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Does a journal a day keep your mental health okay Here's what happened after using Apple's new Journal app on iOS 17 for a week.

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Does a journal a day keep your mental health okay Here's what happened after using Apple's new Journal app on iOS 17 for a week.

Please note that you currently may get an error when you try to install on the 14 .

This is very likely caused by a in the : the crashes. Some other projects experience similar issues.

However, the next will come with a that makes the installable again.

You can also already fetch an installable version from the project homepage at .

I just wrote the to control my garage door opener project. Took about 20 minutes. Seriously. 20 minutes. Including sideload time. Runs flawlessly.

It's ugly as sin, but it's there.

Chinese shopping app Temu seems to have an inescapable appeal for online consumers offering a "dizzying circus of dirt-cheap things," encouraging impulse purchases and claiming to promise the experience of shopping like a billionaire. Vox's senior reporter Whizy Kim delves into Temu's undeniable success and appeal.

What is your favorite and why

La #app #Android fatta laltro giorno ha svolto il suo lavoro, e programmarla cos stato furbo. Ho usato quindi:

Tutto insieme, questo sistema mi ha permesso di pubblicare su #WordPress effettivamente tramite un messaggio SMS, inviato dal mio #smartphone principale, ricevuto dal secondario che ha #Internet e fa le sue cose. Nel video c la dimostrazione di , appunto di sfondo, linterfaccia di #n8n che si aggiorna per mostrare la nuova esecuzione avvenuta, e il #MicroBlog con il nuovo post arrivato

Ora, ripeto che questo era un #EsercizioDiStile, e per il momento nellanno del signore #2023 non ho esigenza di postare cos, ma forse il concetto generale potrebbe tornare utile per le emergenze, e in ogni caso certamente fa figo provare sulla mia #piattaforma lebrezza di una funzione che solo #Twitter di tutte ha avuto, e solo per poco tempo.

Se in futuro volessi davvero usarla, innanzitutto implementerei un sistema di #OTP, cos che ogni volta che voglio pubblicare devo anche inserire un codice temporaneo (perch SMS un colabrodo di protocollo, e sarebbe possibile per dei criminali inviare un messaggio che appare come dal mio numero), poi magari implementerei funzioni come la modifica dei post (oltre che qualche feedback per pubblicazione avvenuta con successo o meno, cosa che ho evitato ora perch dalla seconda #SIM non posso inviare messaggi, solo ricevere). Per chi vuole curiosare, il #JavaScript per #DroidScriptin e il JSON per n8n sono qui: .

#2023 #Android #API #app #DroidScriptin #EsercizioDiStile #HTTP #Internet #JavaScript #JS #MicroBlog #n8n #OTP #piattaforma #script #server #SIM #sito #smartphone #SMS #telefono #Twitter #WordPress

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Google Play is set to introduce a new feature that will allow users to remotely install and uninstall applications on their Android devices. With this update, users can manage apps on multiple devices using the same Google account. Users can install apps on multiple devices at once, and soon, they will also be able to uninstall apps remotely. This feature is expecte

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ADDENDUM: Hes going to Scotland for spring break!

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Meta and Instagram dropped new Notes that will improve the short word , and before it was only centered on text, it already features multimedia experiences. In the latest update, it is getting more of a touch of Instagram's branding with the new Video Note that will allow you to post a short clip, alongside the ability to send multimedia replies via the . Venturing over to the Instagram now and going to the Notes feature will lead ...

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My first app published on Google Play!!! Cross Clock is an app that focus on providing easy-to-read world time design setting accurate alarm with specific time zone. You will be able to set an alarm in specific time zone without calculating time difference.
This app is the first work in CrossWare series and is still in early version. More functions are on the way and more cool apps are in plan. Welcom to send any feedback to me.
Links to the app:

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