Do you like music Do you want to support local music in your town
- I've got 2 supporters so far
16 Best Apps for Dog Owners to Make Pet Care Easier
In the era of smartphones, you as a dog owner are presented with an array of tools to help manage your pup's lifestyle. From keeping track of their nutrition to arranging a stay with a trusted sitter, there are apps to enhance every aspect of dog ownership. Whether you're interested in monitoring your dog's weight, maintaining their health records, or ensuring they're well socialized, your phone can be a gateway to peace of mind and convenience.Navigating the plethora of appsDans la srie "Tous accros la synchro !", pisode 3 : SMTP : le roi de l'envoi.
Si POP3 et IMAP4 se disputent la rception des messages, le protocole SMTP reste incontournable pour lenvoi. On vous dit tout...
There's one local group trying to shift the government's priorities in the aftermath of a loved one being killed by the cops.
Be sure to follow and
They're working on legislation that will require taxpayer money goes towards aiding the family of the person killed by cops so they can keep a roof over their head, bury their loved one and if needed get a legal aid or a lawyer.
6 Months of AdventureLog & 100,000 Downloads!
Today marks an exciting milestone for AdventureLog6 months since launch, and we've officially hit 100,000 downloads!
AdventureLog started as a passion project and has evolved in ways I never imagined!
Thanks to everyone who has downloaded, contributed, or provided feedbackyour support drives AdventureLog forward, and I'm beyond excited for what's next!
Just discovered rodentapp and it's really raising the bar for UX among clients. Lots of great usability upgrades to the reading experience in an attractive package.
One thing I haven't figured out yet is how to view my followed hashtags as a feed. Would be nice to be able to choose them from within the custom feed dialog so I can form them into custom feeds by topic. Keep up the great work!
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No GTFS data No problem. When Salim couldnt access official transport data, he mapped all of Ttouan himself. Stay tuned for an update on what hes doing now.
Mal eine Frage an die , , -Bubble: Gibt es Infos dazu, wer hinter der , Werbung fr die -Bonus- in den Mrkten steckt
Hatten interne Mitarbeiter*innen bei der Supermarktkette die Idee, Leute damit zu vergraulen, oder waren es externe *innen
In jedem -Kurs lernt mensch, dass Rabatte in den Verkaufspreis einkalkuliert werden. Ich werde nicht mehr fr zahlen, damit es App-Kund:inn:en billiger bekommen. Bye, Bye Rewe.
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Empleo pblico: la app para encontrar pues eso
es una nueva aplicacin que nos permite encontrar convocatorias de empleo en el sector pblico y oposiciones. La noticia no tiene ms, es una aplicacin de nicho que parece bien hecha y ser de gran utilidad a muchsimas personas para navegar en ese basto mundo de las oposiciones.
# #AdministracinPblica #Android #app #bsquedaDeEmpleo #oposiciones #telfonoMvil
eine Notiz- und Aufgaben-App mit Sync zwischen Linux, macOS, Windows.
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Ich bin jetzt zur (ist ein Fork) gewechselt, um Videos zu schauen.
Oh - mein - Gott, warum habe ich das nicht schon viiiiel frher getan
It would be very useful, if the would include the alt text of images when pressing c to copy the text of a post.
Note to self: downgrading an isn't possible if it is in multiple profiles. (Or installing an older version if the other one is still present anywhere else.)
Van a un buffet de sushi y esta es la cantidad de niguiris que son capaces de comerse Los usuarios se quedan sorprendidos sobre todo por su eleccin.
Creating my own in
FDroid and PlayStore releases coming up in a few days, as usual.
Fixed issue when playing all albums of an artist in offline-mode.
Nextcloud Added lyrics support for Nextcloud.
Fixed issues with limits previously imposed on song-stats requests.
Telegram Chat:
founder joins at , and sliver of and mavens that helped site become ubiquitous finally grow up and begin deleting
Watching election results and pushing some pixels. Still a few GNOME Circle icons left to do.
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Considering ordering the Active 2. Can do a full review if I do. Anyone have any pros or cons with Amazfit and .
I'd love for minimalist apps like Blank Spaces to actually shut down the normal function of my smartphone. Tried their setup and it's clunky. Adding a widget to create the launch to use tools is not smooth and a swipe left or right still accesses all of the apps I'd rather avoid. Their app lockdown feature is unstable - couldn't choose more than three apps without it collapsing. "It's like Light Phone." No, no it is not because it is still a smartphone.
is just great. All your interests in one .
I'm taking a turn with from and it is working very nicely.
So much food talk!
The tyranny of apps: those without smartphones are unfairly penalised, say campaigners
I think I've finally found my definitive notes app, after trying a range of options, including Obsidian, Joplin and OneNote
I'm quite content with Standard Notes now. It offers everything I was looking for: minimalistic plain text notes, free cross-platform syncing, open source, accessible via Web, desktop app and mobile apps, password protected notes, end-to-end encryption, a clear UI, and no bells and whistles.
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In seinem Insider-Blog zeigt jetzt das neue von mit einer berarbeiteten -Ansicht. Die neue Funktion soll in den kommenden Wochen an Nutzer ausgerollt werden.
Frog: Extract text from any image, video, QR Code and etc.
timo app que extrai texto de imagens, como prints.
Est quebrando um galho para pegar questes de simulados que esto em vdeos ou PDFs sem texto selecionvel.
Did someone say football and cookies
Hilfe, welche benutzt ihr und warum Ich hab einfach mit der Standard-Mastodon angefangen, aber ich kann, whrend ich Antworten schreibe den ursprnglichen Trt nicht lesen. Unhilfreich.
Eine super Uhr fr , etc. Nutzer!
Die Uhr basiert auf der alten Android-Uhr (AOSP) und hat die essentiellen Features, wie, dass sie auch nach einem Neustart funktioniert, bevor das Gert entsperrt wurde ("direct boot")
Sie hat super viele Funktionen wie auto-lschen (keine dutzenden Wecker mehr!), Schtteln, Blitzlicht, Vibrieren uvm.