Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

If it helps for any out there:
Dont worry if your updated isnt available at the same time as and .

Many are happy to wait. Having something available on day 1, in my experience in covering , apps and etc, is simply a myth and not as important as just, shipping it.

Its done when its done.*

*But unless theres a very good reason, there is a limit!

Hope that helps in someway.

With I like how you can filter, what is included in the timeline: Just original posts, boosts and/or replies. Really changes the timeline every time you make use of the option.

As I'm on , I only see, what's available here, are there interesting approaches to organizing the timeline on And what have I missed, are there other ideas, with exciting ways of re-thinking the timeline



on the other hand collects multiple boosts in a timeline in some kind of carousel even pinned posts on a profile page.

Looks really nice and (positively) interrupts the usual scrolling from top to bottom. Also, a nice new look.


I'd like to write this in English, too: Something I find increasingly interesting about is the different ways, in which organize the : Even for one account it might look totally different.

Take for example, which shows the accounts that have posted recently. As of yet I don't know, how/when to use it really, but it changes, how you see it. And I'm curious where it leads.

(Thread 1/4)

Simple Mobile Tools

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Bei gefllt mir die Mglichkeit, die Anzeige auf originale Beitrge, Boosts und/oder Antworten zu beschrnken. Dadurch ergibt sich jeweils eine ganz andere Timeline.

Ich seh da jetzt nur die Herangehensweisen unter , gibt's da auch noch spannenden Beispiele unter Und berhaupt, bei welchen anderen Apps findet ihr das noch gut gelst


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And heres the link, if youd like to know more about the app:


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How to improve post discoverablity on mastodon.

Say I'm talking about something like anime.

one1. Through out the post i'l include generic tags like or even

Even though manga isn't necessarily anime, it's somewhat related and also would interest anime fans to see that term used and makes the post more fulfilling.

2two. In addiition to generic I would also include more specific hashtags like the name of the anime or manga i'm talking about. Such examples could be

3three. it's an added bonus if you can even manage to find a way to tag or in your post.

4four. If you're practicing drawing a specific character you could even add hashtags related to the device you drawn on and the or you drawn on.

it might go something like this

"I drawn this this character and am practicing my . It was done on my and I am sharing it with the and ''

5five. also include tags for art and drawing and anything else you can manage. but don't hashtag every single word in the post. that makes it less enjoyable to read.

6six. More variety of topics that you can hashtag in the post on Mastodon equals a broader reach.

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