () or who violate and enable and assist human rights violations far worse than that

Reminder the no thanks is how consumers ensure their money is not supporting a genocide.

Un outil qui permet de crer des animations trs simplement en utilisant des formes simples. J'ai test trs rapidement, et c'est trs bien fait !



Ehm Greenchoice....


Make your own Tour App

Speaking of, I've been butting heads with 's KeyStore for a while now, not only to extract secrets like this, but also when transferring from device to device.

If anyone has *any* information on how to force the system to use the software-backed keystore, and any tools to extract keys from it so I can move backups across devices, I'd love to know.

Similarly, if anyone knows of any way to use the hardware-backed keystore to decrypt secrets on a ed device, lmk.

Yesterday I woke up angry at the world. So I channeled my anger into getting rid of the useless I would otherwise need to log in to my company's account. OneLogin Protect is just an elaborate way to hide a token while simultaneously punishing people for exercising their device ownership by their device. Now I have the token I can just use any other app.

Does anyone know how to add a new item to a board on In the browser, even if I scroll on the end of a column, there is no input to do so. And also on the I cannot find an option for it.

bersicht der Spezialmissionen zum Community Day mit Knofensa in Pokmon GO

Knofensa macht heute Pokmon GO unsicher.

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Enable Accessibility Access

Google testing changes to the Phone

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Appena scoperta, in una delle mie ricerche di nuove app su F-Droid. Non sono la persona adatta a testarne le funzionalit ma spero possa essere utile a qualcun.

" una calcolatrice grafica scientifica e un tracciatore di funzioni su Android orientato a un foglio di lavoro. Offre la possibilit di modificare in tempo reale le identit matematiche e di eseguire calcoli estremamente precisi."

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 61 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Trust us when we say that the thing you can do for your is to take advantage of every social media platform out there.Since its humble beginnings as a photo and video sharing in 2011, Snapchat continues to be one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. While Instagram and TikTok seem to be dominating the social sphere, you cannot dismiss the importance of Snapchat. Just like on Instagram, the Snapchat economy runs on the ...

Auf den Straen des Wedding gibt es viel zu entdecken. Leider auch manches, was da nicht hingehrt. Mit einer gut gemachten App des Ordnungsamtes kann man mit einem Klick und einem Foto dafr sorgen, dass der Wedding ein bisschen aufgerumter wird.

Illegal abgestellter Mll im Wedding. Foto:. Rolf Fischer

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Das ist meine kostenlose Wunschlisten-App okurimono. Jetzt gratis fr iOS und Android.

Looking for some ideas. want to get more coding experience. What apps would you like. For or other interfaces, doesn't matter.

No les ha pasado que de pronto adquieren un que dice que las opciones son gratis en ese momento, y de pronto les llega una notificacin de un cargo a su mtodo de pago Si, me pasa seguido.

Ich bekam nach massivem bei und mehrere Tage nach kurz vor einer Reise eine - persnlich im Bro des . Ihre App wurde erst zum Uni-Semester einen Monat spter fertig. Es gibt bei uns keine ffentlichen Informationen zu einem Recht auf - fr . Laut Verkehrsverbund gibt es das nur noch als .

hnlich beim angeblich " ": bergangsweise gilt als , aber nur in . Offiziell gibts in 10 Tagen, ab 1. Mai 2024, in - nur noch ber aus Stores von & :

Finanziell prekr lebende mit gesplitterten Handydisplays, bewusst ohne Smartphone oder ohne Konzern-App-Store, mssen beim oder massiv einfordern.

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Devo ancora aggiungere un po di altre funzioni, ma diciamo che questo ennesimo #progetto comunque gi pronto per il pubblico, e allora fuck it: grazie ai poteri del silicio, ho creato #SpiderADB, una collezione di strumentopoli che hanno a che fare con il benedettissimo #AndroidDebugBridge, utilizzabili direttamente dal #browser senza installare un fico secco.

Si, ne ho voluto proprio approfittare e ho reso il tema della UI tale e quale a quello di #Android #Holo (Ice Cream Sandwich) bei tempi. Un po grazie , un po con miei aggiustamenti che ho fatto e far man mano, perch quella libreria abbastanza incompleta. La #webapp su !

Per ora funge solo su Chromium, perch le scimmie che lavorano ad Apple e Mozilla non hanno ancora, dopo credo ben 7 anni, implementato #WebUSB. In realt che implementa il porting di ADB, supporterebbe anche la connessione via rete, ma un casino che richiede comunque #software sullandroide o sul dispositivo host (per via di limitazioni della piattaforma #web), per cui, anche ammesso mi vada di sbattermi, non so quanto possa essere utile.

Comunque lidea di creare questo piripicchio viene dallaltro giorno, in cui dovevo dare dei comandi shell sul tablet (dove non ho il root) ma lunico altro dispositivo che avevo in quel momento era il telefono, dove a quanto pare il server #ADB in Termux non riesce a rilevare dispositivi via USB e non potevo nemmeno usare il TCP/IP, perch ero su VPN e non potevo scollegarmi. Alcune #app native ci sono, ma soltanto abbastanza mediocri, tralasciando il fatto che ad installare un #programma per ogni singola evenienza si finisce subito ad accumulare monnezza.

Ovviamente se esiste questa libreria che io ho usato, doveva esistere anche , simile in effetti alla mia di ora, per da un lato il terminale che c l buggato su #mobile, e dallaltro ho pensato quasi quasi di approfittarne per implementare #utility pi specifiche che l non cerano. Ad esempio, di roba in pi nella mia #applicazione c gi un listino di pacchetti installati che a breve diventer anche gestore effettivo, con pure funzioni di debloat, eheh.

#ADB #Android #AndroidDebugBridge #app #applicazione #browser #Holo #mobile #progetto #programma #software #SpiderADB #utility #web #webapp #WebUSB

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Why the heck would you do a deployment today when you could just hire a lead for your team to set the course for your project

Vyfarbovanie poda siel.
Vincent van Gogh.

Outside its light side lies a sinister trail of misinformation that endangers the lives of the users, especially the young ones. Since conspiracy theories and fake information are freely floating on the platform, was alerted to undergo necessary policy changes aimed at curbing them. In an update to its "For You feed Eligibility Standards" page, the ByteDance-owned outlined new rules scheduled to take effect on May 17. Among these changes are ...

My xmpp app has just been updated. Now I can have light blue and green speech bubbles on white, or pale mauve and a brighter greener blue on white, or olive and teal on black, or dark purple and teal on black.

The send button is either green on pale mauve, or lime on dark purple.

I much preferred the old setup where, outside of the participants' avatars, there was only one colour.

Am I abnormally sensitive, or is adding multiple colours (not of the user's choosing) to every eyeful of the app not an improvement

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Auch die heyOBI-App versendete kritische Daten an Dritte. Sie nahm im Test Kontakt zu insgesamt 17 Drittanbietern auf. Die Adjust GmbH erhielt neben Informationen ber die App-Nutzung (z.B. Zeitpunkt, Dauer) mit der Werbe-ID auch ein eindeutiges Erkennungsmerkmal des Testgerts. Die damit verknpften Informationen knnen einem bestehenden Personenprofil zugeordnet werden, aus dem Interessen und Vorlieben abgeleitet werden knnen.

Die Obi-App erfasste beim Shopping auch den Standort des Gertes und leitete diese Information an an die Suchmaschine Bing (Microsoft) und an den deutsch-amerikanischen Dienstleister Instana Inc. weiter. Bing bentigt den Standort, um die Filialen in der Nhe zu suchen und auf einer Karte anzuzeigen. Instana Inc. vermarktet einen Dienst, mit dem App-Anbieter Funktionsfehler in der App berwachen knnen. Wozu der Dienstleister den Standort des Gertes bentigt, ist unklar.

I can't believe it's another Friday. A sketch Friday it is!

TikTok hat eine neue App, in der die Nutzer fr hufiges Videogucken belohnt werden. Die EU frchtet jedoch ein Suchtrisiko fr Minderjhrige und verlangt schnelle Antworten.

What are your fitness app must-haves

I just published an article exploring the key features of 2024. Check it out & share your thoughts!

WhatsApp has the rollout of new Chat Filters, aiming to streamline message and improve user within the . If you find scrolling through your inbox tiring, this could be the key to alleviating the stress that you're experiencing when doing this thing. What Does Chat Filters Do. The latest update introduces three primary filters at the top of the main conversation list. According to the latest blog post of WhatsApp, ...

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iOS AltStore PAL
Apple iOS AltStore PAL iPhone App Store AltStore PAL 2019
The post iOS AltStore PAL appeared first on .
App PAL Store

I've written a little WebDAV server:

This is a webDAV / web server that serves the current directory as a web site.
It makes it convenient to upload/download files between your PC and a remote
device say a mobile phone (Android, iPhone etc) simply using the web browser.
A custom upload servlet makes it possible to upload files without a WebDAV client.

*new version*, see reply

More details in the readme:

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