Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Elections Canadas tender for this job says they are looking for someone who can design, build, deliver and maintain a mobile application that will allow visually impaired and blind electors the ability to verify the mark on their own ballot.

Previsin temperatura oleaje y mareas de las playas espaolas mediante la APP iMar

Learn More with the Insight Wat Pho Application, A Social Innovation from Chula Architecture


Getting over it
Royal Match
Golf Odyssey
Block Blast
Horizon Chase 1 + 2
Ridiculous Fishing

Theres an for that.

is giving a .

I'm a recent convert to LXQt. Previously I used Xfce. On the Xfce panel, I had the dictionary app xfc4-dict. Is there something similar for the LXQt panel

I did manage to find a weather app for the panel, that being meteo-qt, but I've yet to find a dictionary app. Is there one I'm using Debian.

If there isn't a panel app, then a dictionary program recommendation would also be appreciated.


ja, wo es noch als fr gab und die noch nicht nutzlos kastriert wurde...

You can use Kolibri to make cute about-screen animations! I really should make a discovery section in the app with (reusable) examples. I think thats the next thing on my list.

Y'all, I just found this very cool app that monitors air quality using citizen science sourced from a variety of different places. It seems to only be available for iPhones, which is a device I do not have, so I can't speak to how good it is, but it definitely seems to be another tool for the toolbelt of community care and knowledge. Anyone have experience with LocalHaze Let us know! Has it been helpful to you this summer


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I highly recommend this Discourse app. If youre like me and you turn off email notifications for most things, but have a slew of Discourse accounts, this official Discourse app lets you sign in to all of them and sends you push notifications when you are mentioned, replied to, or direct messaged.

Jetzt komplett berarbeitet im / :
: Kostenlose zum Verstndigen auf

hat vielleicht nicht das beste System, viele der Produkte sind aber solide gestaltet und preislich fair. Bislang gab es vor allem eine sehr groe Einschrnkung: Die -App funktioniert nur im heimischen , nicht aber von unterwegs. Das scheint sich nun zu ndern: IKEA testet in einigen Lndern mit dem jngsten der eine neue Funktion mit dem Namen .

Mehr zum Thema:

(c) IKEA.

Na konci tootu, jen nem hyperlink


Der ADAC untersttzt eine Fahrgemeinschaften-App, die besonders fr Pendler:innen gedacht ist. Das soll die Stdte und das Klima entlasten.

Habt ihr von auf einen anderen gewechselt

Schreibt gerne in die kommentare warum :)

Gerne boosten,damit es von mehr leuten gesehen werden kann.

Noot Noot!

A jet jedna novinka tkajc se aplikace Beeper:
Google messages + RCS


Ein Fitness Tracker, der deine Privatsphre achtet. FitoTrack ist eine App zum Aufzeichnen und Auswerten deiner Workouts.

Ob du lufst, Fahrrad fhrst oder wanderst: FitoTrack zeigt die wichtigsten Daten mit detaillierten Diagrammen und Statistiken. Es ist Open-Source und komplett ohne Werbung!

Hilfe zu WordPress

Existiert neben dem nativen Original auch eine "andere" App (Android) fr WordPress

Wer hat eine Idee oder nutzt bereits eine alternative App, um aus der Ferne und offline auf dem Smartphone zu bloggen

Wenn du kannst, spendiere diesem Post einen Boost fr eine grere Reichweite im Fediversum.


 Is new X icon supposed to look so grungy I realized that its actually profound perfection. Because with its distressed background, the iOS app icon finally gives the worlds premiere edgelord a perfectly absurd graphic styleand a mirror. The scuffed-up icon, which was previously available to X Premium subscribers, works as a metaphor for his dinged and damaged platform. Perhaps even better than realizes. 

Does an App(Android) for WordPress exist apart from the native original

Who has an Idea or already uses an alternative App in order for remotely and offline Blogging on their Smartphone

It you can, spend this Post a Boost for a broader reach in the Fediverse. Thank you!

A popular earthquake alerting service in Japan called NERV has announced that they're leaving Twitter due to API pricing.

Going forward, they will continue to publish alerts through their mobile app & their account.

Their fediverse account can be found here:

Vacanze nel Salento Con Staseera sai sempre dove andare

User: (clicks icon)

I tried and at most it has a share button. Maybe someone could develop an 'Upload track to ' app

Cest quoi, cest histoire du picto de , pour l iOS, tout abm, ray, sale Cest une factie par un graphiste de chez X avant de se barrer de cette pourrie

Elevate Your Style with the Ultimate Shopping Companion App

IT (questi tracker sono preinstallati)
Esempio di da parte di su singola preinstallata su dispositivi

EN (these trackers are pre-installed) Example of tracing by Google on a single-app pre-installed on devices Android

GDCh-WiFo 2023 in Leipzig GDCh-Karrieretage
Zum Wissenschaftsforum (WiFo) vom 4.-6. September 2023 in Leipzig ldt die GDCh Unternehmen und Absolvent:innen ein, an den Karrieretagen teilzunehmen, um sich bei Experten und Fachkollegen ber die verschiedenen Berufsbilder und den Berufseinstieg zu informieren. GDCh-Karrieretage am Montag: Heute dreht sich alles um die akademische Karriere: Infos und Tipps zu Profess


Ein groartiger freier und quelloffener RSS-Feedreader.

I've been struggling with this totalitarian kitsch from Drops for 24 days and I just reached a new Milestone in German! Dare to join me See if you can catch up:

I want to thank everyone who has replied so far to my post about a password app for MacOS and iOS. I haven't had the time to reply to everyone because I'm super busy for the next few days, through the weekend, but I have saved all of the links you have sent to me into an org-mode project in Emacs to review later on.

of former , now X = scratched & dirty after only 2 weeks! Weird.

I am looking for an good (free) pro camera app for iPhone.
An app for taking pictures with long exposure and/or an app with pro camera features (like adjusting iso,shutterspeed and shooting in RAW files.

What would you recommend Defenitly let me know.

How about saying goodbye to the delusional of "" that you "visit"

What we actually have is a huge called , comprising millions of that host billions of unchecked apps.

Every day, you're gullibly downloading hundreds of those apps force your secondary (naively called a "") to lower its shields and execute them and tolerate their phoning home and attempts at tracking you, all day.

Sympa l'interface de , a change des autres clients .

Windows 11 permetter di disinstallare le app integrate

AAT Another Activity Tracker

GPS-Tracking Anwendung fr sportliche Aktivitten, mit Schwerpunkt Radfahren. Untersttzt offline Karten.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 56 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

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