Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Contratulations on ten years of Overcast

Und was macht ihr so am Sonntag Ich habe heute nun endlich mal die Teilen-Funktion in meiner Einkaufslisten-App eingebaut. War gar nicht so schwierig. Nachdem ich die Einkaufsliste in ein Cloud-Backend geschoben habe und eine Registrierung/Anmeldung eingebaut habe, kann man Einkaufslisten jetzt einfach mit anderen Benutzern teilen. Falls jemand mit iPhone Lust hat, die App zu testen, lasse ich gerne TestFlight-Einladungen raus :)

App Amarok 3.1 Released with Updated Plugin, Similar Artists Applet

Amarok 3.1 open-source music player is now available for download with a refreshed plugin, Similar Artists context applet, and more....

id: 2kCt0cfiU7SedfVlSHJ1YN9kWXI
type: comawakarifeedsv1
awakarigroupid: default
awkhash: 1760507177
categories: amarok Amarok 3.1 app audio player music player News
language: en-US
sourcedescription: Your source for all things Linux
sourceimagetitle: Linux Consultant
sourcetitle: Linux Consultant

Amarok 3.1 open-source music player is now available for download...
time: 2024-08-04T18:46:38Z
title: Amarok 3.1 Released with Updated Plugin, Similar Artis...

Amarok 3.1 Released with Updated Plugin, Similar Artists Applet

Amarok 3.1 open-source music player is now available for download with a refreshed plugin, Similar Artists context applet, and more....

id: 2kCq2Zp7j7kbWUSQfOHoUaqBEIz
type: comawakarifeedsv1
awakarigroupid: default
awkhash: 1952880236
categories: App News Amarok Amarok 3.1 audio player music player
language: en-US
sourcedescription: Linux news, reviews, tutorials, and more
sourceimagetitle: 9to5Linux
sourcetitle: 9to5Linux

Amarok 3.1 open-source music player is now available for download...
time: 2024-08-04T18:46:38Z
title: Amarok 3.1 Released with Updated Plugin, Similar Artis...

Amarok 3.1 Released with Last.FM Tweaks, Qt 6 Prep + More

A new version of Qt-based music player Amarok is available to download. Amarok 3.1 lands three months after Amarok 3.0, which was the first release in nearly 6 years and ...

id: 2kCW2tiNlFRcleeF8UGtLeLz6ls
type: comawakarifeedsv1
awakarigroupid: default
awkhash: 748055978
categories: amarok App Updates music players News qt apps
language: en-US
sourcedescription: Your source for all things Linux
sourceimagetitle: Linux Consultant
sourcetitle: Linux Consultant

A new version of Qt-based music player Amarok is available to dow...
time: 2024-08-03T22:03:00Z
title: Amarok 3.1 Released with Last.FM Tweaks, Qt 6 Prep + More

K-9 Mail

Voll ausgestatteter E-Mail-Client.

Yeeeeees! After countless back and forth with Apple App Reviw I got it on the App Store:

My app FediMatch for exploring the with a tinder-like UI is out on the now (for 1,99, because having it up there is expensive :E)
The version is still up on my Ko-Fi ()

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 53 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Infusion Tea Timer

Tee-Timer-App mit Untersttzung fr mehrere Aufgsse.

Prenditi un momento per rilassarti con questa semplice pratica di mindfulness: guarda il cielo e lascia che la tua mente si distenda.

Scopri altri momenti di mindfulness nell'ebook o nell'app R3spiri.

Alla prossima settimana!

I downloaded this and will see how well it works. Seems like a nifty utility. The dev mentioned an Android version is in the plans.

"Spero davvero che possa intaccare il mondo , non solo competere con i sistemi esistenti.

L'esecuzione di legacy su un archivio dati performante decentralizzato rappresenterebbe un enorme aggiornamento.

Bullish su questo. Non vedo l'ora di vedere cosa verr costruito!"

Apple App Store PC
4 Apple App Store PC App Store Apple PC Apple App Store PC
The post Apple App Store PC appeared first on .
App Store

The content can not be displayed because of the source copyright.

Full content is available by the link below.

id: 2kB7DgFW4wp7ClrEzVJomUNeHrt
type: comawakarifeedsv1
awakarigroupid: default
awkhash: -236052313
categories: Online Dating Dating and Relationships Russian Invasion of Ukraine (2022) Draft and Recruitment (Military) Tinder (Mobile App) Kyiv (Ukraine) Ukraine
language: en-us
sourceimagetitle: NYT > World News
sourcetitle: NYT > World News
srccopyright: Copyright 2024 The New York Times Company
time: 2024-08-04T04:01:19Z

in your space with Spruce Up, try out in & on &

Includes items like & don't use it for going over said waterfall )

Learn more at

"Il mondo gira ancora in gran parte su binari legacy, centralizzati e censurabili.

Non necessario che sia cos.

Possiamo aiutare. Ti aiutiamo a sviluppare su .

Compila questo modulo per vedere se la tua azienda o adatta per Dash : "

App Store
App StoreAPP

App StoreApp Store
+ App Store

Wer verwendet, kann seit lngerer Zeit nicht mehr auf fhige -Apps wie zugreifen das Reddit-Team hatte rigoros den Zugang zur fr Dritt-Anwendungen eingeschrnkt. Wer nur bei Reddit lesen, aber nicht die berladene und mit Werbung berflutete offizielle Reddit-App nutzen mchte, kann einen Blick auf die kostenlose und - werfen.

Alle Infos:

Hallo . Was ist eigentlich mit der App los Seit Tagen werden Fehlermeldungen angezeigt. Neben dem Problem mit den Fahrkarten (siehe Bild), wird auerdem vor Problemen bei dem SEPA Lastschriftverfahren gewarnt

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 59 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

My next big project will be a development environment that blows Laravel offerings out of the water.

My idea is simple: be a frontend for a DevContainer armed to the teeth.

One install. One command.

To paraphrase a coworker: Windows users will get fucked but thats on them for being Microshit bitches.

Apple Apple 30% App Store Apple
The post Apple appeared first on .
App Store

Introducing LlamaCoder!

An Artifacts that can generate full and components with 3.1 405B. 100% free and open source.


AIatMeta's Llama 3.1 405B for the LLM
togethercompute's inference (AI API)
codesandbox's sandpack for the code sandbox
nextjs w/ tailwind & typescript
heliconeai for AI observability
PlausibleHQ for analytics

Second time we've walked out of a restaurant because there's no menus, just "scan this QR code and install our App". And we only go out rarely anyways.

Fuck your app full of tracking shit and spyware. You're a restaurant, earn money by selling food, not data.

New app added to the Accessible Android apps directory: Claude by Anthropic

Our customers are giving us top marks!

Here are some of the great reviews about our app... Would you like to share your experiences with us as well

"Why I Finally Quit
The platform interface has gradually made it harder to find the I want to listen to. With the latest updates, Id had enough."

Vous utilisez quelles services/app pour tracker vos films, sries, etc

Je dcouvre Sequel mais je veux bien vos retours :)

You Can Now Register MyDigital ID Online Via Its Mobile App

Salut camarades !
besoin d'aide sur l'app Android de Mastodon. Est ce que l'une/l'un d'entre vous sait comment retrouver les sous dossiers de son rpertoire photo lorsqu'on l'on fait une publication On accede aux photos depuis l'app officielle mais tout est en vrac. Merci

Eine App fr mehr psychische Gesundheit im Beruf

Short intermission caused by and is over.


entfernt Exif-Daten und reduziert die Bildgre vor dem Teilen.

Meet John Hobson, who developed a plugin generating 470+ pages one for each transport route in Cochabamba. His work is making it easier for people to find and use the Trufi App!

Ich wei nicht, ob man im Fediverse Apps empfehlen darf, die nicht FOSS sind, aber ich finde, EHW+ ist ein gutes Produkt zum Tracken der eigenen Energiekosten:

Der Entwickler hat jetzt die Arbeitszeit seines Hauptberufs verkrzt, um noch mehr Zeit in die Entwicklung der App stecken zu knnen. Er kann also jedes Abo brauchen.

WID-SEC-2024-1745: NEU niedrig : Schwachstelle ermglicht Offenlegung von Informationen

Ein entfernter, authentisierter Angreifer kann eine Schwachstelle in IBM App Connect Enterprise ausnutzen, um Informationen offenzulegen.

Any plans on when the should come to the and not only beeing available through

(2024.8.2) (Industry)

Pittwater Map of Features