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Es ist noch gar nicht so lange her, dass wir eine vom Indie-Entwickler vorgestellt haben: Die - Re-Frame, die das -Tablet in einen digitalen Bilderrahmen verwandelt. Vates ist allerdings auch mit anderen im deutschen vertreten. Eine davon, , hat nun ein interessantes kleines passend zum Start der am Freitag spendiert bekommen.

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I'm happy to announce that Libellus, my DnD wiki app, is now finally available on Flathub!
You can try it out here: (or in your distro's software store)

Particle is an innovative that helps readers understand different angles of a story by leveraging to summarize news from all kinds of publishers. The app is being developed by former Twitter engineers. Reuters is an early partner.

More details in this post by :

Why the Grammarly app is so much better than the browser extension - and how to configure it

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Con la nuova versione di iOS 18, Apple ha introdotto diverse novit per le applicazioni Calcolatrice e Mail

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Branchenbergreifend sind die wenigsten Chemieunternehmen zufrieden mit dem Jahr 2023. Viele sind aber zuversichtlich, dass das laufende Jahr besser wird. Hrden sind oft zu hohe Energiekosten, zu viel Brokratie und die allgemeine Wirtschaftslage.Nach Zahlen des Verbands der Chemischen Industrie (VCI) sank der Gesamtumsatz der chemisch-pha

Samsung Reportedly Leaked Upcoming Wearables Lineup Through Its Members App

"Se le persone vogliono spendere le loro criptovalute, ma non hanno idea di dove o come, lo faranno

Probabilmente no.

Alla fine, quando tutti i principali commercianti in molti paesi inizieranno ad accettare pagamenti in criptovalute, potrai presumere di poterli spendere ovunque.

Questo qualcosa su cui stiamo lavorando attivamente." ...

"C' una mappa dei commercianti nell' di . !"

Fdroid never fails to surprise me! I love exploring the apps they offer for new and interesting finds. Today, I stumbled upon whoBIRD, an app that helps you identify birds by their sounds worldwide. Tried it out and it worked like a charm, plus it introduced me to / BirdNET, which I didn't know about. Amazing!
There's an official app too, but I haven't tried.

whoBIRD (Recognize birds by their sounds, anywhere in the world!)

Been trying and the client since yesterday and it works great, I suscribed to a bunch of stuff i thought i might get interested in, the platform works just fine.. but man, there really isn't many people nor stuff happening over there.
What other do you people use and recommend

... und hier das von Deinem Trt inspirierte 7-Tage-Protokoll fr die - unter .

Auch hier sind die Abhngigkeiten von u.a. nicht ok.

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Work is currently building an app for devices we loan out to students for the year and get back at the end to make the initial setup and work from home process significantly easier (and fully wireless), only issue is the device firstly needs to talk to a server we have internally to make the link between the student and the device. After it receives this blessing the app and device can work standalone.

Were not sure how apples reviewers will handle this, since this is something that obviously cant be done through MDM methods. Google play were less worried about. Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing with Apple

So sieht das 7-Tage-Protokoll fr die Tagesschau-App unter aus. Die Abhngigkeit von Google ist fr ein Medium, das sich aus Rundfunkbeitrgen von Brgerinnen und Brgern sowie Unternehmen, Institutionen und Einrichtungen des Gemeinwohls finanziert, einfach nicht tragbar.

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