Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

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Make your own Tour App

Pipeline gives you a feed of all your favorite YouTube and PeerTube channels. Just add them in subscriptions, set filters if you want, and browse! The app supports saving videos to a watch later tab, or opening them in a separate program for download or streaming. Set these in it's preferences and you have an all-in-one video solution!

You can follow the app's creator here:

You can get the app on Flathub here:

There is now a distribution project, that builds the complete software and can be built by anyone. It currently can only provide files of the website, but at least it contains the complete source code of the software. Installing and running the program via a Linux app store or a single executable are the next goals. Providing useful functionality via a GUI is the next one.

This article from Just in Mind said it best "... We need to dig deep into the situation before we can start drawing up a solution."

ICYMI: 13 Best XAMPP Alternatives to Use Locally

Moin Radfahrbubble in :)
Das Projekt PrioBike bzw. die darin entwickelte App ist in der Open Beta Phase angekommen! Wer auf Android oder iOS testen mag, folgt gern dem passenden Link. Einfach in der Testumgebung von iOS oder Android anmelden und anschlieend ber den Invite die App herunterladen:

Online, lekker gemakkelijk. Een fotootje van mijn dagboek over gisterenavond.

Nutzt ihr
Wenn ja,die Originale app oder ein wie z.b usw...

Gerne boosten damit mehr leute es sehen und abstimmen.

Nach fast 3 Jahrzehnten: Microsoft schmeit bekannte Standard-App raus

28 Jahre gehrte Wordpad zum Standardinventar von Windows. Jetzt macht Microsoft damit Schluss.

Wann habt ihr Wordpad das letzte mal benutzt

Por cierto, no s si conocis la pero la recomiendo mucho.
Puedes seguir cronologas/timelines de otras instancias de forma sencilla, muy til cuando no te interesa lo que hay en tu instancia o ests t sol en la instancia (como yo).

El repositorio del cdigo lo tenis en :

Os dejo una captura con la opcin de las cronologas de otras instancias.

Immerse yourself into the miraculous World of the Magic Forest!

Sounds of the Magic Forest is a beautiful soundbook for children between 2 and 6 years.

40% of endangered could be planted in Germanys green spaces and are suitable for . Data collected by researchers at idiv and is being used in an to encourage the use of these species in .

40% of endangered could be planted in Germanys green spaces and are suitable for . Data collected by researchers at idiv and is being used in an to encourage the use of these species in .

Ca. 40% der gefhrdeten Pflanzenarten knnten auf Grnflchen gepflanzt werden und seien fr geeignet. Von Forschenden des idiv und der erhobene Daten stehen in einer zur Verfgung, um Hilfe zum zu geben.

Karma Firewall

Karma Firewall blockiert den Zugriff von Apps auf das Internet.

I made a countdown timer web . It was popular among facilitators, and . Then I sold it and the buyer plastered it with ads, rendering it useless for many.

This was knawing at me for a whileI let passionate users down and it was out of my control.

A couple of months I used a completely different set of web frameworks and built a new timer. It took me only a fraction of the time and it's got more features. And !

Here's the result:

It's still rough, but I think it should be usable. And I will make sure it will only improve!

Kritische Rohstoffe Weder selten noch alternativlos
Viel Lrm um Seltene Erden fr grne und digitale Technologien, etwa fr Elektroautos und Windrder aber am Ende braucht man sie dafr gar nicht. Denn schon deuten sich Alternativen an. Ein hufiges Argument gegen Fahrzeuge mit Elektroantrieb lautet: Dafr braucht man einen Haufen Seltene Erden, und die lassen sich auf dem aktuellen Stand

SayCheese cattura tutti i tuoi momenti speciali su e

Ende des Schurkenteam-Kapitels in Pokmon Masters EX erschienen

Das Ende des Finalen Kapitels erscheint heute.

Zur News:

New app added to the Accessible Apps directory by Wang Ice from Prudence Interactive: Prudence Screen Reader. New release Break information barriers, leading the visually impaired intelligent life, overseas version of the Prudence Screen Reader for android mobile officially on the Google Play!

Is there an app or service for meeting new people, that isn't hostile and/or won't sell my cell phone number out to spammers IMMEDIATELY after signing up (ahem most of the dating apps will do this).

Today's experiment, part 2: Now with support for multiplexing .js presentations between a controller and multiple clients.

Sapot Browser available on the

But what about its potential in Can we trust to set our In other words, is it able to learn the patterns of your body better than you or your coach
Drawing on personal feedback is the greatest challenge for . Whereas a good human coach not only sets but also becomes a friend, motivator, therapist and psychologist all in one, an is solely a -cruncher

Today's experiment: Folding a .js presentation slide deck into a / application.

My project lets you compare Sony E Mount full frame lenses. I've just added price data - check it out:

Quer aprender e criar , e

Baixe o e aprenda tudo sobre as principais tecnologias .

Baixe GRTIS!!!


What calendar app do you use on Android

For all lovers and users:

There is a fantastic new feature available on the Apple Watch app = you can move the pin on the green to todays position, so you get more accurate measurements


Florae ist eine Open-Source-Anwendung, die es Ihnen ermglicht, den berblick ber die Pflege Ihrer Pflanzen zu behalten und gleichzeitig Ihre Freiheit und Privatsphre zu respektieren.

Leider ist die und Software-Landschaft von konfus und kahl. Alle offiziellen Apps zu EV3 im Privathaushalt wurden aus App Stores entfernt. Die offizielle scratch Familie vom MIT gibts nicht fr iOS.

Wir nutzen jetzt EV3 Classroom. Die Bauanleitungen der 5 Originalmodelle gibts noch als PDFs bei Lego.

Was nutzt ihr zur Programmierung fr EV3

Las frases que ponen a diario en la de son inspiracionales, unos. Otros, son de reflexin. Y este es ms de reflexin que deseo compartir.

my current web app idea is a competing artist owned streaming service alternative to spotify, tidal, and bandcamp. The elevator pitch is by uploading your music you are a stake owner in the platform and are entitled to your cut of the profit. It incentivizes artists to promote the platform and is ultimately more equitable

Does that sound stupid

/ /

/ / /

So ... I have been working on a DnD companion app called Questscribe. It is not quite finished yet but a lot of things are suported already:
Spells, Equipment, Monsters and Magic Items
I am using the wonderful D&D 5e API.

New version ! 3.b.74

- CW and medias policies per columns
- New optional filters bar for notifications column
- Medias display mode
- Filters bar for boosts et replies on profiles
- Custom emojis in picker
- Instances announcements support
- Keyboard navigation + shortcuts
- New scheduleds status column
and more ...

Added Markdown preview to my writing app. Useful side benefit is that I can now copy the formatted text to the clipboard to use in places such as Slack via a simple hotkey. No more fighting the custom Markdown-ish syntax of Slack and no manually highlighting text to copy.

Today is World Coconut Day! Pip is free to celebrate, if you need some RPG dice on your iOS device. Cheers!

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