Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Hello designers and ! Did you know that couples or members of the same household often use the same loyalty number so that purchases can be pooled and savings maximized you do Great. Then why won't you ever allow two separate email logins to connect to the same keytag Same home address. Same family. App won't let you do that. I have to login as my wife, or she has to login as me, depending on who set up the account first. It is infuriating.

Genial: Wenn man sich mit unter aus einer beliebigen eine erzeugen lsst, kann man im Unterverzeichnis /resources/app/inject der sogar einfach eigene und Dateien hinzufgen, die dann automatisch eingebunden werden!

Das ist via oder schnell und unkompliziert startklar :

Algum Dev de Android freelancer que possa orar um projeto para mim Pago pelo oramento, obviamente. No poderei executar o projeto agora.

Goodness me it's moving very fast!

Make your own Tour App

is the future somebody should to build a for them!

bersicht ber die im September 2023 startende Saison der Kampfliga in Pokmon GO

Eine neue Saison beginnt bald fr die Pokmon GO-Kampfliga.

Zur News:

Details zum "Ein Paldea-Abenteuer"-Event in Pokmon GO enthllt

Erstmals betreten Paldea-Pokmon die Bhne von Pokmon GO.

Zur News:

Neue Jahreszeit Reichlich Abenteuer enthllt und Event-bersicht fr September 2023 vorgestellt

Ein Blick auf den September und die neue Jahreszeit wurde nun verffentlicht und zeigt, welche Inhalte bald erscheinen werden.

Zur News:

Hyperbonus-Inhalte mit Pokmon aus Paldea fr Pokmon GO angekndigt

Der Hyperbonus bringt zahlreiche Paldea-Pokmon fr Pokmon GO mit sich.

Zur News:

The Mac version of the WhatsApp computer is finally here from Meta, and this is after a long while of the holding out for the computer, with the company offering a new feature exclusively for PCs. This is with the WhatsApp video calling feature where it would allow up to 8 people to join a single call, but is not limited to that for audio participants. According to a blog post by the WhatsApp team, the dedicated app for Apple's Mac that adheres ...

Immerse yourself into the miraculous World of the Magic Forest!

Sounds of the Magic Forest is a beautiful soundbook for children between 2 and 6 years.

Department for : Passengers to benefit from easier and cheaper travel with new app guidance

and providers encouraged to ensure new offering more streamlined journeys is to all users.

's er noget forbandet at bygge til. Der er et hav af versioner og modeller, de er alle forskellige og deres styresystem, forskellige versioner af , er hverken bagud- eller indbyrdes kompatible.

Mit aktuelle problem: Modelnavnet p mit relativt nye (2022) test device (kbt i ) optrder ikke p Samsung's officielle liste over TV Model Groups. Det bevirker, at jeg ikke kan finde min nyudgivne og i vrigt godkendte i Samsung's App Store. Argh!


Ein Downhill-Snowboardspiel mit wunderschner Grafik.

J'ai finalement pris un peu plus de temps que prvu pour la prochaine mise jour de , mais c'est parce-que j'ai rajout pleiiiiin de trucs, l je me laisse jusqu'a ce week-end pour vivre avec la version canary et si tout va bien a passe en prod

Ich brauche immer noch die coole Idee, um so richtig durchzustarten!

I have switched to the Mastodon app from Tusky and initial impressions are good.

Open question: Im a middle-aged dude with a few years of experience 25 long years ago. So I have rudimentary understanding of *basic* programming concepts, but know nothing of modern languages or methods.

If I wanted to write an that hits a web-accessible , what would you all recommend as the best way to get started and/or learn iOS &

WhatsApp has introduced a usability defect in its Android app.

It's still possible to find an emoticon to add to the message, by tapping the Search icon .

However, after tapping the icon, the focus is in the Message box (1) rather than the Search box (2). See illustration.

Try it yourself. To start the emoticon search, type your search text in the Search box.

This is initially , then . This worked in earlier versions.

Trying out on via web . I don't see myself switching anytime soon. When typing that first bit I accidentally liked a post because there is no confirmation prompt option and desktop mode doesn't have the bottom toolbar.

No confirmation prompts when interacting with posts
No filter menu
No hashtags feeds on the bottom row, or anywhere

Specific issue, but using high minimum width (set via android dev options) turns it into desktop mode.

I need to design a new app icon. I hate doing it because I have no talent.

/ / /

Plongez-vous dans le monde miraculeux de la Fort Magique!

Les Sons de la Fort Magique est un magnifique livre sonore pour les enfants de 2 6 ans. Des sons tonnants et des textes charmants vous plongent dans le monde de la Fort Magique.

Does anyone using the canvas student app know why I'm unable to enter anything in to a text field It just does nothing when I double tap it using voiceover.

Bom dia, faa uso do cdigo que se encontra no link abaixo e comece ganhando dinheiro, recebe tanto novos usurios e pessoas que no vem fazendo uso do App Kwai durante 30 dias:

Sorprndete con los dibujos frescos y divertidos de en la



Sumrgete en el mundo maravilloso del Bosque Mgico!

Sonidos del Bosque Mgico es un hermoso libro de sonidos para nios de 2 a 6 aos. Sorprendentes sonidos y lindos textos te sumergen en el mundo del Bosque Mgico.

Quiz yourself on a wide range of facts with Trivia! Answer questions on anything from sports to history to animals, or choose not to select a specific category and answer thousands of miscellaneous questions. You can set the difficulty of the questions you're getting, and choose if you want them to be true/false or multiple choice. Never stop testing your knowledge and finding out more with Trivia

You can get the app on Flathub here:

Die Bauern Fahrplan- will ab sofort geschimpft werden

AirGuard - AirTag Schutz

AirGuard erkennt AirTags, die zum stalking eingesetzt werden und warnt dich.

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Elektrochemie auf der BunsentagungAnfang Juni 1973 widmete sich die Bunsengesellschaft fr Physikalische Chemie auf ihrer Jahresversammlung der Elektrochemie erstmals seit 1955. Die Nachrichten aus Chemie und Technik berichteten: Unter dem Titel Energieumwandlung gab es Vortrge zur Wasserstoffwirtschaft nach dem Ende von Erdl und Erdgas, zu elektrochemischen Zellen mit Lithium und

Wir haben Mastodon nicht in M umbenannt.

The Jetpack app gave me my weekly roundup today and told me my blog got a staggering 69 views this week! It's basically what I expected to get lol :wordpress:

Die an den Bahnhfen , -Sd, und sind ab sofort ber die "FahrradStation" reservier- und buchbar.

Alle infos:

We are happy to share more about another one of our projects today, the 40k A web app for mapping visited countries and ones to visit!

It was planned to serve as an MVP, and currently, the app allows users to track which places theyve visited, which are their favourites and where they would like to go in the future.

Check out the full case study and try out the fun capabilities of 40k on our website!

What's the best Android app for Mastodon

How do you disable the featured clip on the twitch iOS app I dont watch clips. Even worse, once you watch the clip, it just stays there.

is a that merchants can use to build storefronts, like a dot com!

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