Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Once upon a time, nearly two decades ago, I wrote an . Originally an internal tool, it soon evolved into a modestly successful commercial product.

For this task, I used . It's long in the tooth now, but back then, it was new and hot and gee-whiz.

20 years later, it's still a modestly successful commercial product. Much of the old code is still there, and with , it even looks reasonably modern.

Maps is expanding its coverage in two new countries as of Friday, Oct. 13. Cupertino firm is bringing the navigation to Denmark and Greece this time. All in all, there are a total number of 35 countries that can use the app. Before we see the improved navigation in the Apple Maps app, it's somewhat vague to use at since it lacks some that navigators need

Is there a way to enable notifications if a specific user toots in the official Mastodon app on iOS
Cant find anything in the settings or in the user profiles.
Or does this depend on my instance

Na dann werde ich mal einen Blick auf die Mastodon-App "Mona" werfen. Mit iCloud-Sync iPhone / iPad / Mac.

Neat little on PlentyOfFish: they pester you with ads to upgrade to the Plus tier, but tapping Upgrade takes you to the payment page for the pricier Premium tier which you might, like me, buy without noticing the difference

rgern lohnt nicht (PFA)

Brettspiel fr einen bis sechs Spieler Personen oder Computergegner.

Ich suche eine die folgendes kann:

und, oder Datei Browser & Bidirektionale Synchronisierung von Individuellen Ordnern/Dateien.
Am besten .

Mit gegen
entwickelt gegen langwierige -Auengrenzen
"Alle Reisenden aus Drittstaaten mssen dann ihre biometrischen Daten abgeben
Mit dem anfangs als Smart Borders bezeichneten EES wollen die Behrden feststellen, ob Angehrige aus Drittstaaten ihr Visum berziehen und nicht wie vorgeschrieben nach drei Monaten ausreisen. Die biometrischen Daten knnen auch von Polizeibehrden fr Fahndungszwecke oder zur Gefahrenabwehr genutzt werden."


Guess the by Ana de Armas

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Smart EggTimer (Eieruhr)

Mit Smart EggTimer knnen Sie Eier perfekt kochen.

bersicht der Spezialmissionen zum Community Day mit Praktibalk in Pokmon GO

Der Oktober-Community Day mit Praktibalk findet heute statt.

Zur News:

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 44 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

30% App
Apple App Store
The post 30% App appeared first on .

I love the , but can't say that's the same for . I it depends on people's . But as like ur works, make it so that people will the or the they . That way many will be .

I understand that not can be made customisable (as it may take a long time), but still doing it at some point will help.

Btw, I love , for the it has already


Let me introduce you to the Chatons (Kittens).
This is a group of 96 French associations promoting open source software to move away from Big Tech apps.

Manchmal wei man nicht, ob es wirklich fr alles eine geben sollte.

"Smith proposed looting the Alberta Treasury (so that means Alberta taxpayer cash) to the tune of 20 billion dollars to pay Oil and Gas to clean up their own mess that they've always been on the hook to pay for themselves. What do you suppose she'll do with Alberta's pensions"


How AI could supercharge battery research

Think that your plastic is being recycled Think again.

Delta Icon Pack

Minimalistic pastel icon pack for Android.


Guess the by Brittany Murphy.

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Thailand to Develop Block Chain App for Digital Wallet Scheme

Blitzortung Lightning Monitor

Einfach zu verwendende kartenbasierte Anwendung, die Echtzeit-Blitzdaten des gesamten Blitzortungsnetzwerks visualisiert. Die aktuelle Gewittersituation immer zur Hand.

Do you know of any "to-do" app that has a circular queue function
For example, three tasks are in a queue, no deadline, but every time a task is completed, it goes back to the end of the queue. It seems to be such a simple function (I used to be able to code this 30 years ago - not anymore), but none of the main apps seem able to do it (or am I missing something)


- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 53 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Miss the pre streaming era that just played whatever the heck you transferred to your phone

There is an insanely well designed app called Doppler by

Good if you actually like possesing digital music or simply want to listen to music not available at any streaming service.

It's a single time payment too. And you can import audio on every digital way imaginable.

When you link your to the wrong .

RT FascinatingTech
New paper. We detail how design decisions by Apple / Google in iOS / Android have negative effects for , including research into privacy. With the new EU Digital Service Act, the companies may need to address this, as we discuss.

If youre an based or imagine if, without warning, Apple removed Web Inspector from , or the entire Deploy to Device & Simulator toolchain from .

That's what I just confirmed has been done to developers. The entire proofing & testing toolchain that was in iBooks / Apple Books, where you could add a development directory as a proof, and then push it to where changes would live-update is gone *with no documentation of this*.

Anyone tried revanced app latest version Virustotal detects it as a trojan.

Can we please start the swing back from ultra flat UI design

Tell me you see this picture and dont feel a soothing warmth in your heart

Cofi - Brew Timer

Open Source Kaffee Timer. Einfache Bedienoberflche. Perfekter Kaffee jedes Mal.

Am I the only one who writes longer for , , and in a like and only copies them into the respective apps for sending I like the conceptual and visual calm atmosphere of an like Apostrophe much better for concentrated writing than for example the editors in or .

Is Alberta Premier Danielle Smith planning to fork over Alberta's pension money to the Big Oil bosses Find out in the latest episode of the Climate Lens!


Scientists just drafted an incredibly detailed map of the human brain

The quest for equitable climate solutions


Guess the by Sigourney Weaver,

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Onlinebanking: Gericht sieht Risiken bei App-TAN ein Trick macht es aber sicherer

Das Landesgericht Heilbronn hat besttigt, was Sicherheitsexpert:innen schon lnger wussten: Das App-TAN-Verfahren ist nicht so sicher wie sein Ruf. Es gibt jedoch einen Trick, es sicherer zu machen.


I've been using Arc browser for quite some time now after I was lucky enough to get a beta invite. It continues to get better and better. I'm firmly of the opinion that everyone on MacOS should be using it.
