Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Mastodon app for Android version 2.1.1 is catastrophic. It crashes all the time for no reason.


The second video of the series is already live on our youtube page:

For comparison, AIMCo had a return of 7.2% (0.2% below the global average of 7.4%) over the same period.

The Canada Pension Plan had a 10-year average return of 10-9%, the highest of any global pension fund, and 3.5% higher than the average.

ICYMI: T-Mobile glitch let users see other people's account info

Just T-Mobile things - but not a breach! (Wow!)

Customers could see other peoples' account information.

Exposed information included:

- Customer name
- Phone numbers
- Addresses
- Account balances
- Partial credit card details

Hai bisogno di una carta con e Scopri , hai tutto quello che ti serve, una comoda e 50 in se lo apri entro il 22 ottobre, accrediti lo stipendio o pensione e fai acquisti per almeno 50. Il direttamente in conto.

Social Media: Mozilla entwickelt Mastodon-Apps fr Android und Apple iOS, neues Design fr Webversion

Qu hace el apartado de Grupo de etiquetas en los ajustes de Puedo aadir algunas pero no entiendo esta agrupacin para qu sirve o cmo sale.


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Wartungsarbeiten fr Pokmon HOME angekndigt

Eine neue Version wird bald fr Pokmon HOME verfgbar sein.

Zur News:

Okay, I'm done. is out. No doubt the first person, if any , to use it will break it, but fingers crossed.

So what is it

Basically, it's an web app that lets educators create quizzes and instructional material using plain old text to share with students. It's all free with no accounts needed. Hopefully some people will find it useful.

There are some built-in quizzes , but these are really just for use as examples.

I'm now getting back to drawing.

Like the TV Show 24, let's the countdown begin. -24 hours to big changes to multiple services related to DataHoarding activities.

Do you know any to mention
content is a feature would like to have.


"Git+ Coach un'applicazione didattica gratuita progettata per aiutare gli utenti a imparare Git e i suoi comandi. Grazie a un'interfaccia facile da usare e ad animazioni fluide, l'applicazione offre un'esperienza d'uso piacevole senza pubblicit che distragga dal processo di apprendimento."

L'applicazione disponibile anche su F-Droid (repository Izzy Repository)


Guess the by Mandy Patinkin in 1987.

Download and play from & !


Prfe deine Internetgeschwindigkeit.

Batteriematerialien Lithium aus heimischem Abbau
Achtzig Prozent des Lithiums auf dem Weltmarkt stammen aus Australien und Sdamerika. In Zukunft knnte Deutschland einen Teil seines Bedarfs aus eigener Produktion decken: Heie Tiefenwsser sind eine vielversprechende Quelle. Prognosen zufolge wird sich die weltweite Nachfrage nach Lithium bis zum Jahr 2030 um das Vier- bis Achtfache erhhen.1)

I thought auto would be much harder than this for, but nope:

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Dovete fare la spesa con Yuka, non avete idea delle schifezze che compriamo!

Wow, the looks so beautiful on

Elle me semble trs utile cette app :

The Sorority

La 1re App Bienveillante de Protection, d'Entraide et de Partage entre Tou.te.s

Very much like this in

/ / /

/ / /

These scientists live like astronauts without leaving Earth


Dies ist eine Anwendung, die api verwendet, um verffentlichte Bcher herunterzuladen.

What is the best Android phone to develop Apps on

I have a iphone so I don't need something fancy, just something that works.

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I was discussing the idea of an with many months ago, and he pointed this out as a major flaw with the proposal.

I think that Alberta could improve its investment management. But it really does seem that part of the goal of the APP is to use the pension money to execute economic strategy, and that's just a terrible way to run a pension fund.

Top 5 destinations of Filipinos, according to Agoda

1. Singapore
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3. Bangkok
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If you want some real figures, another commenter helpfully guided me to a paper about the here:

That paper predicts that Albertans would indeed pay lower rates with an , but not much lower (8.2% vs. 9.5%), and there would be more risk.

Thanks for sending that account. It links to an even more detailed paper from an economist:

The headline figure of that paper is that an could have an 8.2% contribution rate, vs. the 9.5% of the . That's based upon (among other things), Alberta receiving 20% of CPP assets. I'll read further into the paper to try to gain a better understanding.

Anyway, the difference between 9.5% and 8.2% is of course much less than between 16.5% and 10.6%.

You know your app is terrible when you're trying to sell dark mode as a feature

New app added to the Accessible Apps directory by Editorial staff: DeepL Translate. Accessible. DeepL Translate is the go-to translation app for text, speech, images, and files supporting more than 30 languages

woman loses over $44k after downloading third-party to buy

I keep forgetting to thread my posts because I thought I'd lost the "save drafts" functionality in the .

I just realized that was pure and that drafts still do save correctly and can be found by clicking the file box icon in the app's toolbar (screenshot attached)

Heres a fantastic piece by The Parkland Institutes executive director, Ricardo Acua, spelling out exactly how ridiculous Danielle Smiths recent play for more than half of the Canada Pension Plan really is.

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