Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Made a short-ish teaser/introduction to the app.
This reminded me how much I hate making motion pictures.
Hopefully, I can stick to static ones. :blobbybara:

Debunking the Alberta Governments Plan to Secede from the Canada Pension Plan

quivalent de Photopea (alternative web Photoshop) pour le dessin vectoriel.


Vectorpea Online Vector Editor

The developers really knows their stuff!

Other clients often suffers from micro-stuttering when scrolling etc, but Ivory is always smooth and nice.

The percentage of users accessing on the rose to 43% in 2023 from 22% in the previous year.

There is nothing worse than downloading a new version of an , only to immediately discover a bug in a feature that I have implemented.

Nothing Chats Lets You Use iMessage On Android

Google DeepMinds weather AI can forecast extreme weather faster and more accurately

Der beste Schutz ist wohl, diese nicht zu verwenden.
Neues : Schutz vor zu neugieriger Microsoft-Mail-App

Como trocar numero do WhatsApp no Android e no iPhone (iOS)


Was ein toller Abschluss des der neuen !

Thema: RSS Feed

Handy News Reader
Lese-App fr ein reines Leseerlebnis mit Offline-Untersttzung.

Ein groartiger, kostenloser und quelloffener RSS-Feedreader.

TikTok has partnered with Spotify and Music to allow users to easily store tracks from TikTok videos on their chosen streaming music . Since Spotify's TikTok-inspired app revamp earlier this year, TikTok has had a major effect on music and the discovery of new artists. Labeled "Add to Music app," the new functionality will appear as an "Add Song" button at the bottom of TikTok videos in the For You Feed, next to the titles of the tracks. This ...

Apple News tried to pull this trick a few years ago... I was seeing article links leading to a page that said the article could only be accessed from Apple's news app.

I have not clicked on (nor boosted) a single Apple News link since then. People often don't realize how tech corps are manipulating them sadly, critical thinking skills in this area are low.

Die App von ist auf der Shortlist zu Apples "TV App des Jahres".
Mal abgesehen davon, dass MUBIs Inhalt immer unbersichtlicher wird, was sich in der Darstellung natrlich niederschlgt und davon abgesehen, dass die auf dem AppleTV noch doofer zu bedienen ist, als auf dem iPad, steckt in dem Ganzen die Ironie, dass es auf keine anderen brauchbaren Apps gibt. Auf deutsch: Die anderen sind noch schlechter.

P.S.: Ich mag MUBI trotzdem.

Make your own Tour App

Saveful is a free that helps you move past the limits of your s best before and into the possibilities of its best after. Available on APP Store or Google Play.

Apple App Store Awards 2023
App Store iPhoneiPadApple WatchMac Apple TV Apple App Store App Store Awards App Apple 2023 App Store Awards10 40 App
The post Apple App Store Awards 2023 appeared ...
App App Store Awards

I think this is standard for Internet apps, sites and services but I forget how many unsecure web setvices are exist

6 security best practices for cloud-native applications

It makes sense that networking would also get a digital boost. This will look at the nature of networking, as well as some of the apps to help you assemble the best people for the best results. They understand the value of chats, even if they're conducted through an instead of an in-person event. Attending networking events is a great way to find previously unknown connections. When you your events properly, the odds of bolstering...

Satel Italia: APP per controllo remoto sistema sicurezza: INTEGRA Control e lAPP per il controllo remoto della centrale INTEGRA, con cui inserire, disinserire il sistema e controllarne lo stato, visualizzare eventi e allarmi, gestire le funzioni domotiche, eseguire scenari grazie ai comandi macro e visualizzare qualsiasi telecamera IP. Inoltre, lAPP...

Was ist die auf eurem , egal ob oder , auf welche ihr nicht verzichten wrdet wollen oder knnen, so Sachen wie Browser, Mail Programm und Standard Apps explizit ausgenommen. Bei mir ist wre das definitiv eine RSS Reader App.

Die funktioniert nach dem unter nicht mehr. Aktuell iOS 16.7.2

Versuche es vorbergehend ber die Webseite.

The app that I want to share is Welltory. It uses your phone camera and flashlight to detect your heart beat, and analyzes various metrics related to heart rate variability(HRV). HRV tends to get less attention than heart rate per se: it measures how much variation there is in the time lapse between two consecutive heart beats.

I found it counterintuitive at first, but having higher HRV is actually a good thing.


.2 3 -

Neue in der -

Exciting Updates!

One of our latest updates introduces the new Duration Feature! Now, you can improve your task management with detailed scheduling.

For more information, check out our latest blog post:

Apple opublikowao list finalistw biorcych udzia w App Store Awards 2023. Na licie znalazo si prawie czterdzieci apps i deweloperw, ktrzy dostarczaj nam wyjtkowych wrae i dowiadcze. Oto oni

Od ponad dziesiciu lat zesp redakcyjny App Store nagradza najlepsze aplikacje i gry roku, przyznajc nagrody App Store Awards, wyrniajc szereg programistw, od indywidualnych twrcw aplikacji po due zespoy dziaajce na caym wiecie. Redaktorzy App Store nagradzaj finalistw nagrody App Store Award  prawie 40 twrcw aplikacji i gier w 10 rnych kategoriach  za ich doskonao, pomysowo i osignicia techniczne w aplikacjach i grach. Wybrane aplikacje i gry pomogy uytkownikom wykaza si kreatywnoci, rzuci sobie wyzwanie i dobrze si bawi z rodzin i przyjacimi. Zwycizcy nagrody App Store Award zostan wybrani spord tegorocznej grupy wyrniajcych si finalistw i zostan ogoszeni w nadchodzcych tygodniach.

Jestemy podekscytowani osigniciami finalistw nagrody App Store Award, ktrzy pomagaj uytkownikom na caym wiecie rozwija ich zainteresowania rysowaniem, projektowaniem, edycj wideo, edukacj, muzyk, zarzdzaniem czasem, wiczeniami, wdrwkami, graniem w gry i nie tylko wicej powiedzia Phil Schiller, czonek Apple. Wszyscy finalici s niesamowicie utalentowani i woyli ogromny wysiek w stworzenie tych wspaniaych aplikacji i gier. Jestemy zainspirowani ich osigniciami i z niecierpliwoci czekamy na ogoszenie zwycizcw nagrd App Store Awards jeszcze w tym miesicu.

Finalici App roku na iPhonea

Finalici Gry roku na iPhonea

Finalici App roku na iPada

Finalici Gry roku na iPada

Finalici App roku na Maca

Finalici Gry roku na Maca

Finalici App roku na Apple Watcha

Finalici App roku na Apple TV

Finalici Gry roku na Apple Arcade

Finalici wpywu na kultur

#App #AppStore #AppStoreAwards #AppStoreAwards2023 #Gry #Oprogramowanie #Software

Fahrgastverband pro Bahn kritisiert App des HVV

Die App des Hamburger Verkehrsverbunds (HVV) sorgt immer wieder fr rger. Versptungen oder Zugausflle werden nicht zeitnah angezeigt.

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AI is at an inflection point, Fei-Fei Li says

The Biggest Questions: How did life begin

Spent what free time I had yesterday on adding Trakt access to "ShowMan", and that allowed me to get access to my calendar of shows today.
I'm getting pretty excited about the app now since the integration of the multiple services allows me to do a bunch of different things all in one app
Now I can see what I have not watched over the past few days and also get an idea as to what is coming up. When I watch something, I can tick it off the list by simply checking the box ...
Next, I need to add more Trakt integration to let Trakt know when an episode is watched and then add BetaSeries too for the same purpose. Lots of fun stuff to do!
#Coding #App #Swift #SwiftUI #macOS #ShowManagement #Entertainment

Did you see Mastodon for Android recently (well, the end of October) got an update and introduced Lists.

I read since a while that is just missing a dedicated on and .

Guess what, as announced in hired a second dev' to work on PT and especially a dedicated app.

There will be more informations about that in next weeks.

Also, in case you missed it, there is a great community effort by to make a dedicated app! It's called :

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 54 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Thema: Rezepte

Broccoli: Die Rezepte-App
Rezeptsammlung, Kochassistent & Saisonkalender: das umweltfreundliche Kochbuch.

KitchenOwl hilft Ihnen, Ihr Lebensmittelleben zu organisieren.

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