Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

I opened up MyFitnessPal today... it seems I had both rapid weight loss AND rapid weight gain right after Thanksgiving. Either I REALLY need to watch it, or MyFitnessPal needs MyMathPal.

When a person needs an that will do the job.

#Pensando ancora (fin troppo) alle #fotocamere dei #NintendoDS, non posso fare altro che riconoscere quel pattern, secondo molti moderno ma che in realt appunto va indietro anche di tutti questi anni, per cui #Nintendo deve per forza introdurre un peggioramento nei suoi prodotti dopo aver introdotto un qualche miglioramento

A livello hardware non ci sono strani #particolari: le #camere hanno la stessa risoluzione (640480, #VGA praticamente), ma quelle del 3DS dovrebbero essere pi accurate e la risoluzione dei display delle due #console rispettivamente 256192, e 400240 / 320240, quindi meglio sul #Nintendo3DS. Per il #software

Insomma, dati questi #dettagli, non scontato dire quale delle due app di #fotografia migliore, e probabilmente una conviene pi dellaltra solo a seconda delle situazioni. Per fortuna, su un #3DS moddato si possono avere entrambe, e infatti io me la gioco cos.

#3DS #app #camera #camere #console #dettagli #DSi #foto #fotocamera #fotocamere #fotografia #funzioni #immagini #mobile #Nintendo #Nintendo3DS #NintendoDS #particolari #Pensando #scatto #software #VGA

Kan ni rekommendera en mastodon-app till

I found out that Google Podcasts was a simple and convenient podcast app. But Google decided to kill it.

As of today there are two opensource non-PWA podcast apps for iOS: Pocket Casts and Anytime Podcast Player. Not very broad choice, hehe.

I decided to stick with Pocket Casts for the future times.


Une alternative WinDirStat qui se dit 46 fois plus rapide. C'est un outil qui permet d'analyser tout votre disque dur ou SSD et de dterminer quels sont les plus gros fichiers et rpertoires en terme de taille. Parfait pour faire du mnage.


WizTree - The Fastest Disk Space Analyzer

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How bacteria-fighting viruses could go mainstream

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Blitzortung Lightning Monitor

Einfach zu verwendende kartenbasierte Anwendung, die Echtzeit-Blitzdaten des gesamten Blitzortungsnetzwerks visualisiert. Die aktuelle Gewittersituation immer zur Hand.

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Weekly Post #7

Talking about building CLI apps and not even considering Python, the one language everyone loves Not anymore, I take a closer look at Python lang in my next blog post of the series 'Cross Compilation Adventures'


Der ist dafr bekannt, dass er wirklich jede Videodatei abspielen kann. Die fr , und das wurde jetzt aktualisiert. Rund neun Monate nach dem letzten greren auf Version 3.4 bringt v3.5 vom Media Player nun einige spannende Neuerungen und Verbesserungen mit sich. -Fans drfen sich ber eine Integration von Apples freuen.

Alle Infos:

Among the plethora of options available , Telegram stands out as a popular choice for connecting with others. Is Telegram safe to use Let's dive into the nuances of Telegram to provide clarity on this crucial . Launched in 2013 by Russian brothers Pavel and Nikolai Durov, Telegram aimed to revolutionize messaging by prioritizing privacy and speed. At its core, Telegram functions like any other messaging , allowing users to exchange ...

Unpopular opinion about UI / UX:

If your app has a hamburger menu it means you failed.

Rather than actually design a navigation system for your app, you created a junk drawer and just threw everything in there so you didnt have to think about it.

Do you agree Any examples where the hamburger menu is actually done well

difettosa, bocciata l' delle multe del Comune di . Per il giudice di pace un problema nelle notifiche impedisce al cittadino di pagare la sanzione ridotta.

v roce 2010.

New app posted by Brite AI Vision: Brite AI Vision

's Vision Pro headset now supports a native TikTok , as by the short-form video service. This latest development comes after TikTok's Vision Pro app underwent a comprehensive redesign tailored explicitly for the Apple VR headset. TikTok Product Leader Ahmad Zahran posted on LinkedIn: "I'm really proud of my team for this one. While many app have ditched the Apple Vision Pro, my team has redesigned the entire TikTok experience from ...

Cant decide between , and s new lets you post to all three.

entdeckt Lcke in der

Gut zu wissen, dass wir nicht ausschlielich auf "Auslndische Geheimdienste" angewiesen sind.
(Oder besser: ...die uns auch davor schtzen. Man kann ja nie wissen).

Online-Ausweisfunktion: Kritische Schwachstelle erlaubt bernahme der Identitt

Die Umsetzung der Online-Ausweisfunktion auf Smartphones reit eine immense Lcke in das Identifizierungsverfahren. Wirklich schlieen lsst sich die nicht.

"Die Behauptung, dass User solch einen Angriff verhindern knnen, indem sie Sicherheitsratschlgen folgen, ist nicht korrekt", meint "CtrlAlt".

"Aus Sicht des
besteht keine Schwachstelle in der AusweisApp."

"Es handelt sich bei dem beschriebenen Szenario nicht um einen Angriff auf das eID-System selbst oder eine Schwachstelle in den zugehrigen Sicherheitsfunktionen"

Ja.. also ist der Angriff doch mglich !

Aussage gegen Aussage
Wer schtzt wen

Ich halte die App fr die ntzlichste fr die Planung fr Wanderungen und V-Reisen in der Schweiz. Auch beim Planen von Zeltlagern ist die App vor Ort sehr praktisch. Und mit den neuen Funktionen wird das alles noch besser.
Grosses Lob!

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69 ofertas de Google Play: aplicaciones y juegos gratis y con grandes descuentos por poco tiempo

Flat File CMS Systems
A list of strictly flat-file cms systems

I know this isn't new, but in my opinion I haven't realized it enough yet. Apart from that, a look at alternatives is, in my opinion, implicit for future decisions. I also realize that they can't be used for everything, but more than many people think.

In fact, is the only officially supported way to make or any for any device if it supports or requires one of Apple's Stores...

As for , they'll have to support macOS first and since there are only two dozen devices simultaneously supported by current versions of macOS, that makes it easier for them...

In fact, ist at best a second-class platform for Adobe to the point that Windows-Fanboys like Lienus from LTT had to migrate to Apple Devices because they just work and he needs to have his wageworkers machinegun videos and reboot orgies on company time are lost money...

"End of Life for Twilio Authy Desktop Apps" thats why proprietary 2fa solutions would never be serious alternative for totp 2fa... probably all remaining users for their safety and real possibility of lock down from their accounts should switch asap and search more reliable opensource alternatives...

Neuer Seriencode fr Pokmon GO verffentlicht

Eine Medaille kann nun in Pokmon GO erhalten werden.

Zur News:

for allegedly and a he on .

Investigators believe there are other potential or to the , and have asked that anyone with about the crime contact the s at (410) 887-2223.

Sony PlayMemories Will Shut Down for Good on February 29

Codelink 1.9 & Tin are out:
You can find it and the release notes here:

I added themes, a command pallet, always on top mode,...
It supports :windows: and :linux: .

A new satellite will use Googles AI to map methane leaks from space

Fossify Calendar

Fossify Contacts

Fossify File Manager

Fossify Galerie

Fossify Music Player

Fossify Phone

Fossify SMS Messenger

Googles new version of Gemini can handle far bigger amounts of data

Hello to all who see this post, this is my first post on the , in the minutes that I entered the environment of this program, I was attracted by its simple and convenient user interface, I think the app is cool and good.

Does anyone know of an app or function where I can have an auto call button on my phone screen to call someone

I installed a speed dialer but you still have to open that app first.

I want a button I can have on my main screen that just makes a video call without opening an app first.

Make an Australian will online.