Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Cofi - Brew Timer

Open Source Kaffee Timer. Einfache Bedienoberflche. Perfekter Kaffee jedes Mal.

I've been learning with Drops for 21 days. Can you beat my streak Try Drops /pos

is now mapped * in
HowTo :

*Currently as "contruction", not "spaceport". As soon as this will be done, you'll be able to search for "spaceport" in ( update always beginning of the month ). :

Weis einer ob Signal/Molly Foss auch von der betroffen ist bzw.wird

Falls du dazu bereit bist, fr eine tglich benutze /Programm/Webdienst zu bezahlen:

ist der fr dich als fair empfundene davon abhngig, ob du diese(sn) oder benutzt

(natrlich nur bei Mischbetrieb relevant)

Gerne mit Erluterung

After previously deciding its not for me, took a big leap in my Mastodon rankings today with this new inverted timeline thing. Ive always wondered why microblogging social media insists on the latest being at the top rather than bottom. Despite preferring other apps in some other ways, this is a really big feature. I guess I have 14 days to decide if making this my primary app is worth $20.


Unkomplizierter und schner Taschenrechner fr Android.

Ok, looks like a terrible Windows app, but I can listen to on now. And that's really great!

Interview Chemisches Recycling ist keine neue Idee
Die Chemieindustrie will Plastikmll in einen Erdlersatz verwandeln und so Kunststoffe im Kreislauf halten. Kerstin Kuchta, Expertin fr Abfallwirtschaft und Professorin an der Technischen Universitt Hamburg, ist skeptisch und sieht noch viele technische Hrden. Chemieunternehmen setzen groe Hoffnungen in das chemische Recycling

question. If someone who shares my account gets an app on their phone, does it load and show on my phone I just noticed a few apps I dont recall adding.

Ist deine Bereitschaft, fr eine tglich benutze /Programm/Webdienst zu bezahlen davon abhngig, ob du diese(sn) oder benutzt (natrlich nur bei Mischbetrieb relevant)

Gerne mit Erluterung

Die App zeigt vor Ort leider oft so viele Mglichkeiten, sich fr einen einzutragen, dass die wichtigen Pois vergessen gehen knnen.
Ansonsten eine wirklich sehr gelungene

I've been learning with Drops for 20 days. Can you beat my streak Try Drops /gen

its so funny, this happened to me too X close! Bye:))

Make your own Tour App

The "-Checker" coverage in my -Listings () had fallen to 90% not because it was unreliable, but because the number of only available at was increasing (now almost 22% of the apps listed are available either there or in my repo :awesome:)

Last week I've updated my updater (ugh) to have F-Droid apps also sent to and checked by and coverage is already up to 93% already today :awesome:

Thanks for your service,

Hoy me queran vender una app... O una moto jajaja

/ / /

New version released.
The roll-out of the updated and apps will commence soon, while the updated interface is immediately available.

The of the latest is already available from our server.

Do you use an authenticator app in your Android mobile Any suggestions (and if possible: why)


SelfNote veloci nella propria casella di posta

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 43 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Ein GPS-Tracker, der deine Daten fr sich behlt.

Offline Variante des OpenStreetMap Dashboards fr OpenTracks.

Online Variante des OpenStreetMap Dashboards fr OpenTracks.

bersicht der Spezialmissionen zum Community Day mit Froxy in Pokmon GO

Heute kann Froxy besonders hufig gefunden werden.

Zur News:

41 apps premium gratis por tiempo limitado (2 semana de agosto)

Netflix The two posters felt funny. One was for the Jurassic world animated series and the other of a choice game. Both features a similar look and are so funny.

I tried to build the OTP-react-redux UI on my phone, node ran out of memory and crashed!

I've been learning with Drops for 19 days. Can you beat my streak Try Drops /gen

Interesting modeling of water:

ist eine , worber wir Folgen am oder an einer wie der hren knnen.

Besonders ist, dass wir OPML Dateien erzeugen knnen. Damit knnen wir alle unsere Podcast Kanle archivieren & bei einem anderen Gert wieder einspielen/importieren. Du kannst OPML ber den Cloud Speicher oder ber ein USB-Flash drive aktualisieren.

Es gibt eine Pro / +Standard Version. Entwickelt & regelmig von Matheus Inacio gepflegt. (40MB)

Just a short note: Since yesterday, the updater for my listings () also sends apps from to (and retrieves the corresponding results from)

This not only means you'll find their reports there, or on my lists, but also in "Neo Store" () should you use that as your client. I'm really curious for that one as I always wondered why it had a section for this but never anything in there

Well for once Xiaomi is not all wrong... An app that try to sell it self as a #privacy oriented #app with end-to-end encryption, but is using more resources on #spying on it's users for #meta
Well seems more like #malicious than safe...

Is there a good Lemmy client with a proxy option inside

Ab sofort steht Version 1.3.0 von im deutschen zum bereit. Mit der geht auch eine fr die von daher: Ab sofort heit die . Zudem hlt v1.3.0 noch weitere Neuerungen und Verbesserungen bereit.

Alle Infos zum Update:

O que WeChat e como usar o mensageiro chins


I beg you, mastopeeps: help me not jump into yet another foolish pet-project, by telling me there *is* a out there that does ALL of this already:

1 /saving routes, taking into account type and road type: eg. avoiding 4-lanes, but also not sending you on a dirt track with a race bike. (yes, so far: plenty of apps)

2 save/share segment annotations (poor road quality, great scenic views, etc) and then automatically use that for further

as well as

Hello, is the wonderful Carnet application still maintained Thanks in advance.

just started to test the new beta app Very smooth login nice first sight mood

Ho appena installato la versione beta dell'app di pixelfed. Questa la prima schermata di imprinting


Dies ist eine Anwendung, die api verwendet, um verffentlichte Bcher herunterzuladen.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 51 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -
