Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

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Zur News:

1.7.0 is out!

Some nice improvements here: server filters support, links in profile's image gallery to open original posts and more!

Full changelog here:


Finally tried the in person demo and it was overall a great experience. Love the preview of . Media consumption on this was amazing. Sadly the demo didnt let me test out any productivity (no virtual desktop), other apps. Definitely a v1 product as taking it off just after 20 min demo I could my face sore. V3 of this when its smaller, lighter, cheaper will be a killer consumer product! Brain overflowing with potential ideas!

TimeLapze is an , minimalist, menu bar application for creating color accurate screen and camera without enormous file sizes.

Bser Beleidigungsgenerator

Kurzgesagt, das hier ist die beste Beleidigungs-App die du kriegen kannst!

The implementation of the new nova-2 speech recognition model in my self-developed "Anruf Fee" has now brought me the hoped for improvements for the language in this app.

The attached example of an incoming spam call shows how well it works. It saves me having to answer annoying unknown callers, but at the same time ensures that I don't miss anything important by recognizing the caller's topic.


Nahrungszutaten, Allergene, Ernhrungsfakten nachschlagen.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 68 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

80 ofertas de Google Play: aplicaciones y juegos gratis y con grandes descuentos por poco tiempo

Transform Your Bible Study Experience!
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Researchers demonstrated they could conduct a Man-in-the-Middle phishing attack to compromise Tesla accounts, unlocking cars, and starting them. The attack works on the latest Tesla , version 4.30.6, and Tesla version 11.1 2024.2.7. As part of this attack, researchers Talal Haj Bakry and Tommy Mysk register a new 'Phone key' that could be used to access the Tesla. The researchers reported their findings to Tesla saying that linking a car...

Twitch is planning massive changes for 2024, with the being one of the experiences that the will be revamping, offering a new look and feel to the smartphone platform. This change would finally give a new look since the last redesign of the mobile app in 2019, with around five years since the company last updated the interface of the platform. Apart from the mobile app, Twitch also revealed the many changes coming to its platform, reinforcing ...

Did you know Hello There can help you remember important dates

How do I change the ID/host name of a I grepped for the old hostname and replaced it everywhere and now is broken. It says Activity class ai.old.domain/ does not exist, but not why it believes this/where I can change this.

Another sketch Friday.


Updater fr Datenschutzfreundliche Browser.

: tool to graft arrays on a :

-speeds up development
- consistent

Web :

Un projecte de la UIB cerca millorar la salut mental dels universitaris a travs duna app #salutmental #Balears #App #UIB

Etar - OpenSource Kalender

Etar ist ein im Material Design gestalteter open source Kalender fr jedermann.

For all and . I made an easy for practicing and and names. It's in Dutch (I'm Dutch :))and English.
And of course it's totally free!
It always helps my students!


I used generative AI to turn my story into a comicand you can too

Happy International Women's Day!

Today, we celebrate the strength, resilience, and achievements of women around the world. Let's honor the extraordinary women who have paved the way for progress and equality.

*new release*
- v0.8.0 major feature release:
- new upload servlet:
- migrated to Apache Velocity templates.
- added download of multiple files as zip *new*
- added filename filters *new*
download as zip and filename filters significantly improves
usability of the upload servlet
- v0.8.1 solves problems related to dynamic IP addresses
- v0.8.2 improvements for config file generation.

I've written a little WebDAV server:

This is a webDAV / web server that serves the current directory as a web site.
It makes it convenient to upload/download files between your PC and a remote
device say a mobile phone (Android, iPhone etc) simply using the web browser.
Run it with the -U option makes it possible to upload files without a WebDAV client.

*new version*, see reply

More details in the readme:

Facing More EU Scrutiny Over Epic Games Store Clash

Smartphone sicherer machen
Bedrohungen erkennen und stoppen
Mehr dazu bei
und die App gibt es u.a. hier
Link zu dieser Seite:
Link im Tor-Netzwerk:
Tags: -droid

Artikel Zucker elektrochemisch oxidieren
Frher war organische Elektrochemie selten selektiv und mit technischen Hrden verbunden, heute ist sie oft die einfachste Option, um Zucker zu oxidieren. Dabei ist sie whlerisch denn eine der drei sekundren Hydroxygruppen von Glucosiden ist anders als die anderen. Zuckermolekle enthalten mehrere hnliche Hydroxylgruppen. Einzelne davon umzuwand

Heres what look like in , , and .

Testing with

Millions Of Google, WhatsApp, Facebook 2FA Security Codes Leak Online

Can anyone confirm that this is true and if so, how sufficient and firm is its effect I hope that this is not true, but hope is no certainty, let alone knowledge. Oh so via SMS, yes then it is clearly insecure and should already be carried out using a open source 2FA app!

New version of is out!

1.9.1 now supports , like Ice Cubes and Mona App (and soon core).

Schillernde Plusle und Minun sowie weitere Inhalte fr Pokmon Caf ReMix angekndigt

Eine bersicht ber Inhalte im Mrz ist nun verfgbar.

Zur News:

Tak jsem se nakonec rozhodl jednu moji appku dlanou ve Svelte zdvojit msto pekladu pomoc i18n.

Dovol mi to mnohem vt flexibilitu s layout.

panltina je ve vtin ppad mnohem del ne anglitina.

Bude v Google Play vedena jako jedna app, ale jakoby se dvma obsahy.

Adobe Brings Its Firefly Generative AI to Smartphones

Here's a (Android) anyone can use to generate this

- 1.6.2 bringt ENDLICH - und lsst die WESTbahn damit auch endlich mal im 21. Jahrhundert ankommen!

Erste Informationen zum Pokmon GO Fest 2024 mit Marshadow verffentlicht

Daten und erste Inhalte rund um das Groevent wurden nun angekndigt.

Zur News:


Die - wurde erstmals im Jahr 1987 fr -Rechner verffentlicht, als das Unternehmen noch auf Prozessoren von Motorola setzte. Im Verlauf der Jahre hat sich nicht nur auf dem Mac, sondern auch bei PopChar einiges getan: Nun meldet sich das vom sterreichischen Entwicklerstudio kreierte Programm in der runderneuerten Version 10 zurck.

Alle Infos zu PopChar v10:

, and devs: Im soon to embark on some more app round-up goodness. If you have created a new app or substantially updated an existing one since, say, the beginning of 2023, let me know.

Audience: consumer with a side order of geek.

Price: any (free or paid).

Press kit with standard screen grabs: increases likelihood of coverage.

(Apps only, please, not games. Although I do still cover new mobile/browser games for other projects, so feel free to pitch those.)

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 69 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

metacognition test