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Dating app

Dating app...

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AdventureLog is your self-hosted travel tracker and trip plannerdesigned to help you log journeys, organize memories, and integrate with your favorite tools. Whether you're a solo explorer, a road tripper, or an adventure-loving family, AdventureLog keeps your travel stories in one place.

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Haben wir hier gerade das Men der ARD gefunden
Wusste gar nicht, dass es das gibt.

Sonos app still doesn't work well, after the failed May, 2024, redesign
came to Sonos
Making hardware difficult to use with no way to replace software

Stunning HarmonyOS NEXT weather interface!


Google Foto contrassegnare le immagini modificate con AI

Very few app icons have raised so much 'controversy' as the Ptyxis one. Is that the icon or the audience )

"Our goal building Tapestry was to put RSS, social media, podcasts, and more into a flexible and easy-to-read timeline. Tapestry syncs this variety of feeds across devices in a way that is seamless, secure, and easy to understand."

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When you ask an app not to track it tracks you anyway, and the data is sold

Die - fr startet nicht wenn der deaktiviert ist.

WID-SEC-2025-0273: NEU mittel : Schwachstelle ermglicht Manipulation von Dateien

Ein entfernter, authentisierter Angreifer kann eine Schwachstelle in IBM App Connect Enterprise ausnutzen, um Dateien zu manipulieren.

Blanket is a pretty awesome Gnome app to generate background sound. I'm presently between ocean and mountain.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 42 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -


Erkennen Sie Vgel anhand ihres Gesangs, berall auf der Welt.

Stay Focused : limita l'uso di alcune specifiche

beta test:


I am going to revive my channel and start posting there as well.

is fun, but I made that because of how low the barrier of entry was. It was the easiest to just grab and start with, and allows adult content so if something crazy happens at a I don't lose my channel.

If I want to stream I need to use and YouTube, they are just harder to get into.

Clapper is a bit ghetto really xD

Imagine making folks work on something that didn't need work only to fire those workers.

Sonos Lays Off 200 Employees After App Failure

esta cena do llm e AI e tal, para um leigo como eu, incrivel. eu no tenho especializao whatsoever em cdigo. mas tenho uma ideia para uma para correr em android no smartphone: fui ao chatgpt e foi uma experiencia incrivel: em 3 minutos tenho minha frente todos os passos para criar a app. querem saber qual a app e qui ajudarem a faze-la


Please use caution when using and recommending APPs Not All are safe!! Here's an article explaining why and how to try to avoid them

NL viert de vierde 1!

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Thoroughly enjoying the .app experience.

Its s turned up to 11.

Follow along to see design it real-time. (See his profile for the link)

con respecto a la veo que es ah ms fleccible que , pues aun que y podran tener en un solo las llamadas de su plataforma y las llamadas telefnicas, En Android no es posible cambiar la app predeterminada para llamar. Curiozo, no lo creen .

The uncertainty surrounding TikTok's presence in the U.S. benefited Snap's business, says CEO Evan Spiegel.

GitHub - zaneschepke/wgtunnel: An alternative Android client app for WireGuard and AmneziaWG

Coucou les gens, vous utilisez quoi comme application d'authentification
Je cherche une alternative Google Authenticator, et je me penche sur Bitwarden et FreeOTP.

Apple's aandelen dalen na bericht over mogelijk antitrustonderzoek door china Store

Tapestry Reader for blog, social media, video, and podcast posts

Everyone knows your location: myself down through in-

Apple Invites... Why

Apples new Invites app looks like another whimsical step in their relentless pursuit to be meaningful in what I suppose would be teenagers daily lives, but reminds me too much of(...)

Google Foto: addio disordine con un semplice trucco


Florae ist eine Open-Source-Anwendung, die es Ihnen ermglicht, den berblick ber die Pflege Ihrer Pflanzen zu behalten und gleichzeitig Ihre Freiheit und Privatsphre zu respektieren.

- fr verffentlicht (wofr auch immer!)

All the




