Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Good alert: If youve migrated to the Apple like me, you may be missing some of the extra functions of your preferred password manager. I found Access today and it goes a long way in picking up the slack. The app looks nice, works great, and feels right at on iOS and Mac. Get it.

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If Tiktok actualy gets banned in the US in January, the concept of it becoming "the social media app with no Americans" might actually make it absolutely fucking amazing for us, by which I mean everyone else.

:luffy10: As funciona la nueva herramienta de denuncia de veladores ilegales de la app del .

La pestaa ha entrado en funcionamiento ms de un mes despus de su anuncio y tras anunciar las fechas de 1 y 15 de noviembre sin haberla puesto en marcha.

El aviso indica que no se trata de una denuncia y que la informacin ser trasladada al Servicio Municipal correspondiente e incorporada, tras su valoracin, a los Planes de Inspeccin de Terrazas de Veladores.

WhatsApp: emoji animate e nuove reazioni per chat

New app added to the Accessible Android apps directory: MyTherapy Pill Reminder accessible with minor issues

Telegram: aggiornamento epocale con focus sulle mini app

Come usare Quick Share: tutto quello che ti serve sapere

Ion Launcher

Ein schner, funktionaler und anpassbarer Launcher.

Disponible Pedra paper tissores llangardaix Spock. Una jugueta un poc innocent per jugar tot sol contra es telfon encara que hi hagi gent que la trobi falta d'estratgia hi, hi, hi...

Make your own Tour App

Artikel Zwei Seiten derselben Medaille
Beide waren Wegbereiter der angewandten physikalischen Chemie, beide erhielten einen Nobelpreis fr Chemie. Doch eine persnlich-freundschaftliche Lehrer-Schler-Beziehung zwischen Wilhelm Ostwald und dem 15 Jahre jngeren Fritz Haber gab es nicht.Fritz Haber (1868 1934) und Wilhelm Ostwald (1853 1932) gehren zu den bedeutenden Forschern in der hete

WhatsApp: torna la scorciatoia per la fotocamera

YouTube cambia faccia: addio alle vecchie icone

Mglicherweise ergibt das Sinn wenn mensch den Artikel liest. Aber einfach so in der - aufgelistet kannste nur mitm schtteln.

Show HN: The App I Built to Help Manage My Diabetes, Powered by GPT-4o-Mini

Neat - completely open-source, cross-platform hierarchical note taking application that allows you to build large personal knowledge bases. Anyone have experience using it

Are there iOS coloring book apps that are geared towards coloring any line drawing you give it

I dont want a library of drawings to work on or any shared public gallery, I simply want to paint bucket color closed shapes

Probably some other graphics app has this feature.

In wieder entdeckt:

Mit der individuelle
Dateiaufbewahrungsrichtlinien festlegen!


Automatische Lschung nach Ablauf

Untersttzung fr = Ich vergebe der Datei manuell oder automatisiert einen tag (z.B. 3d) um z.B. nach 3 Tagen eine automatische Lschung auszulsen

Untersttzung fr Datei-Alterung

Benachrichtigung an user vor der Lschung

Grote toename in app-grootte veroorzaakt opslagproblemen voor smartphonegebruikers -grootte -opslag

Me encantan estas apps que se niegan a continuar diciendo que han detectado root en mi smartphone (sin root). Pues entonces: .

anche disponibile la nuova versione 1.48.3 di Delta Chat

If you're a Mac user and interested in seeing the current activity of the Sun, I've made a small app available on the AppStore:

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 34 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Fitness Calendar

Ein privater und vollstndig offline-Aktivittstracker.

(Book VIII Ending Movie Short) (Industry)

How do I report a in the

Every time I tap the notification bell the app crashes.

Sometimes I feel like I'm so slow. The new app I'm working on now still has no end in sight. Every problem I solve brings two more to deal with. But that's probably the fate of every solo developer with a family.

The biggest problems I'm dealing with

1. app architecture - it is difficult to foresee the needs and future features from the beginning and to adapt to how the app is created

2. UI - this topic is always a pain for me because I am more technical than artistic

3. Features - it's not easy to resist adding every new feature that comes to my mind

4. Monetization - no comment

Whats your developer experience

Por si te lo perdiste: Cigales presenta nueva app turstica en Intur

Knowledge Page auf ber 's

Kinda like what and does, but with a subscription.

Gerade nachgeschaut, ich habe 4 angefangene Seitenprojekte und fhle mich paralysiert.

Also vielleicht mal was abschlieen: Was davon klingt am interessantesten fr euch

Jornada N 13 / PrimeraRFEF
Rico Prez
Domingo 17 de noviembre
Desde las 17 h
1008 OM / LaSER /

App Google: nuova scheda Notifiche nella barra inferiore

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 48 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

WhatsApp: arriva finalmente la funzione Bozze

MyFitnessPal : per e basata sull'intelligenza artificiale

Sijes a music app i made long time ago
more info about the app at

Google Messaggi: novit per personalizzare il profilo


App zur berwachung des Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatums von Produkten.

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