Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Please explain to me why the is over 300MB large! For what!

I think app developers should be much more respectful of the device's ! Just think how much data transmitted over the an app like PayPal could save per update, if they would reduce its size It's a small contribution to a greener , because transferring data over the Internet requires , obviously.

Hey, folks, just saw some grumblings in the tech community as of late asking for "intro to programming" videos. Thought I'd start a series. Please let me know your thoughts!

Obviously, in this one I'm not doing any programming I'm just setting the stage.

If you know any folk who want to learn how to program, please feel free to share the video. And please encourage them to follow me on Vimeo or social media.

What is your preferred solution for cross-platform development

How To Hire The Right Android App Developer For Your Project

Never ending story:

WhatsApp aggiorna l'indicatore di digitazione e audio

Gemini Live diventa multilingue e si integra con altre app

Fake trading apps infiltrate major app stores with a pig-butchering scheme


The main goal is to create an that allows for Editing handwrtitten and typed text seamlessly:

- Select text or handwriting via mouse or finger press
- over selected hand written text
- Type between handwtitten words using cursor
- over selected typed text
- Handwrite between text via longtap
- Scribble out typed or hand written text to erase using pen

Essentially to make typing and writing interoperable.

Telegram users report massive outages on messengerapp

Telegram has been experiencing massive outages in several countries since around 10:30 am UTC on Oct. 3.

There's our own local stack running featuring online and family's impressed so far. issues the . The is also nice btw! Next stop trying with and test other nice things. Since my i3 is operating on it's limits right now, I've purchased an core i7 with 16GB RAM being our third host.

Nueva entrada en !
Usar el mvil como lector de DNIe es posible

Gmail Gets Expanded Summary Cards, A Happening Soon Section

Australia's Police Confiscates Crypto Worth $6.4M in Crackdown on 'Ghost' MessagingApp

Australia's police has confiscated $6.4 million in cryptocurrency as part of a global crackdown on Ghost, an encrypted communications network, authorities allege was built solely for the criminal underworld, a statement said. #6.4M

Artikel Minimale Interaktion fr optimale Leistung
Bioinerte (Ultra-)High-Performance-Liquid-Chromatography-Systeme sind vielversprechend, um Oligonukleotide zu analysieren: Sie reduzieren die Wechselwirkungen zwischen den reaktiven Biomoleklen und dem System auf ein Minimum. Dies ermglicht eine verlssliche Analytik, die prziser ist als bisher.Biomolekle sind als Biopharmaze

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 47 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Oura Ring 4 ufficiale: ecco tutte le novit dello smart ring

Epic Games vuole ampliare i giochi gratuiti su iOS e Android

One UI 7.0: la Galleria Samsung diventa intelligente

Gmail ti semplifica la vita: nuove schede riepilogativeper email

Is there a that supports time-based
By that I mean only fetch at certain time of the day instead of push notification

Loke: Mandatory MyDigital ID Requirement For MyJPJ App Revoked

Mega-Raid-Tag mit Flunkifer fr Pokmon GO angekndigt

Bald wird Mega-Flunkifer in Raids verfgbar sein.

Zur News:

Die Rheinische Versorgungskassen bieten als Beihilfetrger eine neue an, in der man seine Arztrechnungen einreichen kann.

Als Foto oder direkt als PDF.

Upload fr eine PDF-Datei ist auf 1 MB (!) begrenzt.

Jahr 2024, neue App, PDF, maximal 1 MB.
Es gibt Rechnungen mit 7 und mehr Seiten.

Haben Sie bitte Verstndnis, wegen Transaktionssicherheit und so

Open Source: It encapsulates a lot in two words it encapsulates the code being open, and all the community aspects. It encapsulates a set of freedoms that we developers love having.

Australian Federal Police (AFP):

The AFP has two press releases for the Operation Kraken (see parent toots above): One is information on a distributor of the cybercriminal encrypted communications platform called Ghost. The 47 year old man was arrested on 17 September 2024. Police seized $17,400 in cash, eight mobile phones, three laptops, 23 SIM cards and 15 other communication devices and encrypted USBs while searching the home. The man was a close associate of a Narwee man, who was the alleged mastermind behind the encrypted criminal platform.

The second is about how the AFP-led Criminal Assets Confiscation Taskforce (CACT) successfully restrained (whatever that means, probably recovered/stopped) $9.3 million in cryptocurrency under the Commonwealth Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, as part of the Ghost investigation. The assets were restrained after an analytics specialist within the AFP-led CACT deciphered the accounts seed phrase following analysis of digital devices recovered from the Narwee home.

Google Gemini: nuova funzione per condividere immagini


I made a game you can play without anyone knowing (No Visuals/Sound)

Michael Cluster: "L'uscita di ieri della versione v10.3.1 del per ha finalmente portato con s una funzionalit molto richiesta di mixing () direttamente dal portafoglio mobile, per una senza soluzione di continuit in movimento! Assicurati di controllare il per l'aggiornamento dell', dopo averla installata, puoi attivare la funzione andando sul pulsante del menu in basso " ...

Google Home inizia a integrare Trova il mio dispositivo

Show HN: I made a game you can play without anyone knowing (No Visuals/Sound)

Microsoft Office 2024: tutte le novit e i prezzi

Im Reisezentrum:
"Haben Sie die Tickets online gekauft oder wo"

Ich: "ber die . "

Bahn: "Ah. Dann knnen wir hier nichts machen. Wenn Sie die Tickets hier bei uns gekauft htten..."

Ich: "Aber Sie wollen schon, dass wir alle die App nutzen, richtig"

Bahn: "Joa schon..." - Er hndigt mir ein Krtchen aus mit der URL zum Kontakt auf der Bahn Website

WhatsApp: arrivano le analisi dettagliate per i canali

So knnte meiner Meinung nach eine Deutschland-App aussehen, oder drfen das nur die "Groen 5"

Es wrde jedoch einem Punkt widersprechen:

"Freie Software darf fr jeden Zweck genutzt werden und ist frei von Einschrnkungen wie dem Ablauf einer Lizenz oder willkrlichen geografischen Beschrnkungen."

Voy leyendo y enterandome que ya lanzaron para en version

Ya la descargu y ya la estoy probando.

Ya saba que empezaron a trabajar en conjunto con y es por eso que es igual a la app, vaya al parecer el mismo cdigo (con algunas variaciones).

La estar utilizando estos das.

Wie im Vorfeld bereits angekndigt, hat der gestern in und sein via ( 12D) abgeschaltet.
Der ist somit nicht mehr terrestrisch zu hren.
Laut ERF-Angaben, empfngt die Mehrheit der Stammhrer das Angebot via und .

YouTube TV: arriva la riproduzione in background!
