Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Posted into DEPTH OF FIELD

Deepseek verstoort ai-markt met efficinte ai-modellen -modellen Store -industrie

same for , or any !

Waze vs Google Maps: Beat Traffic Like a Pro:

Discover smart navigation secrets to save time, avoid traffic jams, and optimize your daily commute with Waze and Google Maps.

Are Out Of Control This Tracks And To See How Much More We're Now

uses accumulated data from the Bureau of Statistics to help you visualize whether the staples you need are really going up or down in price.

Gmail rinnova le schede evento di Google Calendar

Telegram: ora i regali sono collezionabili e NFT

DeepSeek: 'Cheap' Chinese chatbot shocks world

Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) app DeepSeek has overtaken ChatGPT ... to become the top-rated free application on Apple's App Store in the US, UK and China.

Sourced in
Topping the charts

Must be time to ban it then maybe not

Interesting though in all seriousness the cost differences between theirs and others. It would make you think which I expect is what the markets are doing right now.


Introducing my new app: DefaultSMS!

Ever wished that you could set Telegram, WhatsApp or Signal as your default messaging app Now you can with DefaultSMS!

It redirects you to the messenger app that you prefer.


LocalSend ist eine Open-Source-App zum Teilen von Dateien und Nachrichten zwischen Gerten in der Nhe ber das lokale WLAN-Netzwerk.

Does anyone know a free app, that offers video recording and video editing comparable to Apples iMovie I need an app that I can recommend my students for their own devices and I couldnt find anything, which is free.

I am making an that tracks, analyses and projects developer's revenue for apps on AppStore, Play Store, AdMob and RevenueCat, inspired by hashtag guys. Apple is asking me to remove all mentions of Android / Google Play Store, including the logo (they are fine with AdMob though). I have a Voldemort problem: to mention Android without saying its name! Any ideas appreciated!

Ideas so far:
- "The Other One"
- "Green Humanoid Robot Store"
- "The Unmentionable One"

A critical flaw in Metas AI framework allowed attackers to remotely deploy malware directly on the server hosting AI apps.

Beim Aushorchen geht es nie um Sicherheit sondern um skrupellose Macht!

mSpy-Leak Kundenservice gibt Tipps fr Straftaten:
Die Spionage-App mSpy vermarktet sich als Werkzeug fr besorgte Eltern. Aber geleakte Nachrichten belegen: Kund:innen, die ihre Partner:innen illegal berwachen wollen, bekommen nicht rger, sondern Ratschlge. Die Profiteure verstecken sich hinter einem Netz aus Tarnfirmen.








WhatsApp iOS: finalmente arriva il dialer per le chiamate

We heard your feedback!

We are making some onboarding changes to make it easier to get started with Pixelfed, while allowing you to easily choose different servers.

We think this is the perfect balance between choice and simplicity, what do you think

Pixelfed im Test Das kann die Instagram-Alternative:
Der Wandel von Mark Zuckerberg hat viele auf Instagram verrgert. Mit Pixelfed steht eine beachtliche Alternative bereit.

Das Fedivers wird immer populrer, da viele Meta nun verlassen. Obwohl Mastodon bei den Medien so gut wie nie mehr erwhnt wird bekommt nun das seine Aufmerksamkeit.

WhatsApp per Android introduce nuove icone nel menu allegati


The android app really needs a fix for the random crash bug... I really like the platform but the app crashes every two minutes, making it nearly impossible to use...

Just discovered
on Amazon-Germany
a Home Decor Company
which someone on
their creative team
must be

they took my main Photo
and with it created
Large Framed
for people to display
in their Homes!
An Honor to become
an International Icon!

This Mini-ThreadSet
is of the 5
they displayed to sell
the framed artwork.

All 5




Just discovered
on Amazon-Germany
a Home Decor Company
which someone on
their creative team
must be

they took my main Photo
and with it created
Large Framed
for people to display
in their Homes!
An Honor to become
an International Icon!

This Mini-ThreadSet
is of the 5
they displayed to sell
the framed artwork.

All 5




Just discovered
on Amazon-Germany
a Home Decor Company
which someone on
their creative team
must be

they took my main Photo
and with it created
Large Framed
for people to display
in their Homes!
An Honor to become
an International Icon!

This Mini-ThreadSet
is of the 5
they displayed to sell
the framed artwork.

All 5




Just discovered
on Amazon-Germany
a Home Decor Company
which someone on
their creative team
must be

they took my main Photo
and with it created
Large Framed
for people to display
in their Homes!
An Honor to become
an International Icon!

This Mini-ThreadSet
is of the 5
they displayed to sell
the framed artwork.

All 5




Just discovered
on Amazon-Germany
a Home Decor Company
which someone on
their creative team
must be

they took my main Photo
and with it created
Large Framed
for people to display
in their Homes!
An Honor to become
an International Icon!

This Mini-ThreadSet
is of the 5
they displayed to sell
the framed artwork.

All 5




TikTok Not Available on US App Stores, But Canadian Stores Offer It

While TikTok has restored services to US users, the app stores are a different story as it is still unavailable for download and updates.

TikTok: Oracle e Microsoft puntano all'acquisto

Google Messaggi cambia il look delle ricevute di lettura

Dear , as it still happens far too often (no naming, no shaming! happens to everyone of us) a reminder to take good care of your keys and also take precautions for the case that your keystore might get lost. Please take a look at: where I outline this topic.


Ta L Chin Thn VTC Giftcode hp dn, nhp code ngay tr thnh Chin Thn!

Ta L Chin Thn - VTC l ta game nhp vai 3D nh cao, c pht hnh c quyn ti Vit Nam bi nh pht hnh uy tn VTC

Diaguard: Diabetes Tagebuch

Diabetes Tagebuch und Lebensmitteldatenbank.

WhatsApp lavora al supporto multi-account per iOS

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 69 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Google Telefono: arrivano i filtri per le chiamate

Die neue

sm Beispiel von der Instanz von mit

Nach kurzem lesen der Bewertungen der Jobcenter-App im google Playstore:

Die App leitet wohl in sehr vielen Fllen nur auf die Webseite weiter = nutzlos.

Zudem erhlt man keine postalischen Bescheide mehr, extrem riskant. S.z.B.
"Die App ersetzt auf keinen Fall eine unabhngige Sozialberatung, da die Regelungen im SGB II sehr komplex sind. Fehler bei der Antragstellung gehen zu Lasten des Antragsstellers und knnen existenzgefhrdene Folgen haben. Wer sich auf die App einlsst, bekommt keine analogen Bescheide mehr. Es muss sichergestellt werden, dass der Onlinezugriff auf das Konto bzw auf die Bescheide mglich ist. Zur Prfung der Bescheide mssen diese dann geladen und ggf ausgedruckt werden."

: Die perfekte fr -Fans auf .

An den Herausforderungen gewachsen ein Ein-Mann-Projekt und ein sympathischer Kontakt!


Das Wissen Cyber-Bedrohungen - Wie sicher sind Cloud-Anwendungen
mit im

Diese Beitrag habe ich erst jetzt gehrt aber sicherlich ein Anfang fr digitale Alle. Dies hilft sich zu orientieren, weshalb welches populre IT & Web Angebot zu vermeiden ist und es (fast) zu allem Alternativen gibt. Datenschutz ist fr jegliche Person wichtig.