Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Databricks acquired Boston-based startup Lilac to enhance data quality for large language model (LLM) applications.


VPN , VPN "Science Online"), ladder), Internet accelerator), VPN. , , . VPN , - . , , . , VPN, VPN, - . , VPN . . VPN AmneziaFree v.2 c - . , self-hosted AmneziaVPN, AmneziaWG ( - AWG, VPN), AmneziaFree v.2 . , , . , , , . VPN AmneziaFree v.2, ( , ), , , , . , , , VPN. IP-.

DOJ sues Apple over iPhone monopoly in landmark antitrust case

Apple and its iPhone and App Store business have been eyed by the Department of Justice, which previously filed antitrust suits against Google.

Make your own Tour App

The MIOPS Snap Pro Camera App Brings Pro-Level Controls to iPhone

Programa de Dignidade Menstrual: como gerar autorizao no app


NEW RELEASE 0.28-rc1

Follow up to the first Release Candidate
This version contains bug fixes for devices using android versions before "Q", bugs reported by users after yesterday's release.
- fixed Login and SignUp forms for systems <= Q
- Added delete confirmation dialog for songs in the queue

Please report any bug.
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- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 60 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Enable Mastodon Apps

Ich war am Wochenende auf dem CloudFest Hackathon und hatte zum zweiten Mal die Change ein Projekt zu betreuen. Die Idee zu Enable Mastodon Apps stammt von und ich freue mich sehr, dass er mir sein Baby fr den Hackathon anvertraut hat! Hier ist unser Pitch: Ich bin begeistert von der Idee! Das Nachbauen

New York Citys plan to stop e-bike battery fires

Nieuwe app maakt controleren en wijzigen van je inkomen eenvoudiger

Iedereen die toeslagen ontvangt kan nu de gegevens voor al zijn toeslagen controleren met de nieuwe app Toeslagen. Ook maakt de app het makkelijker om wijzigingen door te geven als er iets verandert in je leven. Belangrijk, want hierdoor ontvang je de toeslag waar je recht op...

Details zur Spezialforschung mit Zarude in Pokmon GO

Eine neue Forschung kann derzeit im Spiel gekauft werden.

Zur News:

Artikel Kambrische WerkstoffExplosion
Eine plastikmllfreie Welt wnschen sich viele. Erste Schritte dorthin gingen die Aussteller und Besucher auf einer Messe in Kln. Beispiele sind biobasierte Polyole, bioabbaubare Schraubdeckel und Beschichtungen, die zwar Fett abhalten, sich in Wasser aber auflsen. Auf der Messe Plastic Waste Free World Anfang November in Kln ist einiges anders als erw

Ecco Apps Review: Transforming Life with Efficiency and Simplicity
Discover how the Ecco App can revolutionize your daily routine,
enhancing efficiency and simplicity. Read our comprehensive review to learn more!
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Das erste private - der deutschen Rundfunkgeschichte kehrt im zurck. wird dann als starten.
Produziert wird das Angebot von Nachfolger und ist ber dessen , im und natrlich auch via empfangbar.

Perch dovresti essere entusiasta della

tecnologico che consentir agli sviluppatori di creare decentralizzate sulla rete Dash.

GXBank Now Supports DuitNow QR Payments Via Its Mobile App

really irritates me. Not only I cant play the songs in an album/playlist in order, but I also cant play the next songs within because the app just takes me to a song outside of it. Absolutely stupid. Aint no way Im paying for their exploitative platform.

Vierbeiner und Zweirder willkommen:

## Neue Mitnahmemglichkeiten bei FAIRTIQ

Die innovative - wird noch praktischer - ab sofort knnen FAIRTIQ-Nutzende und einchecken.

Eurogate: Neues App-System soll "Truckerkarte" ablsen

Immer wieder werden Unbefugte auf Terminal-Gelnde ertappt. Die Betreiber wollen so Schwachstellen beim Zugang reduzieren.

Before making the official launch on FDroid and PlayStore, I will have to finish the (non-functional) work on the UI, test on every ampache server version, and address new eventual bugs. New features will come after the store release.

GITHUB release

TELEGRAM post ()

NEW RELEASE 0.27-rc1

### First Release Candidate (Major UI improvements, Bug Fixes) ###
- overall UI improvements on player, new font
- fixed annoying bug caused by the system releasing the player on idle
- improved playlist-view behaviors (like, rate, add, etc ...)

Please report any bug.
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After -hopping for a few months now, the only two flavors of I liked were & . They just work, and they're on point. Debian impressed me with its stability, but impressed me for having thought of & implemented 99% of all cases of someone thinking "I wish I could tweak this or that" on a . There's an , utility, or option for everything, and that's rare. The most important thing is that it provides all that without feeling overloaded like does.

Descrgate su ahora!

Quilt announced a $9.5M Seed funding round led by Sequoia Capital to enhance AI software solutions for "B2B sales professionals".

Three cybersecurity researchers discovered close to 19 million plaintext passwords exposed on the public internet by misconfigured instances of Firebase, a Google platform for hosting databases, computing, and . More than 125 million sensitive user records were found, including emails, names, passwords, phone numbers, and billing information with bank details. The researchers started looking on the public web for personally identifiable ...

What are the real risks - as opposed to the promised rewards - of an Alberta Pension Plan And how can Albertans decide on whether to withdraw from the CPP without independent, objective financial data Tuesday , I rose in the Senate to ask the Office of the Chief Actuary and the Parliamentary Budget Officer to prepare independent reports on the impact of Alberta's proposed withdrawal from the plan.

Eurogate will Hamburger Hafen mit App sicherer machen

2023 haben Sicherheitsbehrden mehr als 35 Tonnen Kokain im Hafen sichergestellt. Eine App soll den Drogenhandel eindmmen.

Design Milk : EVIE Imagines Every Street Lamp as an Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Social medias of our time (post-MySpace). Kids today will never know they existed.

Collage of popular defunct social networking services.

it's also goo to offer people a playable version without having to download and install an or worse *ing access to the game by releasing it as modern ...

just doesn't like the former...

Even though I love there are times, just sometimes, that I miss the alone time of commuting to and from an office, I tried to capture that in this week's update for where in you can load a commuting , a , a , an , a , and a

A wave of drugs dreamed up by AI is on its way

How to Get Stremio on Firestick

Event rund um Hopplo und Pass mit Altaria in Pokmon Caf ReMix

In Pokmon Caf ReMix gibt es ab heute verschiedene neue Inhalte zu entdecken.

Zur News:

Google DeepMinds new AI assistant helps elite soccer coaches get even better

CS-Cart mobile app gives high priority to the protection of the data privacy of the customers registering for the app, as it supports the GDPR.

CS-Cart mobile app gives high priority to the protection of the data privacy of the customers registering for the app, as it supports the GDPR.

Hello, hello
As we still focus on reliability and stability, there have been some major improvements made to JAMS. Discover it all in our new Dev Update #4.

For some unknown/strange reason, I'm coding this afternoon. Building the database structure for a new app to track my vehicle expenses (fuel, maintenance schedule, repairs, services, trips, etc.).

Came up with a very general concept last Fall, getting into the actual structure now. Still haven't decided what programming language to use. Will it be a web app, or a native Apple app (my first)

Raga ma porca troia, ho scoperto uno dei motivi per cui mi pare che su #Android una buona parte della mia #archiviazione interna sia bruciata senza motivo: a quanto pare, le app occupano pi di quanto dovrebbero occupare, sprecando un sacco di spazio, in certi casi fino a 7-8 volte tanto la dimensione dellAPK pi eventuali librerie e cose. In altri termini, la sezione di informazioni su una #app in Impostazioni mi dice che alcune (non tutte manifestano questa #rogna, stranamente) occupano un peso che 3-4 volte tanto la dimensione della cartella della stessa app in /data/app (che include librerie estratte e bytecode convertito in ODEX/OAT, cosa che gi di suo occupa pi #spazio e non mi sto dimenticando di contare, ma in questo caso andiamo anche oltre).

Ovviamente, non so la causa di tutto ci, e cercando sul web non credo di trovare granch, e quindi intanto non trovo nemmeno il posto sul file system dove questo tantissimo spazio in pi occupato, e non so nemmeno se una roba di #Android13 o c da ben prima. Il fatto che disinstallando completamente e poi reinstallando una delle app incriminate (ho provato con solo una ora, ma probabilmente sar cos con tutte quelle che manifestano il problema), il peso riportato ritorna normale. Aprire e usare un po la app subito dopo non fa aumentare le sue dimensioni (a parte quelle dei dati, che dipendono e comunque non riguardano questa situazione), quindi sospetto che queste si gonfino nel corso di mesi indipendentemente dalla frequenza duso, temo, perch io AIDA64 in questo esempio (in foto vedete il prima e dopo la reinstallazione) lo apro una volta ogni mai, eppure ha mostrato il #problema.

La app che ho casualmente scelto per la dimostrazione occupa sempre circa 18-19 MB nella sua cartella sia prima che dopo, ma prima riportata come 70 MB dal sistema, mentre dopo con un corretto 18 MB.

Insomma, sempre peggio con sto androide monco, la tentazione di comprare un KaiOSofonino o un Windowsfonino (Nokia Lumia sostanzialmente lo so che son deceduti, mi accontento), giusto per provare qualcosa di diverso, sempre pi forte. Ho pi speranze per la prima opzione per, perch non posso spendere tanto per lo sfizio o per provare quando tra laltro il mio attuale #fonino tecnicamente funzionante anche se la seconda sarebbe molto pi ganza vabb.

#Android #Android13 #app #archiviazione #fonino #problema #rogna #spazio

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