Musi app in juridische strijd met apple om herplaatsing in app store Store
Some time ago I created this podcast app UI. I used a vintage cassette player as inspiration for a label that sits between the Previous/Next buttons. I think it looks cool.
App Store
Da schreib ich schon extra in die readme meiner rein, das die jeder frei nutzen kann wenn er will, ich aber kein Geheule hren will, wenn sie ihm nicht passt.
Was passiert Einer muss heulen.
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Someone should do an expose called "Download Me" along the lines of the "Supersize Me" movie.
In Supersize Me, the filmmaker ate only McDonald's food and said "Yes" every time an employee asks if he wanted to supersize the order with larger volumes of fries and soda. The filmmaker suffered extreme health issues and was near death after a month.
In Download Me, the filmmaker would download an app every time it is suggested online. The goal would be to determine the volume of memory and/or the power of operating system required for a phone to accommodate that many apps, and to determine exactly how many apps you'd end up with.
Make your own Tour AppHERE is a travel app that keeps you connected with your friends, family, and loved ones while you travel. You can also plan group trips, too!
We're entering further planning and development stages for the app as we speak, and we'll have more updates very soon - stay tuned!
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Dodecahedran C20H20 ist einer von nur zwei hergestellten Kohlenwasserstoffen in Gestalt eines platonischen Krpers.Das Molekl wird in der von Horst Prinzbachs (1931 2012) Arbeitsgruppe entwickelten Synthese in ber 20 Stufen mit einer Gesamtausbeute von 17 Prozent hergestellt. Es besticht durch seine perfekte Symmetrie, die sich anders als bei anderen
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If Tiktok actualy gets banned in the US in January, the concept of it becoming "the social media app with no Americans" might actually make it absolutely fucking amazing for us, by which I mean everyone else.
:luffy10: As funciona la nueva herramienta de denuncia de veladores ilegales de la app del .
La pestaa ha entrado en funcionamiento ms de un mes despus de su anuncio y tras anunciar las fechas de 1 y 15 de noviembre sin haberla puesto en marcha.
El aviso indica que no se trata de una denuncia y que la informacin ser trasladada al Servicio Municipal correspondiente e incorporada, tras su valoracin, a los Planes de Inspeccin de Terrazas de Veladores.
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Artikel Zwei Seiten derselben Medaille
Beide waren Wegbereiter der angewandten physikalischen Chemie, beide erhielten einen Nobelpreis fr Chemie. Doch eine persnlich-freundschaftliche Lehrer-Schler-Beziehung zwischen Wilhelm Ostwald und dem 15 Jahre jngeren Fritz Haber gab es nicht.Fritz Haber (1868 1934) und Wilhelm Ostwald (1853 1932) gehren zu den bedeutenden Forschern in der hete
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Neat - completely open-source, cross-platform hierarchical note taking application that allows you to build large personal knowledge bases. Anyone have experience using it
Are there iOS coloring book apps that are geared towards coloring any line drawing you give it
I dont want a library of drawings to work on or any shared public gallery, I simply want to paint bucket color closed shapes
Probably some other graphics app has this feature.
In wieder entdeckt:
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Me encantan estas apps que se niegan a continuar diciendo que han detectado root en mi smartphone (sin root). Pues entonces: .
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