Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

I need one app to replace my work notebook

So I'm willing to replace my physical notebook for my Samsung Galaxy Tab 5, but I'm having trouble finding the exactly app for me....

Hello dear community. I am a solo developer and would love to get your work.

I had the chance to work a bit on my own app and released a new version.

The app is there to track Bitcoin and see the amount and convert them to the most common currencies. It works mostly offline and stores all relevant data securly on your device.

For example you could watch the Genesis wallet. Or if you have own wallets that you would like to have a look into you can see always the newest values.

I would be very proud if you could check the out and give me some on how to improve it.

Thanks in advance and happy coding! Proudly build with

Make your own Tour App

MtoSuisse ()

pisode de termin dans la rgion de : 10 cm mesurs l'aroport, en accord avec les observations dans l'.
Merci pour vos contributions !

09/01 19:48

Authy desktop app will go away August 2024 and will only be available as mobile app for Android and iOS

What 2fa apps are you using for desktop

pisode de termin dans la rgion de : 10 cm mesurs l'aroport, en accord avec les observations dans l'.
Merci pour vos contributions !

Original tweet:

Selten freue ich mich so darber, eine nutzen zu knnen, wie ber die fr und das auf iPhone und iPad.
Falls Du also im -Universum unterwegs bist, kann ich Dir vor lauter Begeisterung nur empfehlen, diese kostenlose und e App auszuprobieren.
Ich hab sie so gestaltet, da sie mich an das gute (!) frhere erinnert (runde Profilbilder neben Beitrgen). Du hast viele sinnvolle Einstellungsmglichkeiten fr Aussehen und Funktionen, um die App Deinen Vorlieben anzupassen.
Der Funktionsumfang ist enorm und laufend kommen Verbesserungen und sinnvolle Neuerungen. Trotzdem empfinde ich die App als sehr bersichtlich.
Meine Lieblingsfunktion sind Gruppen von s, die ich anlegen, speichern und aufrufen kann. Diese werden wie Deine Timeline selbst ber verschiedene Gerte synchronisiert.
Was sagst oder fragst Du dazu
PS: Das Bild zeigt einige der mglichen App-Icons fr iPhone und iPad.

pisode de termin dans la rgion de : 10 cm mesurs l'aroport, en accord avec les observations dans l'.
Merci pour vos contributions !

09/01 19:48

The Authy desktop apps for Windows, macOS, and Linux will be discontinued in August 2024, with the recommending users switch to a mobile version of the two-factor authentication (2FA) . Authy is an authenticator app that allows users to set up two-factor authentication (2FA) for their online accounts, generating a unique validation code every 30 seconds to facilitate authorized access. The app's popularity is due to its ability to generate offline ...

I am only 2 away from getting my Super Fan sound pack. If you use / and havent checked out Clear yet, they just released a major update that is really cool. It is a simple but nicely designed .

New Podcast is here ...featuring... yPhil


As always a from the Fediverse and to the Fediverse...

Will update and re-draft again but just for speed boost and let's hear what people think.

:ccby: :ccsa: :ccnc: CC-BY-SA-NC License - No where else granted permission but Fediverse unless this account or author gives public ok from the same accounts mention here on Fediverse.

NOTES = RSS app by author
Audio at 24.10 is yPhil's own music and cover is below!

Anyone use app or third party app on iOS Official app still in beta, so any good third party recommendations

Authy is shutting down its desktop app - The Verge

Descrgate su ahora!

hab mir gleich die besorgt - man kann auch gut das archive durchhren - spannend

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- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 47 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

havent seen it covered in my timeline much yet is everybody aware that clear released its big 2.0 update yesterday
its that iconic to-do lists from early app store days. and it comes with a ton of features, themes, alt app icons and rewards.

clear wont replace things for me but im really glad its back!

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A conference celebrating 30 years of the Bunge Prize of the Hans R. Jenemann foundationFrom May 31st to June 2nd, 2023, this conference brought together almost all Bunge prize holders and special guests from the world over to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the prize founded by Hans R. Jene

Gesundheitsanwendungen Steigende bei wenig Nutzen:
Der Verband der gesetzlichen bt an digitalen Gesundheitsanwendungen. Die (Un-)Kosten sollten besser in die Versorgung flieen.

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Enigmara als neue Einheit fr Pokmon Masters EX vorgestellt

Ab heute knnen verschiedene neue Inhalte genutzt werden.

Zur News:

I'm so disappointed. I use this app a lot to watch the old Kanto episodes

If you want to boycott Isreal, try this app
"NoThanks" it shows what companies to boycott by scanning the barcode of products.

Google Sheets is a free spreadsheet application that handles all your spreadsheet-related needs. This guide explains what the Google Sheets app is and the features you get with it.

Is there an open-source app to track the movies and series we watch Web and iOS ideally :)

a existe une app open-source pour tracker les films et sries qu'on regarde Web et iOS idalement :)

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Ab dem 28. Mrz knnen keine Inhalte mehr angeschaut werden.

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Google and Microsoft have been getting closer in recent years, with Samsung following suit. The relationship between Samsung and Microsoft is particularly special, with Microsoft's suite of apps available on Samsung devices for several generations. This article discusses two methods to connect a Samsung phone to a Windows PC, including the new Samsung Phone app in the Micro

Une liste d'applications de rveil sur Android.

New app added to the Accessible Apps directory by Amir: TuneIn Radio Pro. Accessible with a few unlabeled buttons. Listen to all the live news, sports, music, podcasts and radio you love, from around the world

Mozilla verffentlicht Mastodon-App Mozilla Social fr Android als Nightly-Version - Ersteindruck mit vielen Screenshots

...bin gespannt wie sich die Mastodon App von Mozilla weiterentwickelt.

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Experimente und Unterrichtskonzepte zu den Themen Nachhaltigkeit, Lebensmittelchemie und Elektrochemie kommen in der experimentell-konzeptionellen chemiedidaktischen Forschung am hufigsten vor, Katalyse dagegen wenig. Lehr-Lern-Forschung befasste sich im letzten Jahr verstrkt damit, wie Lehrkrfte digitale Medien in den Unterricht einbinden. S

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