Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Ich knnte kotzen. Jetzt bietet
2FA schon an und geht doch ein Sonderweg. Um das nutzen zu knnen muss man eine eigene Synology App installieren. Insellsung! QR Code mit anderen 2FA sind nicht kompatibel.

Die im Playstore installierbare gehen damit nicht. verpasste Chance.

Eine der ersten Amtshandlungen auf einem neuen Handy: Open Camera installieren. Das war auch gerade beim Redmi 12 Pro 5G so.
Tolle Kamera App. Open Source.
Dringende Empfehlung meinerseits.

For 7ish years I have been running a User Group on Facebook and on . My mission is to assist users to get the most out of the platform and to expose the app to a new group of people that, I know, will find it hugely beneficial. That being said if you are new to Flipboard please join our group. or myself are here to help

there are already multiple solutions that eth users have to make use of solana, like the solflare me****sk snap or neon. focus on security is a prerequisite for every system, or it wouldn't survive. it is in each system's own interest, and is not a valid vantage point. even if the cross-chain aspect is concealed, the computing power of the whole is currently very much dragged behind by the inefficiency of the eth-centered orchestration. in its ideal form, there would be one large very efficient "L2" which makes up most of the compute used. is there any EVM that comes close to solana's tps, block time or tx cost what would an need to do to catch up with

With you can add to your dock and get a fullscreen countdown timer Seems to work offline too!

Press Option + CMD + T to hide the distracting toolbar.

Nicely done, because I didn't have to make any changes to the site to make it work. No manifest or whateverjust the favicons I'd added already.

After trying several this year, I think I have settled on . It is light (small download size) and buttery smooth to scroll timeline and engage with links, photos and videos. The UI could be a little more polished and I would appreciate being able to increase the text size slightly, but other than that, it has customization options, is stable, and suits my usage 99% of the time. Honorable mentions for free options go to the official Mastodon , and .

Was macht OSM

Pixel Wheels

Ein hochkartiges Retro-Rennspiel

Typst: Compose papers faster

Only ྖs kids will get a kick out of this:

"Microsoft CEO says Googles agreements with Apple unfairly harmed Bing, and what to know before the trial of FTX's Sam Bankman-Fried begins. Also: Is your AI model going off the rails There may be an insurance policy for that."

accepts defeat! is now the most company in the world!.

Okay, now... can we all agree that 1) yes we would like to open the file in "" and 2) please oh pretty please can we see more of the Who cares about what's being on the , I don't give a fuck, do you Nah! I came to this teams meeting to see the fucking !

Everything you need to know about artificial wombs

That would require a to handle it for you .

Meaning your would be sent to a party.

I think I had a for.. once

Eine Frage an alle, die gerne und dafr eine bzw. nutzen... Was knnt ihr empfehlen Wenn mglich fr PC und Smartphone geeignet. Ich nutze gerade busuu um mein Englisch aufzufrischen. Aber leider bietet die App kein Schwedisch an, was mich interessieren wrde.

como Forrest Dejar que el destino le guie a la Moncloa puedes verlo en este genial vieta de .



Ich wnsche mir fr eine mit der Funktionalitt und fluffyness von Instagram.

Shottr is by far the best screenshot app Ive ever used. Love it!

Gericht stoppt Suchfunktion in App der Deutschen wegen Irrefhrung

Organize your sermons and daily Bible study in one place with our Bible Notes App! Coming soon, stay tuned for the ultimate devotional experience.


Guess the by Mari Natsuki.

Download and play from & !


Globale Karten- und Navigationsapplikation fr offline und online OSM-Karten.

I met a cute lunch box on the way!

I cant be the only one...

When I visit the site of a new service I have heard about, and they basically only show an option to use the service on a device by downloading an from an , I will instantly click away and move on to finding another solution to whatever pain point that service could address.

Make your service responsive and usable in a web browser, or I'm not interested!

I'm not cluttering up my phone with an app for every-damn-thing!

a simple note application

Notify is a simple note application. It features a clean and simple Material UI, offline capability, Dark Mode, backup/restore and more.


Kurz notiert ber mineralische Rohstoffe, Lithium und Zement
Mineralische Rohstoffe aufbereiten Mineralische Rohstoffe mssen aus immer komplexeren und niedrigwertigeren Lagersttten gewonnen und verarbeitet werden. Lucas Pereira vom Helmholtz-Institut Freiberg fr Ressourcentechnologie hat in seiner Promotion Modellierungsverfahren entwickelt, um die mechanische Erzaufbere


Guess the by Brad Dourif.

Download and play from & !

Dass die Suche von immer schlechter wird, ist Allgemeingut, aber dass offenbar auch so nachlsst, war mir neu: Wurde jetzt zweimal direkt in gesperrte Straen geschickt (obwohl die Sperrung sogar auftaucht).

Weil ich vorgewarnt war, hab ich beim zweiten mal geguckt, und Karten von kannten die gleiche Baustelle nicht (die brigens auch nicht). Wre ganz anders gefahren, wenn ich das gewusst htte.

Was nimmt man denn da

October Events
Our Ride On Bus Outreach team will be hosting a number of pop-up events throughout the month of October to share proposed changes to individual bus routes.

The team will also be able to answer your questions about the recently launched Ride On Trip Planner app and accept feedback about the Ride On Reimaged study.

The schedule can be found here

If your favorite website doesn't have an app, you have the option to add a website shortcut to your Android home screen instead. Here's how.

Bekanntemaen ist die Navigator-App der Bahn voller Tracker.
hatte dies herausgefunden
Fr Android und Linux-User knnte das hier vielleicht eine trackingfreie Alternative sein:
Ist mir empfohlen worden, hab's selbst noch nicht ausprobiert.

Child online safety laws will actually hurt kids, critics say

What kind of dark pattern is this, Bureau of Meteorology

Hiding the data harvesting option of mapbox behind the info button on map, instead of setting page of your app

An app built with taxpayer's money deserves to be more intuitive.



Die Erfassungs-App fr Barrieredaten im ffentlichen Nahverkehr.

lance aujourd'hui la !

Framework backend
Cration d'une partir de n'importe quel langage
Protection des donnes
Rduction de l'empreinte carbone

Flicitations l'quipe !

En savoir plus :

Voir le site internet :

Der Wirtschaftschemiker Mit Daten nach Rohstoffen schrfen
Von der Redaktion kam fr den September 2023 das Stichwort mining. Was fllt Dir als erstes dazu ein Ein junger VCW-Stammtisch-Koordinator, Digital Native, antwortete sofort Crypto-Mining. Der Vergleich mit klassischem Bergbau sagt etwas ber die Kommunikation von Chemie. Bergbau bedeutet fr die meisten Menschen nur, etwas

Abfallkalender frs Smartphone

Seit dem 1. Oktober gilt der neue Abfallkalender 2023/24.

Wusstet ihr, dass man sich den Abfallkalender vieler Stdte auch als ICS-Datei runterladen kann

Mit der ICS-Datei knnt ihr die

Want to go treasure hunting in city
Lets go


with whay

I know some people who would LOVE to have this option in an airline app...

Been working on listening to an lately and I'm enjoying the experience more than I was expecting to.

I don't usually listen to audiobooks, but it was the only format my local had the in on the Libby .

Gives me a lot of walking time outside which is nice because I can take in the beautiful fall foliage.


Guess the by Gabriel LaBelle.

Download and play from & !

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