Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Ich suche eine fr , die Listen zum Abhaken verwalten kann, v.a. fr Einkauszettel. Soweit so stino.

Ich brauche aber irgendein Feature, dass Listen oder einzelne Items verkettet oder getagt/gefiltert werden knnen, damit ich (wegen Allergien etc.) meine Sachen nach Laden sortieren kann. Es gibt Dinge, die kann ich berall kaufen, andere mssen speziell aus Laden X sein, trotzdem brauche ich 1 bersichtliche Liste wenn ich dort stehe.

Danke & gerne boosten!

Hey app developers.
I would really like the option of flipping through one (focused) post at a time.
Like a book.

I shop at & , so I just downloaded the app to see if it actually can save me any $ on anything I want to buy or not.

Seit vergangenem Sommer untersuchen die Landschaftsverbnde Rheinland und Westfalen mithilfe einer App die regionale Alltagssprache in NRW. Jetzt verffentlichten die Forscher eine erste Sprachkarte - zum Thema Regen.

Das drfte und einige andere Menschen interessieren. danke

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Includes items like &

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3.18 is now available!

The highlight of this release is the addition of an option to dynamically set the application's theme according to the system's settings.

Read the full changelog and download it at

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Mobikul can help you create an app with real estate app development services that meet the specific needs of your business and provide an exceptional experience for your customers.

Mobikul can help you create an app with real estate app development services that meet the specific needs of your business and provide an exceptional experience for your customers.

Bugs in keyboard apps revealing what users type

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Konferenzen und Workshops sind wichtig, heit es berall ohne Kontakte geht nichts. Tatschlich kann manchmal eine einzelne Veranstaltung das ganze Leben verndern so ging es zumindest der Chemikerin Haneen Daoud.Etwa 100 Kilometer sdlich von Amman, der Hauptstadt Jordaniens, liegt Mutah. Die Stadt im Bezirk al-Karak hat etwa 27 000 Einwohner:innen.An

Ein Gratis-Kaffee als Belohnung fr diejenigen, die mit Bahn oder Fahrrad statt dem Auto fahren. Nach diesem Prinzip funktioniert eine App.

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Tja, und dazu kommt noch die nicht wirklich auf dem TV funktionierende von
Minutenlanges Laden bis zum Menaufbau und Bildruckeln des Streams werden auf Hardware oder Internetanbindung der Kunden geschoben. Verwunderlich dabei aber, dass Apps konkurrierenden Streamingdienste diese Probleme bei gleicher Hardware und Internetgeschwindigkeit nicht zeigen.


Apple is finally planning a Calculator app for the iPad, over 14 years after launching the device

I am now using a fantastic app called . Check it out at - that is why you'll see shorter bursts of my activity at certain hours in the day.


tut mir leid, ich besitze die - nicht.

Also: worum geht's bitte genau

Mobile app design services are here to help you create an engaging and user-friendly app that will engage your audience. Our team of specialist designers will work closely with you to understand your brand and target audience.

Lapp di gay stata accusata di aver diffuso i dati sensibili (anche sanitari) degli utenti alle societ pubblicitarie.

Didaktik Robuste Schulversuche
Bestimmte Kriterien helfen zu beurteilen, ob eine Einstufung als Gefahrstoff auf soliden Grundlagen beruht sowie ob sich Inhalieren und Bioverfgbarkeit der Substanz ausschlieen lassen. Schulversuche sind robust zulssig, wenn alle dabei verwendeten Stoffe nicht von Ttigkeitsverboten betroffen sein knnen, weil sie nicht bioverfgbar sind.nderungen der Gefahrstoffeins

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 59 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Per non "indurre in tentazione", un'app religiosa spia ogni attivit online e va a dirla ad un contatto con cui hai stretto un patto "responsabile": tu puoi fare lo stesso, spiando le sue attivit. L'incredibile successo di Covenant Eyes l'ultima frontiera del controllo reciproco contro il consumo di pornografia online. Negli USA cresce il suo utilizzo, ma le perplessit sono fortissime.

iOS users, what app do you use for the Fediverse If youd be so kind as to tell me why and if you choose other what you use. A boost would be appreciated as well you if you could!

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Heads up, CyanVoxel is OpenSourcing his upcoming photo/file manager "TagStudio". The project looks like a really good idea and I'm excited to see it in a fully functional state.

It is simply a fully offline file manager, focusing on photos, that focuses on Tagging files, rather than during them in the file system. If manages this without the need for sidecar files, and everything works in place on the OS file system, kind of like Obsidian does with notes. It supports tag inheritance and tag composition, which I think is neat.

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SwiftCraft 2024 SESSION PREVIEW: Workout experiences for watchOS and iOS with WorkoutKit by Audrey Zebaze

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So I was just looking at Flipboard looks pretty cool. Lots of articles so seems like something I would enjoy using. Not sure why I haven't used it, I did have an account a while back but ended up deleting it. Kind of tempted to make a new account.

TikTok Points Out That Its Ban Tramples Free Speech

TikTok is pointing out that the US banning it in the country is an attack on free speech. This came after the bill banning it passed Congress.

Une critique du Microsoft Store qui est inutile (Comment a Marche) :

The Google Drive app for Android is getting a much-needed update to make finding the exact file you're looking for easier.

Hm. I just discovered that Moleskine has a note app called Minimal that lets you publish to a website unfortunately, its their own. Otherwise, its a neat little app. It ages your notes and notifies you when they are about to be deleted.

#moleskine #notes #web #app

Hm. I just discovered that Moleskine has a note app called Minimal that lets you publish to a website unfortunately, its their own. Otherwise, its a neat little app. It ages your notes and notifies you when they are about to be deleted.

Here's how to turn off Pixel app recommendations on the Pixel Tablet or any Pixel phone running Android 11 or later

Vyfarbovanie poda siel.
Thomas Gainsborough.
