Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

It is going to be a holly, jolly Christmas for fans in the European region to get the renowned text-based social media from , as Threads has already begun its countdown on the . While Meta did not specify what is the reason behind the countdown, it is highly speculated for the dedicated launch of Threads in the EU, and this was the same look it had when it brought the platform last July. Going to the Threads app for those in the EU region, will show ...

Make your own Tour App

/ / /

Rippple 6.2 is available on the App Store!

In this version:
New link to Merch
Convenient Access to Pinned Shows
Automatic Removal of Completed Pinned Shows
Enhanced Episode Type Markings
And a lot more

Stripping e Deepfake: il male dellintelligenza artificiale sta creando danni sociali e psicologici enormi

Recentemente, sempre pi utenti hanno fatto ricorso ad e siti Web che sfruttano lintelligenza per creare false immagini di nude. 

Come mostrano i , questi consentono di caricare una di una persona vestita, dopo di che l artificiale genera una sua immagine nuda.

5 things we didnt put on our 2024 list of 10 Breakthrough Technologies


Guess the by Bill Nighy.

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New app added to the Accessible Apps directory by Amir: NPR. Accessible with a few unlabeled buttons. The NPR app is your one-stop source for the best of public radio news, stories, podcasts and more from NPR and local NPR stations.

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Nahrungszutaten, Allergene, Ernhrungsfakten nachschlagen.

Es gibt neue Beta Apps fr die Threema und Threema Work Desktop Apps.

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dies kommt nicht auf das Alter an, sondern ist ein allgemeines . Dies ist unbewusste Wahrnehmungen in projizierten 'en und dann sich ungewollt in eine ausgenutzte einlassen lassen.

Partnersuche via Dating "im echten " fllt schwer:
Bei einer Befragung gaben 16- bis 24-Jhrige an, dass sie -Apps als anstrengend empfinden. Fr die meisten sei es aber hart, auerhalb der -Welt kennenzulernen.

Get ready for a mind-blowing revelation! Brace yourself peeps, because guess what is not just another , it's cooked up with the incredible sauce! *gasp* The wait may feel eternal. This epic creation is slated to grace your screens in #2024! Can you handle the excitement

Demons run when a good man .

writes "I love you" on the bomb. writes "I hate you" on the bomb. Same bomb. Same army dropping it. Which is the tyrant and which is the humanitarian How do you know

Yeah, it's like that.

, I will tell you this once. You're broadcasting signals into and throughout the United States, information/misinformation/disinformation capable of influencing the 2024 presidential -- are you ready

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Using the Herd for Mastodon app is as cozy as a kitten in a banana

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Oder ich kaufe eine Kravattenstange und beschrifte Wscheklammern.
Wschklammer oben=100%, unten=0%, wenn die Seite mit Stecker vorne ist, wird das Auto gerade geladen.

Alright, we got proper chronological sorting in Party Hat!

Ooh, the new app launched yesterday and its very swanky. Theyve very kindly added me to their list too!

The lucky break behind the first CRISPR treatment


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La historia se repite: en Android necesitamos una potente pero simple galera de fotos!


Guess the by Christopher Lloyd.

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hier stellt sich einem als evangelist nun die Frage, ob man die bisherige Entwicklungsarbeit nicht macht, sodass Individuen, die ein Interesse an ohne haben, sich eine herunter laden, um ihr anonymisiert zu teilen, auf dass die rin werden mge. Oder bin ich da schon wieder zu naiv Aus ist ja auch was geworden, zum Bleistift!

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Ihr privater und quelloffener Bcher-Tracker, Organizer und Leseliste.

New app added to the Accessible Apps directory by Amir: BBC Sounds: Radio & Podcasts. Accessible. BBC Sounds is the new way to listen to BBC audio your favourite programmes, podcasts, radio stations and music all in one place.

"Premier Danielle Smiths government has rejected a proposal that would have compelled it to respect the results of a referendum on whether Alberta should quit the Canada Pension Plan."

So the is not for the betterment of the people of Alberta, but rather it is for the betterment of the UCP and its backers.

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es war ein sehr informativer Abend, bei dem viele unterschiedliche Sichtweisen von wirklich fachkundigen Individuen sich zum Meinungsaustausch getroffen haben und bewusst die Mitarbeit der Besucher gesucht haben. Was mich persnlich etwas geschockt hat, war das Scheitern einer fr ganz Deutschland, weil jeder Verkehrsbetrieb seine 'eigene' App mit ihrem eigenen Logo haben wollte. So wird das mit nutzeroptimiertem Deutschlandtakt nie was.


Hey, folks on who don't like LinkedIn: If there was a **PAID** business-focused instance, would you join it

The benefits - you can still contribute and be a part of the while being a part of a server meant for businesses. The membership fee would go toward adding business-friendly features that the free servers don't have.

Kapazitt von Pokmon- und Itemboxen in Pokmon GO erhht

Es knnen nun weitere Erweiterungen gekauft werden.

Zur News:

# deepl

"Das -Team hat dieses Jahr aus verschiedenen Grnden einige Mitarbeitende verloren, und wir brauchen eure , um eine tolle - zu entwickeln!

Wir wrden uns zwar auch ber mehr freuen, aber wir suchen speziell nach:

- eine Person, die unser soziales Konto verwalten oder dabei helfen kann

- eine/n , d. uns bei der Erstellung eines Verhaltenskodexes helfen kann

Bitte helft uns, die Nachricht zu verbreiten "

I haven't been this excited for a in a very long time

Rectangle Pro is the window manager I've always wanted: custom areas applied from mouse gestures (Window Throw, a perfect match for MX Masters top button click and drag to resize).

A 43" 16:9 display is great but a bit hard to manage, and having dozens of keyboard shortcuts was never a good solution.

I'll use the whole trial because I've been burnt many times, but I am quite sure this is the one.

In these months I had the opportunity to curate the /apple and /MastodonItalia lists for 2.0
Let me know what you think or who would like to be included on that lists...

Thank you and thank you all.

Was fr ein !
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Wer kein Handy hat, kommt nach 21 Uhr nicht mehr weg...

cc digitalcourage

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