Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Hello Jamers

As you know, Transifex serves as our translation platform. While the core principles remain similar, this tutorial diverges from its predecessor by focusing specifically on the translation of the Jami application.

Are you Your skills can make a real impact! Join our translation efforts and help us break barriers!

Want to know how
Here's the link:

Event und Inhalte zu den Pokmon-Weltmeisterschaften 2024 in Pokmon GO angekndigt

Die Pokmon-Weltmeisterschaften 2024 finden bald statt und werden von verschiedenen Inhalten in Pokmon GO begleitet.

Zur News:

Hilfe fr Patienten: App macht Mediziner-Sprache verstndlich

What services do Healthcare app developers provide

Health application developers offer a comprehensive range of services pertinent to developing mobile healthcare applications. Healthcare mobile app developers may include front-end and back-end development, full-stack development, UI/UX development, and related expertise.


Make your own Tour App

wie schon in den oberen Toots zum Thema Dating-Apps, hatte ich deren kritisiert. Es werden darber persnliche gesammelt und vermarktet an die Kufer die pers. Infos fr ihr Business (miss-) brauchen.

Nutzer przise ortbar Massive Datenschutzlcke in mehreren groen -Apps:
Bei einigen namhaften Dating 's war es mglich, andere Nutzer per Trilateration auf wenige Meter genau zu orten in Bezug auf ein ernstes Problem.

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Ich wei ja nicht warum ganz so ber die neue abkotzt Finde die eigentlich ganz nice.

Hey eine Karte! Mit Echtzeit-Positionen der Zge! Nie wieder zur laufen muss ich rennen, muss ich rennjupp, ich htte rennen sollen

Was definitiv verbessert gehrt ist die Karten-Darstellung. Zu wenig Kontrast, die Netzlinien sehen aus als htte sie ein Kind mit Wachsmalstiften eingezeichnet, und was zur Hlle ist diese Perlschnur-Darstellung wenn man eine Route aktiv hat

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Viele Patienten verzweifeln an unverstndlichen Arztberichten. Hilfe verspricht eine neue App - erfunden im Oberbergischen.

I recently switched from to because I wanted more features. Their website isn't the greatest place to read feeds as far as goes(I switched to their beta and am giving them some recommendations though, so hopefully that will change), so I'm looking for a good that will sync with Inoreader. I use on but I'm on my computer a lot, so I'd love a Windows app. Can anyone recommend one I've tried several but they either didn't sync with it or accessibility was bad. Some of the ones I've tried are , , , , , , and . The last one is the only one that seemed to work with Inoreader but accessibility is pretty poor. If any others I mentioned work for you, how did you set it up If you're using something else, what is it

Telegram launches in-app browser supporting decentralized websites

id: 2k2NHpfs4s9yesjdIX1rHShkHgO
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attachmentlength: 840
attachmenttype: image/jpg
awakarigroupid: default
awkhash: -534287172
categories: Telegram Telegram Mini App Telegram Bot Telegram Stars Hamster Kombat Katizen Tonkeeper Feature Update
language: en
sourcedescription: Cointelegraph covers fintech, blockchain and Bitcoin bring...
sourceimagetitle: News
sourcetitle: News

time: 2024-08-01T01:53:01Z
title: Telegram launches in-app browser supporting decentralized websites

Since my private (yet public) server is active, I need recommendation for self-hosted apps. What I have so far:
1. Web Hosting (through Apache2.4)
2. Web File Manager
3. DB Hosting (through phpMyAdmin and Adminer)
5. Uptime Kuma

Any recommendation (especially app for university student) is appreciated

like a fire lit under your ass.
decided my $25 for life paid back in 2012 or so wasn't good enough for life anymore & wants me to actually an app to keep my account.

Well, incoming for-- posterity

I'm with for this Google has thrown my way.

I do a /sic to satire yea I'd only it wasn't all true.

Well, guess I better get too it then...
*Loads *

WMS Mobile App is designed to make your warehouse operations smarter and efficient. This app lets you manage critical processes like inventory tracking.

Hey, fediverse - dropped a new episode of The Self-Host Cast this morning after sitting down for a casual discussion with Alex and Zack from the development team last week.

Open to feedback and suggestions for future guests!

What is Vedu APK
Vedu APK is a modified version of the Vedu APP download. It is an exceptional video player that streamlines the process of watching favorite movies and videos in HD quality without ads or blurriness. Its vast libraries have a great collection of series and films that are not restricted to Hollywood and Bollywood, but that also allow access to South Asian content.

With Multi-Vendor Mobile For , the seller and customer can the store anywhere and anytime. It helps the conversion of a website on Multi Vendor for WooCommerce into an app. The app uses the latest - Flutter, this will bring in the appearance of the app in both the and operating .

1933 bis 1945 Verfolgung, Emigration, Widerstand
Neue Ergebnisse der Biografieforschung liefern Zahlen zu verfolgten Chemikern, Laboranten und Studierenden und offenbaren deren Schicksale. Diese Menschen fehlten als Korrektiv bei der Grndung der GDCh. Mit ihrer Grndung im Jahr 1949 setzte sich die GDCh das Ziel, die guten Traditionen der ehemaligen Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft und d

Ultrabestien-Kennlerntreffen-Event ab heute in Pokmon Masters EX

Ein neues Gefhrtenpaar betritt ab heute die Bildflche.

Zur News:

but they won't because integrating that are exploitable is what keeps them in business and allows for & in markets like , and others with rules.

The only way is not going to get (i.e. licensed like did when took over Apple) is by basically not being dependent on Google's "benevolence" and instead collaborate with other vendors.

-Maybe would be interested in doing a secure -based that is actually repairable

IDK but this will require a longterm strategic decision, as "bitchin' about it" won't change anything...

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Arizona Race One of Ugliest Republican Primaries in Years
Unsurprisingly, Blake Masters is involved

* supported by American Principles Project (APP)
* APP significantly funded by Richard & Elizabeth Uihlein

Chi sta seguendo le #olimpiadi col piede giusto (cio non per fare le solite lamentele politiche, ma per godersi il fottutissimo sport, che la cosa che a quanto pare aprendo Internet finisce sempre in secondo piano), lo sa che lapplicazione che serve per stare al passo con gli eventi non un client social, bens un #player IPTV ed a questo che sono finita con

Beh, sul PC con Firefox RaiPlay non mi funziona ma l non un problema, perch uso . Ottimo player, peccato che il problema su mobile, dove non ho provato se il sito di RaiPlay funziona, ma comunque ricordo che gira proprio male, e non andr ad installare n VLC n MPV perch Android pi app installi e pi le prestazioni degradano. E allora, anche stavolta, mi sono fatta io la #webapp che mi serviva provatela a , su

Il material design ha colpito forte qui, e mi piace come ho messo tutti i canali nel menu laterale, tutti accessibili al volo, facilissimo passare da una categoria allaltra, meglio delle altre app. Versione proprio MVP stasera comunque, ci sono tante cosine da poter migliorare devo per esempio implementare ancora le azioni da tastiera e lo far, perch ora questa la mia app IPTV anche su desktop, oltre che sul cellulare! Ha la stessa , con decine di nazioni, ma sar il caso di permettere agli utenti di aggiungere le loro sorgenti. E poi i preferiti, e la guida TV.

Tra le cose da fare, il supporto agli input con tasti sarebbe buono per la UX desktop, ma praticamente obbligatorio per una app che va su #TV, cosa che per ora non mi serve, ma chiss, potrebbe tornare utile di app #IPTV belle minimali e non-malware per Android TV non ne conosco. Quindi, se dovesse servire a qualcuno, potrei creare un APK (sulle TV le PWA non sono cosa, anche se quasi tutte le #app pacchettizate l sono fatte con tecnologie #web, ironicamente).

Insomma, #TiVuOctt lennesimo trionfo della programmazione vanilla JavaScript rispetto a tutto il resto!!! Fa quello che deve fare. A dire il vero, alcuni canali che su Kodi o quellaltro si vedrebbero, qui non vanno, perch sono da fonti particolari come YouTube o DailyMotion (!), e dovrei gestirle appositamente, anzich darle a Video.js come fonti HLS lisce ma nessuno dei principali canali italiani cos, quindi non freca troppo. Altri invece non vanno perch bloccati dal CORS e non gestiti dal mio proxy casalingo ne butter uno su Cloudflare Workers poi, quindi senza preoccuparmi di whitelistare domini

#app #IPTV #olimpiadi #player #TiVuOctt #TV #web #webapp

Ich brauche eine Empfehlung: Ich mchte 5..8 Steckdosen steuern ( Gelmpl -) ). Das soll ein Geschenk fr eine 10-jhrige werden, also mglichst einfach und auf jeden Fall Cloudfrei.
habe ich schon, wirkt mir aber zu technisch / detailreich.
Habt Ihr andere Empfehlungen Darf auch gerne ein paar Euros kosten, sollte aber ohne Abo laufen knnen.
Vielen Dank fr Eure Hinweise :-)

In arrivo sei nuove estensioni Gemini AI per l'app Google

This article is for anyone interested in , , , .

It continues the previous work on API and introduces Sandbox Profile .

Thanks for the ideas guyru and


Newsflash 3.3.3 (and .4)
This one is for all the Local RSS enjoyers out there:
- use etags to skip downloading unchanged feeds
- avoid writing unchanged RSS 2.0 feeds to disk (feed-rs fix)
- handle articles that are published by multiple feeds with the exact same GUID (e.g. planet gnome)

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wie oben schon erwhnt, nutze ich den Fennec Browser auf meinem Android Smartphone. Was das ist und wie wir unsere Privatsphre erhhen knnen, in dem wir in auch als ein In-App-Browser verwenden, erklrt der im Blog.

In-App-Browser: Ein guter Webbrowser auf dem Handy wird von In-App-Browsern unterlaufen. Davor kann man sich schtzen.

I will give Joplin another try, because it seems the App has changed quiet a bit since last Time over a year ago when I fiddled around with it.

Don't get me wrong, using Obsidian for writing and managing my Notes works fine so far but the whole App is way too much for my needs and sometimes opens and works really slow on my mobile phone and the syncing throughout a self hosted cloud is unnecessary complicated in my opinion.

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Artikel Das stoffliche Problem ist ernst
Henning Hopf ist Organiker, GDCh-Ehrenmitglied und -Altprsident und seit Kurzem auch Primo-Levi-Preistrger. Wie wenige andere Wissenschaftler hat er stets einen Blick auf das groe Ganze und die gesellschaftliche Aufgabe der Chemie. Ein guter Grund fr die Nachrichten, ihn fr dieses Schlaglichtheft 75 zu befragen, was war, was ist und was in Z

und bipolare Strung per App besser verstehen

Gefhlsstrungen sind qulend fr die Betroffenen & teuer fr die Gesellschaft. Ein Sonderforschungsbereich an der beschreitet neue Wege bei der Erforschung von . Eine eigens fr das Projekt entwickelte soll dazu beitragen, die Krankheit noch viel besser kennenzulernen.

Mehr Infos gibt es im Artikel der Schsischen Zeitung

If you prefer - you can read the text of my Alberta Pension Plan speech in Hansard right here:

Here, BTW, is a link to my own speech in the Senate of Canada on the subject of an Alberta Pension Plan, and what information I think Albertans are entitled to have, before we are asked to vote in an referendum on leaving the CPP.

What would you call a cross between …