Mega-Raid-Tag mit Flunkifer fr Pokmon GO angekndigt
Bald wird Mega-Flunkifer in Raids verfgbar sein.
Zur News:
Die Rheinische Versorgungskassen bieten als Beihilfetrger eine neue an, in der man seine Arztrechnungen einreichen kann.
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Australian Federal Police (AFP):
The AFP has two press releases for the Operation Kraken (see parent toots above): One is information on a distributor of the cybercriminal encrypted communications platform called Ghost. The 47 year old man was arrested on 17 September 2024. Police seized $17,400 in cash, eight mobile phones, three laptops, 23 SIM cards and 15 other communication devices and encrypted USBs while searching the home. The man was a close associate of a Narwee man, who was the alleged mastermind behind the encrypted criminal platform.
The second is about how the AFP-led Criminal Assets Confiscation Taskforce (CACT) successfully restrained (whatever that means, probably recovered/stopped) $9.3 million in cryptocurrency under the Commonwealth Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, as part of the Ghost investigation. The assets were restrained after an analytics specialist within the AFP-led CACT deciphered the accounts seed phrase following analysis of digital devices recovered from the Narwee home.
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I made a game you can play without anyone knowing (No Visuals/Sound)
Michael Cluster: "L'uscita di ieri della versione v10.3.1 del per ha finalmente portato con s una funzionalit molto richiesta di mixing () direttamente dal portafoglio mobile, per una senza soluzione di continuit in movimento! Assicurati di controllare il per l'aggiornamento dell', dopo averla installata, puoi attivare la funzione andando sul pulsante del menu in basso " ...
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Show HN: I made a game you can play without anyone knowing (No Visuals/Sound)
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Ich: "ber die . "
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