Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Have you submitted your masterpiece yet

Posted into The Photography Exchange

Die neue Version von Lenas Einkaufsliste ist fr die internen/Betatests in die Stores gepusht und als Update verfgbar :) Das ist das erste Update, in dem ich Daten in der Datenbank migrieren muss. Aber die Migrationsfunktion ist jetzt gebaut und kann wiederverwendet werden :)

eine um auf .

En, waar blijft de nieuwe die ons al jren beloofd wordt

Apple keurt idos 3 goed na wijziging in emulatorregels app store iDOS 3 emulator app Store richtlijnen Li ontwikkelaar iOS

Apple keurt idos 3 goed na wijziging in emulatorregels app store iDOS 3 emulator app Store richtlijnen Li ontwikkelaar iOS

Apple keurt idos 3 goed na wijziging in emulatorregels app store iDOS 3 emulator app Store richtlijnen Li ontwikkelaar iOS

I don't use nor install the .
OK, I could use the aurora app of the f-droid store or APKpure.

btw is as important as the in my opinion.
It's my first reference for any app to know if it's ledgit or not. So publishing the their first boosts and the FOSS community too.

Everyone group
adds the group Everyone to your

You can now easily share things with every user with only one click.

Make your own Tour App

Speaking of , how much of your money have you given to this company

What the Loop - Hello Loop tutorial

What the Loop - Settings tutorial

What the Loop - Drawing tutorial

What the Loop - Colors tutorial

What the Loop - Tempo tutorial

What the Loop - Gallery tutorial


Li-Ri ist ein Arcade-Spiel, wo Sie einen Spielzeug-Holzmotor fahren.

Got a new fridge freezer coming tomorrow. It can connect to wifi so you can use an app to adjust the temperature inside from anywhere. When has this ever been a problem that anyone needs solving Has anyone ever been away from home and given their fridge temperature a moments thought

I may well set it up on an isolated vlan just to see what data its sending back home to China.

i can only speak for my self about Joplin and the experience with it on my mid class Smartphone the A52 from Samsung.

For me, Joplin works way better then Obsidian on my Smartphone and Tablet so far.

i rarely use Joplin on my Desktop PC.

Pro tip if you want to use : Go for the web app, it works much better than the Android app at least. I decided to give it another try but alongside Mastodon as a place for more photos where I'm "not so sure". See here

An idea I have been wrestling with for a while: a mobile app which allows you to create screens and simple screen sequences where you can place any kind of arbitrary elements known to the host system. Images No problem! Fake buttons with accessibility properties such as fake rotor actions Here you are! I short: any kind of native control that the system can recognize created in a step-by-step fashion that everyone can familiarize themselves with. Things this could be useful for: 1. Creating fantasy apps - hey, why not call it just that, or more professionally: mockups in which a screen reader user demonstrates the ideal scenario of how a given interface should read. 2. Copying interface concepts from apps you would like to demo where sensitive data is stored that you wouldn't like to be there for everyone to read. 3. Setting up maps of touch screen interfaces not accessible to the blind for the purpose of visualising them so that you can still support a sighted third-party in handling (think vending machines, ticket machines etc. where someone is lost but you can help them out by looking at your visualisation). 4. Any kind of visual concept really with things laid out in a structural way. Bonus points if the controls can do simple things like navigating to other views, fading the current view out but fade another one in etc.

Lentil Translate

Datenschutzorientierter Open Source bersetzer.

Aprovecha mientras dure: 105 apps y juegos de pago de Android que estn gratis o en oferta

That's right, I gave a 1-star when they popped up a lightbox between albums for me to give one.
That's right, I said, "STOP ASKING ME FOR A REVIEW" and clicked Submit.
That's right, I will counter your crazy with more crazy.

designers, please, stop this shit. It's not good , no matter what they tell you in class. It shits up the experience.



implemented share with in-app deep link
improved landscape view-mode
removed user facing verbose player error
improved UI on loading states
Spanish translation corrections
other bug fixes

Power Ampache Telegram channel:

POWER AMPACHE 2 public chat:

Busco una para que me permita medir la altura de objetos distantes usando la cmara del y la "magia" de la .
No busco precisin, tan solo que sea .

Dear . I'm looking for an (Android, iOS, or macOS) that turns Mastodon posts into 1080x1920px story images. I've tried "Re: Toot" but its output is just a regular screenshot, I want something the way does it. Does such a thing exist

gibt es irgendwo durchsuchbare Shownotes bzw. Picks Bei der Internetsuche mit verschiedenen Suchmaschinen ist zu und nichts zu finden. Ich prangere das an, weil ich dazu mind. schon 12 mal etwas dazu gehrt habe in den letzten Jahren.

"Nuova per commercianti gratuita, , non detentiva e facile da usare per !

Bitrequest super facile da configurare e funziona estremamente bene. Se gestisci una piccola attivit o conosci qualcuno che ce l'ha, configurala con Bitrequest.

Basta installare un'app e sei pronto a partire!"

Algum indica um aplicativo que transforma notas de voz em escrita

Die SB Kassen bei uns haben wesentlich mehr

Bei der normalen Kasse habe ich die Wahl ob ich mit oder zahle.

Auch wenn die keine persnlichen abfragt, sammeln die meisten mehr Daten als einem lieb ist.

Das haben die gezeigt.


Ich kann noch weitere Interessenten aufnehmen fr den Test meiner Einkaufslisten- und Essensplaner-App. Sie funktioniert fr iOS und Android gleichermaen. Wer eine Einladung mchte schickt mir eine Mailadresse (iOS) oder seine Google Account Mailadresse (Android) per DM.
Es wird noch eine ganze Weile dauern, bis die App im Store landen wird, aber durch die Tests bekomme ich wertvolles Feedback und super Ideen fr Erweiterungen :)

Already reorganized the main and second Screen of my Samsung A52 in order to better reflect the further usage of Joplin as my main app for taking and organize notes, banned Obsidian to the second screen.

If all Notes are converted to Joplin, within some time, from iA-Writer I can finally get rid of this App too. Not sure yet what App will takes the free place, Time will tell.

I'm surprised there's nothing like "Google Trends" or YouTube's "Inspiration" tab for App Store or Play Store. No way to learn what people are searching on app stores that isn't already covered by existing apps or games.

If this exists, it's really hard to find.

In any case, this seems like an easy win for the app stores Instead of waiting for the devs to figure out what to build for your platform, you give them a way to find the opportunities themselves.


LavSeeker zeigt Toiletten, die in OpenStreetMap eingetragen sind.

It seems that I will ditch Obsidian in favor of Joplin because this App is way more lightweight and the syncing between Devices throughout Nextcloud is easier to install and use too.

But the at most important Function to me, why I rate Joplin much over Obsidian is the easy integrated and working sharing of my Texts to other Apps.

Full fledged Blog post about my Experience with Joplin will follow next.

Kennen die iOS-Nutzer unter Euch hier eine gute und datenschutzfreundliche um Aktivitten wie , laufen und radeln aufzuzeichnen
Sowas wie bei finde ich ausgezeichnet.

Diese gestern brigens wieder fleiig bei einer feinen ber den Rheinburgenweg von nach und wieder zurck benutzt.
Witzig, mal wieder keinen Plan gehabt und, dank verspteter Ankunft zum Schlu noch erleben drfen.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 46 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -


Ein Downhill-Snowboardspiel mit wunderschner Grafik.

Ich melde momentan jeden einzelnen , jedes , jede Unannehmlichkeit, die ich mit der neuen (desastrs schlechten) von habe, direkt dem Patrick Spence. Seine Mailadresse:

Ihr drft es mir gerne gleichtun.
