Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Novinky od Beeper:

Were excited to announce Beeper Widgets: a new way to do awesome things with chat!

Our Widgets work with any chat network Beeper supportsuse them on WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegramwhatever you want!


WhatsApp, the popular messaging under Meta, has recently streamlined users share photos with an exciting new : high-definition photo sharing. This announcement comes straight from the boss - Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg himself, signaling a major leap forward in the app's capabilities. No more pixelated, compressed images! WhatsApp's HD photo-sharing allows you to send and receive photos in their quality. Whether a dazzling selfie on the beach or...

Mais c'est une tuerie cette app ! Opensource, jolie, on peut choisir sa source de donnes (dont Mto France), on peut ajouter plusieurs Widget sympa, on peut ajouter plusieurs localisations, on a de l'info dtaille avec des reprsentations graphiques des tendances

Ich glaube ja, dass ein entscheidender Faktor fr Stress ist im Leben vieler . Stimmt ihr mir da zu Manche verbringen viel zu viel Zeit mit der . schauen. Schreiben.

I've been learning with Drops for 2 days. Can you beat my streak Try Drops /pos

Make your own Tour App

/ / /

Dear professional, serious journalists and News platforms, please make sure your Apps are matching professional and serious data collection level in year 2023, it shouldn't becomes a burden for your users to protect themselves and learning and behaving like a tech guy (and with all cost), is the so-called Artificial-Intelligence scary Yes, it is, it is a data sucking monster, without human alike concerns and understanding.
Your sincere

Who are you, please - who is "we" Unverified account here. Any website Any public source code repository

I gave up on trying different ideas, I will stick with this one for initial Rid release!

Ein die scannt und dann berlaut in den Saal schreit, wie der Trick funktioniert.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 50 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

MetallLigandKooperativitt Gemeinsam strker
Terrance Hadlington stellt das etablierte Konzept der Metall-Ligand-Kooperativitt auf den Kopf und sucht nach Systemen, die eine Hydroaminierung von Alkenen mit Ammoniak erreichen knnen.Enzyme, deren aktive Taschen mehrere Stellen enthalten, die zusammenarbeiten, knnen selbst die strksten Bindungen mhelos spalten. Davon inspiriert haben Gruppen kooperat

Im using the Mastodon app on my iPhone and its driving me a bit bonkers (taking so much time to load, etc). Any recommendations for an iOS alternative

Setapps AI search suggested only one when there are actually 6 to choose from. Theres a good reason, but Im still glad that their regular search lists all the apps related to what Im searching for.

Medium members:

Friend link if youre not on Medium: 3/6

How Setapp saves me 100s of $, and helps me to (finally) conquer shiny app-ject syndrome. Don't ask me why, but it seems that being surrounded by all the stuff, has taken away my hankering after all the stuff to the detriment of the work I should be doing. I'm much more relaxed now, and in a place of controlled discovery. It's nice!

Medium members:

Friend link if youre not on Medium: 2/6


Guess the Download and play now on and !

A staple of text chats - art and emphasis done by manipulating your computer's character set - made easier than ever with ASCII Draw. The app gives you a grid, which you can add text to, but more importantly, you can draw on. Paint with different symbols and make little diagrams with the app's box and arrow tools, then copy or save the whole thing to a standard text file for easy sharing

You can get the app on Flathub here:

Does anybody know a and/or that also allows for painting/writing with a on

Local handling of data is sufficient, the mandatory part is good support.

I know a lot of good , but none seem to support writing/drawing with a .

Some possibilities would round it up.

Any suggestions Boost welcome :BoostOK:


I earned the level 5 Marathoner badge! /pos

Narwhal 2 for is such a well designed app and rich in customization.

Kudos to the dev

You can join the beta here:

Don't know if it's just me, but for stopped working.

Songs no longer load inside app. Could this be another block

folders almost ready...

What is your favourite lately Streaming or music-making!

Weve been enjoying Drum Computer by Sugar Bytes on the iPad its a blast to jam away on a complex drum machine built into your tablet.

Happy Monday, Beatsmiths!

Frher waren es Steintafeln und.brennende Bsche, heute ist es eine AI-powered chatbot app fr's Ei:Phone.

Die Technik entwickelt sich ber die Zeit.

Ansonsten aber der gleiche Scheiss wie schon seit Jahrtausenden!

Businesses are reducing choice, and in many cases completely excluding, entire socio-economic, ability and age groups. Sometimes exclusion is a conscious, cynical business choice to regulate customer profile.

About 7% of people in (about 1 person in every 13) do not have access to digital payment, required to access shops, cafs and venues.

"No , no entry: How the digital world is failing the non tech-savvy"

Shell Malaysia Launches Mobile App That Integrates Fuel Payments And BonusLink Points Rewards

Text With -

Fr alle in der Kirche zu kurz gekommenen :-)

> Text With Jesus is a revolutionary AI-powered chatbot app for iPhone and iPad, designed for devoted Christians seeking a deeper connection with the Bible's most iconic figures.

Spent sometime thinking about an icon idea for a To-do list app other than a Check mark glyph for Rid, and I thought of a minus app icon!

Any feedback is appreciated!

Artikel Einzug der KI in den GDChAlltag
KI kann viele Bereiche unserer Gesellschaft verbessern, zum Beispiel in der Medizin, Bildung und Sicherheit. Sie kann Prozesse automatisieren, schnelle Entscheidungen treffen und Menschliches sic! Versagen minimieren. Zudem kann sie Lsungen fr komplexe Probleme finden und wertvolle Einblicke in Daten liefern, was zu Innovation und Fortschritt fh

Vimar: gamma di telecamere per videosorveglianza
Il sistema di videosorveglianza Elvox TVCC Vimar offre telecamere performanti e ad alta risoluzione fino a 8 Mpx, con tecnologia AHD e IP con funzioni...

A Comprehensive Guide to Music Streaming App Development

Dive into the World of Music Streaming App Development!
Our comprehensive guide is your key to creating an app that resonates with users. Explore the essential steps, features, and remote developer hiring to make your app a success. Join the conversation and amplify your app's potential in the music streaming landscape.


Kann mir einer sagen warum 3GB an daten hat
Ich lsche immer den Cache vom mein phone mit z.b ...ebenso ist es so eingestellt das die heruntergeladene nach einer gewissen zeit in fdroid automatisch gelscht wird....aber 3GB an daten Wozu Woher Warum


which do you use
please !! ty


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Yeah, prefer the web version over the .

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