Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Details zu einem kommenden Forschungstag in Pokmon GO bekanntgegeben

Der Forschungstag dreht sich rund um Elektro-Pokmon.

Zur News:

Details der ab Mrz 2024 neuen Saison der GO-Kampfliga angekndigt

Details zur GO-Kampfliga sind nun bekannt.

Zur News:


: > div > div.application-mail > div.application-mailoverlay > div > div.application-maillayout.application-maillayoutmain > span > div:nth-child(3)

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Maximize your efficiency by utilizing templates for tasks such as grocery shopping, travel packing, or BBQ planning. Rather than starting from scratch each time, benefit from pre-made lists for planning and save valuable time!

Honest to God, I'll never ever get tired of SpaceEngine.

Vladimir Romanyuk is an absolute angel for creating this wonderful astronomy/planetarium software.

Just released Num Dash () the I was working on for a while. It is for kids and adults alike. Had to have ads on it to cover some of the recurring costs, but 50% of any money made will go to St. Jude's and it will be matched by me 100%.

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Ingestr is a that allows you to ingest data from any source into any destination

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TetraPak RFID/NFC Schutzhllen

Immer mehr Gegenstnde in unserem Alltag werden RFID/NFC-fhig: Smartphones, Bank-Karten, Personalausweis, Reisepass... ber diese Technologie kann man kontaktlos Informationen weitergeben und beispielsweise kontaktlos bezahlen

New app added to the accessible apps directory: Microsoft Copilot. Accessible. Copilot is a pioneering chat assistant from Microsoft powered by the latest OpenAI models, GPT-4 and DALLE 3.

Algorithms are everywhere

Nutzt oder beteiligt sich jemensch auf um und/oder -Seiten und zu bersetzen

Da bei Tools mehr auf die als die konzentriert wird, sehe ich dies als einen positiven Beitrag auch fr nicht *Innen und *Innen. Wie seht ihr es und sind nur rel. wenige Menschen daran beteiligt

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Artikel Ein Farbstoff wird zur biologischen Sonde
Azobenzole in Zellen aktivieren und deaktivieren Ionenkanle, wenn sie mit Licht bestrahlt werden. Solche Einsatzzwecke in biologischen Systemen haben besondere Anforderungen, etwa bei Absorptionsmaximum und Lslichkeit. Das erfordert damals wie heute kluge Synthesestrategien. Johann Peter Grie entdeckte Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts,

Neue Eventinhalte und Sagaria & Lumiflora ab heute in Pokmon Masters EX

Zahlreiche neue Eventinhalte knnen ab heute genutzt werden.

Zur News:

need to verify their account details and part of that will be providing a phone number that will displayed to users on Google Play. Really

Is this not a big deal I don't want internet randos calling me.

the Was the for This in .

An may have connected and and in 2019, but it was that sealed the deal.

There's a new blog post that discusses upcoming features in the next release of binjr!
TLDR: New graphics settings are coming to binjr.

Find out more and give feedback here:

My first, solo app has now launched which allows you to look, drag, and decorate the Shared Space around your other apps for

Die stellt ein ohne Apps bzw. mit lediglich einer - vor. Der letzte Wohl kaum. Zwar meistert das mittels die ersten komplexeren Aufgaben per - doch stehen Alternativen bereits in den Startlchern. Und dann sind da ja auch noch die blichen Verdchtigen rund ums - .

We are developing an app to attempt to change the world with a live broadcast promoting free speech and human autonomy. The app will include a help resource to support the most vulnerable people in our societies with location-based search results for those in crisis. Radio Broadcast + Podcasts + Chat Live with fellow listeners + use the help resource if you're in crisis + games + social media integration + cannabis and psychedelic resources for healing.

I'm currently developing a custom theme for a Drupal application. Does anybody have good guides on custom theme development

How Antarcticas history of isolation is endingthanks to Starlink

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 58 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Quasi 35 anni fa, il Cern e Tim Berners-Lee resero il web un bene comune grazie a questo non ne guadagnarono nulla.
Oggi Apple vuole sabotare il web per pura avidit.

Lettera aperta a Tim Cook: sabotare le applicazioni web indifendibile

:osapple: Apple vieter le applicazioni web in 7 giorni nell'UE.
Molte aziende saranno gravemente danneggiate e alcune dovranno chiudere.
Questo dannegger anche tutto il web

Firma ora:

Der -Kalender kann nun auch Widgets fr den -Sperrbildschirm.

Chemieunternehmen 12 Prozent erreichen CO2-Netto-Null
Weniger als jedes fnfte Unternehmen weltweit wird bis zum Jahr 2050 CO2-Netto-Null-Emissionen erreichen, wie eine Studie des Beratungsunternehmens Accenture zeigt. Dafr hat es Netto-Null-Verpflichtungen, Dekarbonisierungsaktivitten und Emissionsdaten der 2000 weltgrten Unternehmen untersucht. 100 davon sind Chemieunternehmen. In

I think Too Good To Go, an app that lets you buy surplus meals and food from restaurants and markets at deeply discounted prices, sounds like a great thing. Sadly, no places by me are included yet the disadvantage of living in a small-ish town, some distance from larger cities.

(Ignore the somewhat misleading title on the article the writer wasn't dumpster diving.)



Start-up ermglicht digitale Schaufenster fr den Einzelhandel

Hndler, die keinen eigenen Online-Shop haben, knnen mit der App "Viwiq" ihr analoges Schaufenster digitalisieren.

Your phone, your rules: Android gives you a pretty comprehensive toolkit when it comes to managing app permissions on your device

Update fr Pokmon Masters EX verffentlicht

Neue Profilfunktionen knnen nun im Spiel genutzt werden.

Zur News:

*new release*
- v0.8.0 major feature release:
- new upload servlet:
- migrated to Apache Velocity templates.
- added download of multiple files as zip *new*
- added filename filters *new*
download as zip and filename filters significantly improves
usability of the upload servlet
- v0.8.1 solves problems related to dynamic IP addresses
- v0.8.2 improvements for config file generation.

I've written a little WebDAV server:

This is a webDAV / web server that serves the current directory as a web site.
It makes it convenient to upload/download files between your PC and a remote
device say a mobile phone (Android, iPhone etc) simply using the web browser.
Run it with the -U option makes it possible to upload files without a WebDAV client.

*new version*, see reply

More details in the readme:

Wikimedias CTO: In the age of AI, human contributors still matter

GrabFood Now Lets You Avoid Small Order Fees By Purchasing Vouchers

Writing this in English for longer reach.

Apparently the app suite from Simple Mobile Tool on Android has been sold to an AdFarm company. All the apps now seem to have massive tracking, several of them now require you to pay (even if you have bought the "Pro" version earlier) while the rest have, of course, ads. So my calculator now require internet access and uses several seconds to load.

I've uninstalled all my apps from Simple.

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