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granted, this ain't completely new as a business model, espechally in regulated juristictions.
Don't ask me how I know...
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Alle Infos:
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bersicht und Infos zur Pokmon GO Tour: Einall an diesem Wochenende
Die Pokmon GO Tour: Einall findet heute statt. Wir geben euch einen berblick ber die Inhalte!
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Ja ist nicht fr alle einfach simpel aber es ist ja nun Wochenende )
This Note-Taking App Can Replace Four of the Most Popular Productivity Tools
Source: Lifehacker
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Details zum Kraftvolles Knnen-Event mit Dakuma und Knarbon in Pokmon GO verffentlicht
Dakuma und Schillernde Knarbon feiern ihr Debt mit diesem Event.
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Infos zur kommenden Saison der Pokmon GO-Kampfliga verffentlicht
Die kommende Saison der GO-Kampfliga bringt einige Attacken-nderungen mit sich.
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ManyTag Colour eInk Badge SDK - Minimum Viable Example for Android
Last year, I reviewed a - the ManyTag HSN371. The hardware itself is perfectly fine, but the Android app isn't great. It is complicated, crash-prone, and not available in the app-store.
After some back-and-forth with the manufacturer, they agreed to send me their Android SDK and documentation. Sadly, the PDF they sent me was riddled with errors and the software library is also a bit dodgy. So, with the help of and a hefty amount of automated boiler-plate, I managed to get it working.
The , but here's a quick walk-through of the important bits.
First, the AAR library needs to be imported into the project. Place it in app/libs
and then include it in the Gradle build file:
dependencies implementation(files("libs/badgenfcapi-release.aar"))
The key to getting it working is in the Android permissions. It needs Bluetooth, NFC, and location. So the manifest has to contain:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTHADMIN"/><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTHSCAN"/><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTHCONNECT"/><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NFC"/><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NFCTRANSACTIONEVENT"/><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESSCOARSELOCATION"/><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESSFINELOCATION"/>
The following imports are needed from the Android Archive library:
import cn.manytag.badgenfcapi.manager.BadgeWriteManagerimport cn.manytag.badgenfcapi.manager.OnNFCReaderCallbackimport cn.manytag.badgenfcapi.manager.OnBluetoothCallBackimport cn.manytag.badgenfcapi.manager.OnSendImageCallback
The library needs to be initialised with:
val state = BadgeWriteManager.getInstance().init(this)
When the phone reads the NFC tag, it gets a bunch of information:
BadgeWriteManager.getInstance().setOnNFCReaderCallback(object : OnNFCReaderCallback override fun onReaderMessage(i: Int, tag: Tag) if (i == 0) BadgeWriteManager.getInstance().readNFC(tag) // Get the data from the badge override fun onReaderType(tag: Tag, isodep: IsoDep, i: Int, type: String, size: String, color: String) if (i == 0) nfcData = """ NFC Tag Detected!!! Tag: $tag IsoDep: $isodep Type: $type Size: $size Color: $color """.trimIndent() colorFromNFC = color tagObject = tag isoDepObject = isodep badgeType = type badgeSize = size )
The color
is most important right now. It says whether the badge is black and white, or black and white and red, or black and white and red and yellow.
After picking an image from the filesystem, it needs to be dithered into the correct colour format:
processedBitmap = originalBitmap.let bitmap -> colorFromNFC.let color -> BadgeWriteManager.getInstance().processImage(bitmap, color)
Finally, the processed image needs to be converted to bytes and then sent to the badge via Bluetooth:
if (processedBitmap != null && badgeType != null && badgeSize != null && colorFromNFC != null) val imgData = BadgeWriteManager.getInstance().getImageData(processedBitmap!!, colorFromNFC!!) BadgeWriteManager.getInstance().sentImageResource( tagObject!!, isoDepObject!!, imgData, badgeType!!, badgeSize!!, colorFromNFC!! )
I realise this is a bit "" but that should be enough to get you started on building an app which can communicate with these badges.
The app I've built isn't the prettiest in the world but at least it works. It scans a badge, gets its info, picks an image, dithers it, then sends it to the badge.
You can .
#android #app #eink #HowTo #Kotlin
blog! ManyTag Colour eInk Badge SDK - Minimum Viable Example for Android
Last year, I reviewed a Four-Colour eInk Name Badge - the ManyTag HSN371. The hardware itself is perfectly fine, but the Android app isn't great. It is complicated, crash-prone, and not available in the app-store.
After some back-and-forth with the
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Skype verso la chiusura, Microsoft punta tutto su Teams
Microsoft rilascia un'app Copilot per Mac, ma non in Italia
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Neuer Newsletter zu Pokmon Masters EX enthllt kommende Inhalte fr den Mrz 2025
Ein berblick ber die kommenden Events und Inhalte wurde verffentlicht.
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An issue with our iOS beta that displayed, "This beta is not accepting any new testers right now" is now resolved with Beta 51.
Trufis open approach gave Salim the tools to create an app that transformed his career. The Corsa app and the Trufi community provided a catalyst for Salim's initiative.
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Is the RedNote app a security risk
How safe is RedNote A new report from University of Torontos Citizens Lab says Android and iOS versions of RedNote 'fetch viewed' images and videos without any encryption, which enables network eavesdroppers to learn exactly what content users are browsing.
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TikTok () security company TikTok alternative RedNote (Xiaohongshu) fails basic security measures