now have a better way to authenticate users using the new Credential Manager. Credential Manager is a Jetpack that brings together various sign-in methods into a single API, which will make it easier for users to become authenticated, regardless of their preferred sign-in method. According to the Android team, the simplification provided continue reading
The post Android authentication just got simpler with Credential Manager ...
Beluga is an iOS app that lets you post microblogs. Whats unique is that it posts to S3-compatible storage, using your own credentials. Bring your own storage!
No support for self-hosted Minio or similar custom endpoints - yet!
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Cookies, or similar online identifiers together with other information can be stored or read on your device to recognise it each time it connects to an or to a website, for one or of the purposes presented here. Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited , such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type or which you are interacting with. Information about your ...
Webapp vs. native App: k/eine leichte Entscheidung
1 Was unterscheidet eine von einer nativen
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Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited , such as the or you are using, your non-precise location, your type or which you are interacting with. Information about your activity on this service can be stored and combined with other information about you or similar users. Your profile can be used to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities....
Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited , such as the or you are using, your non-precise location, your type or which you are interacting with. Information about your activity on this service can be stored and combined with other information about you or similar users. Your profile can be used to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities....
You know, I was going to make a video called "The Squeeze is Coming" today, but I dismissed it.
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Cookies, or similar online identifiers together with other information can be stored or read on your device to recognise it each time it connects to an or to a website, for one or of the purposes presented here. Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited , such as the website or app you are using, your non-precise location, your device type or which you are interacting with. Information about your ...
Anyone here has familiarity with I am trying to determine the list of personal information it collects and where in the world is sent to, did I overlooked this on their gitlab page
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Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited , such as the or you are using, your non-precise location, your type or which you are interacting with. Information about your activity on this service can be stored and combined with other information about you or similar users. Your profile can be used to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities....
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Il Digital Markets Act () obbliga al , cio la possibilit di fare acquistare su store alternativi all'
A. ha inziato una campagna contro, visto che incassa commissioni del 30% dagli sviluppatori. Oltre a questo ha mantenuto una fee da pagare per tutte le app
In risposta, la Commissione ha avvertito Apple di esser pronta a usare le maniere forti
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Apple iOS 17.4 iPadOS 17.4 Developer Beta
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Ok, I've got one major gripe with the official : the networking. There are constantly timeouts while scrolling, pictures just not loading, and some posts failing to open the first 3 times I click it. Neither the nor had this problem on the same device with the same account, but they had other issues that made me prefer the official app.
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Advertising presented to you on this service can be based on limited , such as the or you are using, your non-precise location, your type or which you are interacting with. Information about your activity on this service can be stored and combined with other information about you or similar users. Your profile can be used to present advertising that appears more relevant based on your possible interests by this and other entities....
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Gizmodo: iPhone Apps Secretly Harvest Data When They Send You Notifications, Researchers Find. Security researchers say apps including Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, Twitter, and countless others collect data in surprising ways.
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