Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Hoy aprend que hay una para reciente:


08.Sept.2023 Strassenbahn blockieren kostet 365 (wurde teurer), hmm wie fr Jahrestickets statt 2,40 nur fr Einzelstrecken

22.April 2024 Scout Park verhindert falschparken & "aus den Augen, aus den Sinn"-Logik stattdessen ca. 9 Euro je Meldung, erinnert doch an den FAIRkehr, oder xD


No to mamy na

Pod pewnie nie zrobi! :)

NVIDIA App: addio alla beta, arriva con le RTX 50

Samsung: Good Lock anticipa le novit di One UI 7.0

Make your own Tour App

released for Plus, Team, Enterprise, and users

Early version with plans for full release to all users later this year
Integrates 's newest model improvements, including o1-preview
Alt + Space keyboard shortcut for quick access

Key features:

Companion window for easy access alongside other apps
File and photo upload for summarization and analysis
-powered brainstorming for marketing copy and business plans
integration for creative tasks

System requirements:

Windows 10 version 17763.0 or higher
Available on PC


Instant answers
Document analysis
Professional input
Creative inspiration

Chrome Android legge ad alta voce anche in background

Come utilizzare lo Spazio privato di Android 15

Ich frage mich gerade, ob mit dem Update einen zwingen mchte eine zu nehmen.

Weder auf dem noch auf dem ist es wirklich bedienbar.

This Week in Self-Hosted (18 October 2024)

Ubuntu updates, Internet Archive replacements, updates, new software launches and directory apps, a spotlight on - a self-hosted survey platform, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!


A new version of Rizzference is out!

This release includes widgets for Word of the Day and Random word, so you can see the newest slang without even opening the app.

Rizzference is a dictionary for defining modern slang.

Just updated NextCloud Android app this morning and it checked ALL my folders for sync. There's no massive way to disable sync, and disabling sync on a folder, does not disable sync on it's children. So now I can either remove Nextcloud app until this behavior is fixed, disconnect my phone from internet or just wait until I have no more available space on the internal storage of my phone.

Is there any smarter solution that you are aware of

Google obbliga nuovo selettore foto: pi privacy per Android

romance or purchase scams, but criminals also use scam phone calls, text messages and emails to trick people into handing over personal details and passwords, said .

'72% of Authorised Push Payment scams where customers are tricked into making payments originated on social media sites, with telecommunications networks accounting for 16%.

Not only do criminals take advantage of these platforms to encourage the transfer of money through investment, romance or purchase scams, but criminals also use scam phone calls, text messages and emails to trick people into handing over personal details and passwords, said .

Mh. Ho appena aggiornato l'app di NextCloud su Android e nonostante io non abbia configurato cartelle da sincronizzare vedo che mi sta sincronizzando l'anima de li mejo mortacci sua col server. Vedo anche che comparsa una nuova voce nelle opzioni chiamata "Internal two way sync" che se tappata mostra una marea di cartelle sincronizzate e da sincronizzare ma non mi pare di poter interrompere alcunch. Bug o feature Suggerimenti

Read You

Ein moderner und eleganter RSS-Reader mit Material You design.

WhatsApp: nuovi filtri per organizzare le chat in arrivo

Artikel Epoxidharz aus Orangen
Abflle aus der Lebensmittelindustrie liefern Rohstoffe fr die Kunststofftechnik und tragen so dazu bei, Ressourcen zu schonen.Orangenschalen sind ein Nebenprodukt der Orangensaftproduktion. Sie waren Rohstoff fr das deutsch-trkische Projekt Orange Oil, bei dem das Wrzburger Kunststoffzentrum SKZ, das Fraunhofer-Institut fr Mikrostruktur von Werkstoffen und Systeme

Google Wallet potrebbe accettare il passaporto digitale

Chrome Android supporta finalmente gestori password esterni

Ich nutze brigens AntennaPod als App fr alle meine Podcasts:

Dazu gibt es ein Nextcloud-Plugin, mit dem man die einzelnen Podcasts und Positionen in den einzelnen Folgen ber alle Gerte hinweg synchronisieren kann:

Did you know dont really believe value is added by installing in every , and

But instead, are simply using it as a to sandbag our devices to necessitate buying new ones that require 10,000 gig of RAM just to function properly.

Now you do.

Google Foto: arriva nuova funzione che migliora le foto

"Too often, businesses make people jump through endless hoops just to cancel a subscription, said chair .

The FTCs rule will end these tricks & traps, saving time & . Nobody should be stuck paying for a service they no longer want.

Under the new rule, businesses will be banned from forcing customers to go though a chatbot or an agent to cancel subscriptions that were originally signed up to using an or "

Instagram pi sicuro: novit per proteggere i giovani

Google Foto si rinnova: interfaccia video ridisegnata

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 63 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Escape the classroom Wissenschaft interaktiv
Im Projekt Science4Exit sind experimentelle Escape Games digital angereichert. Schler:innen machen sich so spielerisch mit naturwissenschaftlichen Themen vertraut und strken dabei Schlsselkompetenzen. Betreut werden sie von Studierenden, die dadurch Erfahrungen fr den Lehrberuf sammeln.Warum spielen Spielerische Elemente in spielfremde Kontexte einzu


Mit RadarWeather kann das Wetter von Orten eingesehen werden.


We as need to give such the and collectively that shite and urge lawmakers to ban "unnecessarily connected devices" if not for and then at least due to their wasteful !!!

I want & to "" like the and everything to be functional without , , or / access at all!!!

UK Maths Test: CAN Londoners Guess What 15% of 200 is!

I made an app to help make the world smarter - I went to the cold, hard streets of London to see if the general public knew the answer!

Voyant Tools is a web-based text reading and analysis environment. It is a project designed to facilitate reading and interpretive practices for digital humanities students as well as for the general public.

Eu s dou uma chance para o aplicativo me enviar notificaes,

Enviou propaganda desativada

Inkist: la tua tela digitale sempre a portata di mano. Questa app sviluppata da Tai Shimizu, pensata per gli artisti di ogni livello, offre un'esperienza di disegno fluida e intuitiva. Con un'interfaccia ben organizzata, potrai trovare facilmente tutti gli strumenti di cui hai bisogno: pennelli, colori, gradienti e molto altro.

Every on now is like 340 megs. This isnt ok.

La historia de xito de , la ms descargada en el mundo para aprender

TikTok wants to turn millions of Americans into paid shopping influencers

Shop is taking affiliate marketing one step further by allowing creators to sell directly through their videos.

has been trying to make its next revenue driver, after witnessing the explosive growth of live shopping on its Chinese Douyin. Over the past year, TikTok has aggressively recommended videos with shopping links.

The Guru has all the answers.