Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

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Die Sonos App ist und bleibt eine Katastrophe. Das ist das aktuelle Bild, welches sich zeigt. Wie sie sehen, sehen sie nix (obwohl Sonos gerade auf 3 Lautsprechern TuneIn abspielt). Ich steuere meine Sonos' fast nur noch ber Amazon Alexa und die physischen Tasten.

What is currently happening with , can happen with every other and/ or platform out there. Although at the moment, everything seems to be fine for users, there's a possibility that Pavel will eventually succumb to the pressure from US..sorry, authorities. It will open a can of worms.

Make your own Tour App

So, nochmal zu besten Sendezeit :) Lenas Einkaufsliste (die App die ich entwickle) hat jetzt ne Website und nen Account hier :) bzw. hier Auf der Website (oder auch via dm) kann man sich zum Testen anmelden - android und iOS geht beides. Aktuell kommen sehr regelmig neue Features

dear mastodon,
what would be a nice that I can use on both my and in my computer that would be safe, private, sync notes via cloud service like onedrive

please boost. I am sure there are kore people in need for this kind of solution.

app users, I do use it with my left hand and much too often switching the view when i want to scroll down. Does this happen only to me (Android)

Le aziende spesso si fanno realizzare soltanto per dire di averne una. In realt, con le tecnologie moderne spesso pi efficace avere un buon sito web, e gli utenti lo gradiscono di pi.

Not only Telegram: Durovs arrest could change social media for good

What's your default on set to

Mine's :


Dezentrales soziales Netzwerk.

Telegram CEO Durov arrested, has "nothing to hide"

Version 0.5. fr iOS ist fr die Betatester jetzt in TestFlight verfgbar :)

Online-Banking und Banking-Apps machen immer grere Fortschritte im Komfort, aber der Datenschutz bleibt dabei leider fast immer auf der Strecke. hat den groen Online-Banking- und TAN-App-Test (35 Banken) gemacht!

I found out this evening that you can follow YouTube channels on the Flipboard app! Mind blown.

Ihr schneidet garnicht mal so schlecht beim App-Test ab. Ausser dass ihr Google Firebase benutzt. Unschn.

ndert ihr dies bitte ab Tracking der User ist unschn, Vielen Dank.

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Hear hear. A good third party is essential unless you want social media on your work computer. After trial and error ive settled on for over a year. I obsess about disinformation, propagation of it, and politics more than app functionality.


We have a small in the review process at Apple. This (if approved) will be our first app released under the Obsidian Wolf Labs brand.

It is an app fully written in

We will tell you more as soon as possible.

New app added to the Accessible Android apps directory: Google Gemini accessible

Die neue Version von "Lenas Einkaufsliste ist fr die Tester online. Zumindest fr Android. Fr iOS steht das Review aus - denke, da kommt morgen, je nachdem wie schnell Apple ist.
Grsste Neuerung in der Version ist die berarbeitete Menplanung. Ich denke, jetzt macht sie viel mehr Sinn :)


Verfolgen Sie Ihre Wiederholungen und Stze im Fitnessstudio, vllig offline.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 39 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Je viens je pense de trouver un gros problme sur l'app mobile de Mastodon (officielle)
Je n'ai pas du tout la mme timeline sur l'app web (celle l est 100% correcte) mais sur l'app mobile il manque beaucoup de toots que j'ai sur l'app web...
Je dois recharger mon feed sur l'app mobile pour l'avoir correctement...
Vous aussi a vous fait a Vous sauriez comment rsoudre

I didnt think that failing at the Audible app was a thing. You know Audible, right Basically its Amazons audiobook subscription service.

I didnt think there would be a way to straight up fail at using the app, but you know what That audiobook that I just downloaded is most definitely in German, not English.

Fail, indeed.

#amazon #app #audible #audiobook #fail #failure #German #iosApp #tech

Zum besseren Verstndnis und zum und .

Hier der Austellungsflyer von ,
zur in Zwickau.

Die in den Rumen von werde ich mal abfotografieren...

gemalte 's-Logos


Texteditor Notizen und Aufgaben. Leichtgewichtig. Markdown- und todo.txt-Untersttzung.

My wife gave me her old first-generation iPad Pro (small screen version), and I've finally bought Nomad Sculpt, which I've been wanting to try for years now.

I'm quite enthusiastic about . It's impressively versatile and customizable, and it works pretty nicely with a cheap pen, as I haven't got an Apple Pencil.

Currently watching some informative beginner tutorials to get acquainted with the UI and controls:

The only 4 iPhone photo editing apps youll ever need

In the era of social media and digital storytelling, capturing the perfect photo has never been more important.

Read more :

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 52 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

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App Store Apple
Apple App Store Matt Fischer App Store Apple App Store App Store
The post App Store Apple appeared first on .

I really miss not being merchant of record.

This means, you need to rely on and its supported countries rather than just accepting credit cards directly.

Kind of a bummer, because the alternative is accepting GitHub Sponsorships which is not too bad either.

Native Apps are just expensive SPAs


Power Ampache Telegram channel:

POWER AMPACHE 2 public chat:

Will Allow Users To Delete , Messages and Store Apps

against ran

The found that had not been directly against but had been the of and ordered the to her $10,000 plus .

WID-SEC-2024-1918: NEU mittel : Schwachstelle ermglicht Privilegieneskalation

Ein entfernter, authentisierter Angreifer kann eine Schwachstelle in IBM App Connect Enterprise ausnutzen, um seine Privilegien zu erhhen.

pretty annoying that 3.29.1 on 18.1 is able to create permission "all files" and then auto upload of the Titanium Backup works great.

On my + running 21 I only can grant all permissions to photo and video and selection the Titanium Backup folder does not select files to upload on this one and Auto Upload failes by not showing files other then media files :-(

De toekomst van app distributie op ios: een nieuwe richting voor de app store Store app distributie appwinkels DMA-wetgeving

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