Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Discord finally implemented a Progressive Web App!

This seems useful. Almost like CleanShot but for .

Sahne Khler: Mit KI gegen den Fachkrftemangel

Fachkrftemangel macht auch der Hamburger Traditionsfirma zu schaffen. Eine neu eingefhrte KI soll nun Entlastung bringen.

Dungeon Paper v2.0 finally out for iOS as well! :) Took a lot of work to get it ready

Also available on Android, Web and macOS!

Suche einen Post, den ich gestern gelesen hatte.

Die Idee war eine fr Menschen mit zu entwickeln, wo sie eingeben, wenn sie erfolgreich einen Aufzug benutzt haben.
EDIT: schon schnell gefunden.

Danke an

Make your own Tour App

cybernews research Horror story app Chilling haunted by loose permissions, spilling data

Showing the some love this morning with a new app directory dedicated to platforms, clients, and tools for easy browsing and discovery:

Users can browse by the various software types with a filter for platform (web, desktop, mobile) and various sort options based on popularity (repo stars), recent development activity, and more.

Beste fr das
Danke fr eure Tipps.

WID-SEC-2024-1814: NEU hoch : Mehrere Schwachstellen

Ein Angreifer kann mehrere Schwachstellen in IBM App Connect Enterprise ausnutzen, um beliebigen Code auszufhren oder um Sicherheitsmanahmen zu umgehen.

Nueva entrada en !
SunSmart Global UV: la app para reconocer las peores horas de sol

Libre Camera

Moderne Kamera-App zum Aufnehmen von Fotos und Videos.

RolePlai : crea personaggi realistici per giochi di ruolo virtuali

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 52 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

is a free, easy-to-use app for 3D design, electronics, and coding. It's used by teachers, kids, hobbyists, and designers to design, and make anything!

Have you submitted your masterpiece yet

Posted into The Photography Exchange

Die neue Version von Lenas Einkaufsliste ist fr die internen/Betatests in die Stores gepusht und als Update verfgbar :) Das ist das erste Update, in dem ich Daten in der Datenbank migrieren muss. Aber die Migrationsfunktion ist jetzt gebaut und kann wiederverwendet werden :)

eine um auf .

En, waar blijft de nieuwe die ons al jren beloofd wordt

Apple keurt idos 3 goed na wijziging in emulatorregels app store iDOS 3 emulator app Store richtlijnen Li ontwikkelaar iOS

Apple keurt idos 3 goed na wijziging in emulatorregels app store iDOS 3 emulator app Store richtlijnen Li ontwikkelaar iOS

Apple keurt idos 3 goed na wijziging in emulatorregels app store iDOS 3 emulator app Store richtlijnen Li ontwikkelaar iOS

I don't use nor install the .
OK, I could use the aurora app of the f-droid store or APKpure.

btw is as important as the in my opinion.
It's my first reference for any app to know if it's ledgit or not. So publishing the their first boosts and the FOSS community too.

Everyone group
adds the group Everyone to your

You can now easily share things with every user with only one click.

Speaking of , how much of your money have you given to this company

What the Loop - Hello Loop tutorial

What the Loop - Settings tutorial

What the Loop - Drawing tutorial

What the Loop - Colors tutorial

What the Loop - Tempo tutorial

What the Loop - Gallery tutorial


Li-Ri ist ein Arcade-Spiel, wo Sie einen Spielzeug-Holzmotor fahren.

Got a new fridge freezer coming tomorrow. It can connect to wifi so you can use an app to adjust the temperature inside from anywhere. When has this ever been a problem that anyone needs solving Has anyone ever been away from home and given their fridge temperature a moments thought

I may well set it up on an isolated vlan just to see what data its sending back home to China.

i can only speak for my self about Joplin and the experience with it on my mid class Smartphone the A52 from Samsung.

For me, Joplin works way better then Obsidian on my Smartphone and Tablet so far.

i rarely use Joplin on my Desktop PC.

Pro tip if you want to use : Go for the web app, it works much better than the Android app at least. I decided to give it another try but alongside Mastodon as a place for more photos where I'm "not so sure". See here

An idea I have been wrestling with for a while: a mobile app which allows you to create screens and simple screen sequences where you can place any kind of arbitrary elements known to the host system. Images No problem! Fake buttons with accessibility properties such as fake rotor actions Here you are! I short: any kind of native control that the system can recognize created in a step-by-step fashion that everyone can familiarize themselves with. Things this could be useful for: 1. Creating fantasy apps - hey, why not call it just that, or more professionally: mockups in which a screen reader user demonstrates the ideal scenario of how a given interface should read. 2. Copying interface concepts from apps you would like to demo where sensitive data is stored that you wouldn't like to be there for everyone to read. 3. Setting up maps of touch screen interfaces not accessible to the blind for the purpose of visualising them so that you can still support a sighted third-party in handling (think vending machines, ticket machines etc. where someone is lost but you can help them out by looking at your visualisation). 4. Any kind of visual concept really with things laid out in a structural way. Bonus points if the controls can do simple things like navigating to other views, fading the current view out but fade another one in etc.

Lentil Translate

Datenschutzorientierter Open Source bersetzer.

Aprovecha mientras dure: 105 apps y juegos de pago de Android que estn gratis o en oferta

That's right, I gave a 1-star when they popped up a lightbox between albums for me to give one.
That's right, I said, "STOP ASKING ME FOR A REVIEW" and clicked Submit.
That's right, I will counter your crazy with more crazy.

designers, please, stop this shit. It's not good , no matter what they tell you in class. It shits up the experience.

Portrait of my Dog