Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Right now, I'm trying to make a simple with framework.
That's a simple project for beginners like me :honeybadger:
After that, I will use for this project.
I will add some about that in my account

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Discover new rock and metal releases in our app

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recently took a break from Spotify for a few months and coming back it looks like it doesn't want to play nice with my PIA VPN anymore. Any suggestions for good subscription without ads or ad free music Only other one I've been using is, or hosting your own if there's a good setup for that using a raspberry pi3 and some spare USB drives

Organize all your trusted sources into one place
Follow sites that don't have RSS feeds (Telegram, Substack, Youtube and others).


we have

Beento, eine (recht neue) App fr Fotografen.
Ein bisschen wie Instagram, aber ohne Meta/Facebook, dafr mit GPS Daten zu Fotospots (sofern eingegeben) und eine bessere Community Funktion und Werbung (bisher jedenfalls) nur von beento und k&f selber (beento ist von k&f concept).

Leider bisher keine Webseite, nur als App, aber an sich scheint der Ansatz sehr gut zu sein.

The race to produce rare earth materials

Strengthen your faith journey with insights from the Bible.

Bevorzugt ihr richtige Apps oder Web-Apps die man nicht extra installieren muss Ich berlegte auch in den Stores anzubieten, da ich fter die Rckmeldung bekomme dass es einfach vergessen wird!

Thai Government Urges People to Take Advantage of Easy E-Receipt Tax Deduction Program

Per un'esperienza Mastodon pi personalizzata c' la guida per scoprire un'alternativa all'app ufficiale:


Grazie a Mastodon abbiamo una grande libert di scelta!

La guida verso app alternative pu far scoprire nuove app con funzionalit uniche non presenti nell'app ufficiale.

URL to PDF Converter

URL auf PDF Konverter ermglicht es Benutzern, jede Webseite in eine PDF-Datei zu konvertieren.

SimpleMobileTools an Spyware-Klitsche verkauft

SimpleMobileTools ist eine Suite von Apps, die auf sehr einfache Weise genau die eine Sache tun, die sie tun sollen. Kalender, Galerie, Telefon, Taschenrechner, Taschenlampe usw. Alles Open-Source und ohne Schickimicki. Ich benutze eine ganze Reihe dieser Apps. Doch die Suite wurde offenbar gerade eine eine 


#App #Fossify #Google #OpenSource #Reklame #SimpleMobileTools #Werbung #ZipoApps

che app usi Installa un'altra vedi qua:

Hat noch jemand Probleme mit seiner Meine funktioniert nicht mehr aktuell und die Website von zickt auch. Sprich dir Anbindung ist aktuell wohl hin

Stavo pensando: da ora che ho la tastiera pi piccolina per il #PC, e mi sa che mi trovo parecchio meglio ad usare lo #smartphone come #touchpad (per certi versi pi comodo del #mouse normale per me) rispetto a quando avevo quella grossa, potrei quasi quasi comprarlo un touchpad #USB

E per oh, non si trovano a un prezzo decente, n su Amazon n su AliExpress, eccetto per uno micragnoso brutto minuscolo (che comunque per il #prezzo un insulto eh) #mannaggia!!! E persino da alcuni cinesi locali non ho trovato forse dovrei cercare meglio in tutti, ma a questo punto neanche ho la certezza di trovare qualcosa, figuriamoci di bono.

Altrimenti, questa forse la volta buona che trovo un utilizzo pratico per il mio vecchio #Huawei distrutto, che sta nel cassetto a marcire (il vetro cha lo #spacc, ma il #digitizer funziona, e al tatto non c problema perch c una pellicola intatta sopra) perch certamente col telefono primario, che mi serve per altro ed pure bello cicciotto non posso andare avanti cos. Preferirei comunque un vero touchpad per perch #KDEConnect #lagga, a meno di trovare #app alternative (o forse mi basta collegare il #telefono al PC con il #tethering USB)

#app #digitizer #Huawei #KDEConnect #lagga #Mannaggia #mouse #PC #prezzo #smartphone #spacc #telefono #tethering #touchpad #USB

I would like to present to your attention Mood Calendar!

This is a small application for made on , the essence of which is to evaluate your day, so that you can later come back and see how you live this year!

The idea for the app came when I saw this post:

I will be glad to see your feedback! It's still not 100% complete, but the basic functionality should work well.

I had to use the How to Tie a Tie app I have on my iPhone today.I did a pretty terrible job, but it will have to do.

I went with the half winsor know, which is my usual go to.I dont know what that means, but it works I guess.

#app #halfWindsorKnot #howToTieATie #iphoneography #photography #suit #tie

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Der hat zum Jahreswechsel das Bezahlen mit Bargeld in Bussen abgeschafft, alternativ nur per oder Plastikkarte als
Die ist ausverkauft, der hat nicht damit gerechnet, das so viele Leute die brauchen:
Das luft ja

Herd for Mastodon for currently has a 5 star rating in the

cybernews research Real estate Android app leaks user passwords

Whats next for AI in 2024

Happy New year!
But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31

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Verse of the Day!

Download the App Now

Experience the life-changing impact of engaging with the Bible, growing personally and spiritually.
Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.
Psalms 119:105

Download the App Now

Mathelernen leicht gemacht: HPI-Ersti Stefan Neuber und seine Erfolgs-App MatheX

Stefan Neuber studiert gerade mal im ersten Semester - aber hat schon so einiges erreicht. Fr seine Mathe-Lernapp "MatheX" hat er nicht nur mehrere Auszeichnungen gewonnen. Bei der Bits & Pretzels Konferenz prsentierte der Nachwuchsgrnder seine Idee sogar auf der Main Stage direkt vor Michelle Obama.

Was er mit seiner noch vorhat, erzhlt er im HPI :

Native App Development refers to the process of designing and building mobile applications specifically for a particular operating system or platform. Unlike hybrid or web apps, native apps are developed using top programming languages and tools.

Contact Us:-

Phone: 093906 83154

Fossify Gallery

Galerie mit Photo Editor. Keine Anzeigen, Open-Source, Private. Das ist der Nachfolger der Simple Mobile Tools Gallery.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 55 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Bei der Camera+ fr kommen alte (bezahlte!) Premium-Funktionen nun doch zurck .... die Kunden aber sicher nicht mehr, nach dem Desaster.

For the next Yosum update! You'll soon be able to save different currencies for each subscription item and effortlessly sync them to your default currency with real-time exchange rates on the home page. Stay tuned!

#app #iOS #iosApp #iOSJournal #iOSJournalApp #iPhone #journal #journalApp

MyJPJ Now Allows Users To Share Digital Road Tax With Other Drivers

CIAS: APP per configurazione impianto perimetrale: La configurazione dellimpianto perimetrale e ora veramente a portata di mano. LAPP CIAS Finder, uno strumento per linstallazione over IP, semplifica la funzione fino ad oggi svolta solo dal software CIAS Configurator, che tramite pc consente la raccolta degli indirizzi IP assegnati...

Make your own Tour App

Herd 1.3 (coming soon) improves searching for posts, among other fixes & performance improvements.

I love my turtle