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Ex-Yahoo CEO Launches Shine, an AI-Powered Group Photo Sharing App !

Yahoo acquisisce Artifact, la startup di notizie degli ex co-fondatori di Instagram
La piattaforma di aggregazione notizie Artifact stata acquistata da Yahoo! Tra qualche mese avverr la transizione su Yahoo! News

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: dating app where people who were named "most X" in their high school yearbooks can find each other

SwiftCraft 2024 SESSION ANNOUNCEMENT: Workout experiences for watchOS and iOS with WorkoutKit by Audrey Zebaze

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From the ar(t)chive...

Stylized 3D illustration for a 2005 issue of the Dutch ComputerTotaal magazine, about software to erase files.

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Unsere inklusive Urformen. Eiszeitkunst zum Anfassen bietet nicht nur sehbeeintrchtigten Menschen einen Zugang. In unserer App haben wir gleich vier verschiedene Touren im Angebot:
1. Audio-Tour
2. Audiodesriptive Tour
3. Einfache Sprache
4. Deutsche Gebrdensprache

Infos zur & zum Download:

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Auch wer sich neuester Technik und Fortschritt verschliet, kommt nicht an der Wissenschaft vorbei: Fr Traditionsliebhaber hat China Sonderbriefmarken zu Fortschritten der Chemie und Biochemie herausgebracht.Die chinesische Fhrung setzt auf Wissenschaft und Technik, und das Land soll zum Vorbild einer digitalen, kologischen Zivilisation werden so steh

Many folks have used for years. Now that it is ending, they are scrambling to find a decent alternative. I have tried them all and found an excellent feature-filled alternative: . Give it a try and enjoy a 30-day free EXTENDED trial. I think you'll like it.

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It has been in existence now for 20 years, yet there is no way to for the purchases made on over that time.



What possible good reason can there be for not implementing search

Or am I missing the blindingly obvious

Got to admit that the from with its entire ID check implementation powers the smoothest user journeys that Ive recently experienced. Kudos for the great !

Der Mrz ist Geschichte - und damit wird es erneut Zeit, unsere neuen und des Monats bekannzugeben. Neben einer - hat bei uns auch ein - im Stil von und , sowie eine - und im vergangenen Monat fr Aufsehen gesorgt.

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Palmsy Is A Pretend Social Media That Generates Likes For Everything You Post

Artikel Trendbericht Analytische Chemie 2024
Mehrdimensionale Trenntechniken sowie Kopplungstechniken verbessern weiter die Auflsung in der Analytik. In der Elementanalytik beeindrucken neue Entwicklungen der Massenspektrometrie mit induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma, in der Archometrie zerstrungsfreie In-situ-Analysen. Der 3-D-Druck treibt die elektroanalytische Forschung voran, und die Pr

NEW RELEASE 0.40-rc1

- scrobble for song played while in offline mode
- you can now rate and like while offline, the backend will be updated as soon as you're back online
- fixed an issue reported by a user where their User object was null
- other minor fixes from previous release
- increased performance

Please report any bug.

A conversation with OpenAIs first artist in residence

Whats next for generative video

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Welche fordern Wann und warum ist geboten

1 Wie knnen .innen ihre vor unberechtigtem Zugriff
2 Welche Rolle spielt beim neuer Apps
3 Wie oft sollten berprft werden, um die zu sichern
4 Was sind dafr, dass eine vielleicht ist

In der Welt der ist entscheidend:

Bin, pour le partage de texte et image simplifier

Un nouvel article.

(Via )

Neuer Rekord!

892 Partner wollen nur mein bestes....

Don't judge a book by its cover.

I want a script that expands the threads of a Twitter post, in the form of a tree, because it's much easier to read this way, you don't have to click, expand, go back, all on separate subpages.

I want a script that expands the threads of a Twitter post, in the form of a tree, because it's much easier to read this way, you don't have to click, expand, go back, all on separate subpages....

Observers, & 1 person familiar w/the pitch, have said the idea is so far-fetched that it suggests a lack of familiarity w/how companies work. users flocked to the bc of its surprising suggestions for videos they might like, & theres no guarantee any -driven version could duplicate that success or beat rivals like & , who have worked for yrs to mirror the experience w/in their own respective apps, & .

Fmr treas sec is telling investors he has a plan to buy
Mnuchin told potential backers he aims to maneuver around its price of >$100B & s ban of the export of recommendation .
He indicated he could overcome those hurdles by offering to buy the w/o the export-blocked , essentially forcing his consortium to remake a service built on billions of lines of code.

I made a minor refactor to my , and now my error and info channels are going to the void.

Vuoi imparare a sviluppare App per iPhone e iPad Apple ha lanciato una serie di tutorial gratuiti per imparare Swift e SwiftUI. Inizia subito a dare forma alle tue idee.

AirGuard - AirTag Schutz

AirGuard erkennt AirTags, die zum stalking eingesetzt werden und warnt dich.

Its easy to tamper with watermarks from AI-generated text

In der mobilen vom ZSL kann ich mich auch nicht mit dem neuen Moodle anmelden. Wenn ich innerhalb der App suche, wird mir unser Belw-Moodle angezeigt.

Ein Anmelden mit idam unter der neuen Adresse von MoodleBW funktioniert nicht.


Whereas ALL the have in their products!

And yes, eben because why else would they demand a and even restrict functionality based off said number

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