Does it bother anyone that opening a doc using the vs using the gets you different results
, I don't know what game you're playing but once it starts messing around with our process that's where I draw the line. It may take me a good three years to get my IT in tune with me, but could easily replace your dumb programs.
Ich bin froh die nur kurz und erst sehr spt auf meinem Handy gehabt zu haben (gehabt zu haben ... das klingt immer noch doof diese Formulierung. Heute ist nicht mein Tag).
Video von auf YouTube
Eine Recherche ber den Nutzen und die Weiterentwicklung der Luca-App:
What's the "best" for and why
(Background for this question: Google Podcast ist shutting down and YT Music is lacking basic features)
"App stores..."
Hasta la vista, Documents app :
Hasta la vista, Documents app #iOS #app #skyjos #readdleEarly sketch Friday )
Xcode getting better with every release...
I've written a little WebDAV server:
This is a webDAV / web server that serves the current directory as a web site.
It makes it convenient to upload/download files between your PC and a remote
device say a mobile phone (Android, iPhone etc) simply using the web browser.
Run it with the -U option makes it possible to upload files without a WebDAV client.
*new version*, see reply
More details in the readme:
Mal eine Frage an die : gibt es eigentlich eine fr das und Mastodon, mit dem man analysieren kann, wer von den und anderen Fedinaut:Innen innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 2 Wochen wieviel gemacht hat
AI could make better beer.Hereshow.
Artikel Was starke Magnetfelder Biopolymeren entlocken
Mit NMR-Spektroskopie untersuchen Forschende die Struktur und Dynamik von Biopolymeren in atomarer Auflsung. Fr empfindliche und hochaufgelste Messungen sind Spektrometer mit starken Magnetfeldern ntig, aus welchen sich Resonanzfrequenzen bis 1,2 GHz ergeben. So wird beispielsweise entschlsselt, wie Nukleinsuren und
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Alternative: Wenn ihr auf nicht verzichten mgt, knnt ihr 5 Tage wie auf allen Social Media + -Adressen der machen. Dann gibts -Chipkarte.
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Das kolumbianische Start-up SiembraCo will die Produktionsbedingungen kleiner und mittlerer Landwirte verbessern.Hola mastonautas! :ABlobCatDancing:
Vosotros usis alguna aplicacin para organizar vuestros O un Excel
Yo usaba una, pero vi el otro da en F-Droid la app Paisa y creo que le voy a dar un tiento
Os dejo enlace por si queris echarle un ojo:
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Dear Esteemed ,
We would like to inform you that our third-party providers are currently upgrading their system.
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Download the new Byczek Law Android app to create a Will to protect your property and password organizer to safeguard your digital afterlife.
Available on Google Play.
Los cambios que llegan a el 11 de : si quieres seguir usando la , tendrs que aceptar las nuevas condiciones
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eine weiteres App fr Android ist iyox Wormhole und ebenfalls zu dem oben erwhnten eine weitere Open-Source Alternatieve um sicher Dateien zu bertragen:
iyox Wormhole
Free apps on Play turned phones into proxies
Fake VPN clients/apps used to recruit devices into acting as residential proxies, which can make traffic (malicious or otherwise) appear legitimate (because it comes from residential IP addresses.)
Be careful what you download. Just because its on an store, does not mean it is safe.
To go a little bit further, its usually best for most users to use the confirmed official client for a VPN service. Ideally, the client would be open source and not request any odd permissions/collect data.
And hopefully youre using a reputable VPN provider
Pokmon Masters EX-Newsletter fr den April verffentlicht
Auch im April gibt es viele verschiedene Inhalte in Pokmon Masters EX.
Zur News:
Do You Need an APP TO PRAY. The Answer Is NO! NO! NO! / Hugo Talks
How Adobes bet on non-exploitative AI is paying off
Anyone feel lonely and want to feel they belong somewhere
Sign up and quote reason for using the app to be part of the pilot
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Catastroapp llega a Android
Meet the MIT Technology Review AI team in London
Write a mobile #app in #python with the #kivy framework.Data Manipulation Initial Planning Is A Crucial Aspect Of Any Project, & It's One Of My Favourite Parts!
I still prefer to do this phase 'old school', with a large piece of (portable) paper, pencil, and eraser, revisiting and adjusting as needed, often the next day as it has percolated overnight...
During this phase, I list constraints, data validation needs, design a broad framework, and determine interactions while trying to future-proof as much as possible. I bring in my requirements and questions from my initial JIRA ticket(s) - and then use these to develop and evolve business rules, along with a process diagram construction.
From there, it's all on to SQL and manual testing in PostgreSQL + PostGIS and finally prototype app construction - for the devs to then take and make it work fast and well!
How badass is this from 10 to 10
wieder aktiviert. Jetzt heisst es einrichten und auch mein Smartphone -Mail
Mein meint pltzlich, wrde die Berechtigung "Benachrichtigen anzeigen" bentigen, um 'richtig zu funktionieren' und lsst sich ohne anscheinend nicht mehr ffnen.
Fuck that!
Gibt's da was im
soll einfach nur Bilder anzeigen knnen, und vielleicht noch in Alben gruppieren. Mglichst klein/einfach/leichtgewichtig .
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"(...) With to a for everyone
In , too, large dominate the range of digital services. The free platform , on the other hand, focuses on # cooperation in # development - and aims at sustainable .
Die bekommt neue Funktionen. Mit dabei sind auch der und .
Gli In-App Browsers sono residenti nelle , che fanno accedere al web senza usare il nostro browser preferito
in questo modo limitano gli utenti, li privano delle loro scelte, non rispettano le decisioni dei web developer, danneggiano l'ecosistema del web
Open Web Advocacy racconta il problema e sollecita la a intervenire
L'articolo molto interessante e si trova qui:
Does anybody have for an camera that allows adjusting exposure without going into a menu (e.g. with a slider in the main camera view). Ideally also one click to toggle flash and HDR.
I've been taking a lot of pictures with my phone in more challenging lighting lately, and having to open a menu and a submenu before choosing an exposure adjustment just isn't cutting it.