Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Die an den Bahnhfen , -Sd, und sind ab sofort ber die "FahrradStation" reservier- und buchbar.

Alle infos:

We are happy to share more about another one of our projects today, the 40k A web app for mapping visited countries and ones to visit!

It was planned to serve as an MVP, and currently, the app allows users to track which places theyve visited, which are their favourites and where they would like to go in the future.

Check out the full case study and try out the fun capabilities of 40k on our website!

What's the best Android app for Mastodon

How do you disable the featured clip on the twitch iOS app I dont watch clips. Even worse, once you watch the clip, it just stays there.

is a that merchants can use to build storefronts, like a dot com!


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Kinder und akademische Karriere Wenn es normal wird
Lena Daumann will als Professorin dazu beitragen, dass Forschung an der Universitt und Mutterschaft einander nicht ausschlieen. Chemikerin will Lena Daumann schon als kleines Mdchen werden. Der Wunsch, Mutter zu sein, kommt erst viel spter dazu. Lange Tage im Labor, Chemikalien, mit denen Schwangere nicht arbeiten drfen, Konferenzen oder Vortrge

I hope beyond hope, I wish beyond wish, for a for which senses which language I'm writing in, and sets the appropriate language for the toot

Neo-Champ Rot, neue Kampfpunkte-Gefhrten und weitere Inhalte in Pokmon Masters EX verfgbar

Die Feierlichkeiten zum 4. Jubilum starten ab heute in Pokmon Masters EX.

Zur News:

A great way to break away from any is to remove all push notifications to your . It's such a small thing but you'll find you won't feel to open so much.

The difference between a app from a tutorial and a real world react codebase is like the difference between a Python and a C app


/ / /

Kann man mittlerweile mit der offiziellen fr auf auch s teilen. Als Bild teilen, dann Pixelfed auswhlen

Im Juli ging das noch nicht.


Updated the Settings panel in Rid, didn't know what type of options I would add yet as the app is very simple, I used a Mastodon logo as SF Symbol made by :

I just need to stop procrastinating and submit this to the App Store!

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Oh what a grand app! At least, after hunting for years, I found it. Focusing the window under the cursor for

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Pokmon GO Fest: Tag 2 - Mega-Rayquaza und bersicht zu zwei neuen Spezialforschungen

Auch der zweite Tag vom Pokmon GO Fest 2023 bietet einige spannende Inhalte. Auch Fans ohne Ticket knnen eine Spezialforschung erhalten.

Zur News:

Question for the hivemind, is there a possible out there for , that logs location history, but privately I was thinking that this would be fantastic for me to be able to look up *when* I went somewhere, since my memory is absolute garbage. Dont really want to give that data to Google, though.

Neue Neo-Champs, EX-Rollen und kommende Inhalte im Newsletter von Pokmon Masters EX angekndigt

Zahlreiche neue Inhalte werden in den nchsten Tagen erscheinen.

Zur News:

Got a issue : can't login today

My phone regularly removes permissions from apps I don't use.

One app I never use is the Find My Device, because so far my phone hasn't had anyone try to steal it.

Obviously, this one app mustn't be stripped of its permission to use the device Location but if I hadn't reviewed what permissions had been stripped today, and then exempted this app from future stripping, that could have ended poorly.

Bon, tout d'abord, j'adore Newpipe et je l'utilise depuis 2017 ou 2018.

a change la vie de ne plus passer par YouTube ou Spotify pour consulter du contenu audio/visuel.

Mais rcemment je remarque de trop nombreux bugs (coupures, vidos en direct qui ne chargent plus correctement, dcalages ).

Donc aprs quelques semaines d'essais, je passe sur LibreTube. On verra si l'herbe est plus verte ailleurs.

das fr ( ) und eine Verbesserung der forschende Projekt ist nun offen fr aktive Teilnehme in Form von und per
Mobilittsverhalten kann damit aufgezeichnet und ausgewertet werden.

Bei Interesse -> teilnehmen

zudem ist eine Anmeldung zur
noch bis 31.08. mglich

WiFi Widget

Configurable widget for the monitoring of your WiFi connection details.

50 ofertas de Google Play: aplicaciones y juegos gratis y con grandes descuentos por poco tiempo

a mi parecer la mejor para dar seguimiento a las y que ves o quieres ver.

ICYMI: 14 Best PS4 Apps You Should Install

Creio que devo reportar a sugesto ao :mastodon: oficialmente. Procurar onde. Suponho que no Github. Amanh.

Se algum j souber se os desenvolvedores so solcitos...

Buenas noches

Running the on my devices in illuminating. I should not have to employ a firewall app this sort of should be illegal.

In limited use today, my iPad is showing nearly 3000 trackers blocked.

Redigia h uma hora um "toot" bem elaborado e com uma foto, sobre preo de combustvel, em ingls (que ainda me exige esforo muito maior do que o vernculo), aqui no oficial para , enquanto o Meme (nome do ) dorme no meu colo. At que, j encerrando, fui colocar hashtags... aparentemente foi ultrapassado o limite de caracteres (no podia ser maior) e subitamente o aplicativo simplesmente fechou, sem ter como recuperar o contedo!

Pokmon GO Fest: Tag 1 - Neue Shinys, Pokmon und bersicht der Spezialforschung zu Diancie

Am 26. und 27. August findet von 10 bis 18 Uhr das Pokmon GO Fest 2023: Global statt. Wir sammeln in diesem Artikel und auf unseren Informationsseiten alle wichtigen

Zur News:


Ich glaube, diese knnte Euch . Sie hilft dabei, etwas gegen den zu tun, und ich finde sie ziemlich cool.
Noch ausbaufhig mit Hilfe Aller aber ein echt guter Anfang!

I use the on my phone. But I've heard rumors there are better options. I would love to hear about which ones you use and why you like them. Thanks in advance!

Pushed a new version of on iOS and Android last week with more visual recipe management.

Check it out and let me know if you have any thoughts :)

I had an that made these interesting tiled patterns. I think there's something mathematically special Maybe Penrose tiling

Anyway I can't remember the name of the App, does anyone have any ideas
