Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder
App Mastodon
Testpost va

Some great recommendations in this thread. Thanks to everyone that has responded. It makes me wonder about use cases and what makes an app the preferred one.

How many podcasts do you subscribe to
How many podcasts episodes do you listen to each week
What is your preferred app
Is there a particular feature of that app that you can't live without


Guess the by Robin Williams.

Download and play from & !

Make your own Tour App

If I can get up at dark o'clock and jog in near-freezing weather, you can innovate your technology and dominate in the marketplace. I can help get you there! DM me for a free consultation.

The has a list of the best this year.

Om de potentie van digitale innovaties in de gezondheidszorg beter te benutten, is een grotere rol nodig van zorgverleners.

Dat stellen we vandaag in het rapport Voorbij de zorg-app. We signaleren dat een smalle focus op technologie onvoldoende is om de grote knelpunten in de zorg aan te pakken.

Lees meer:

Alright, with Google Podcasts eventually going away I'm forced to look for an alternative podcast app. Unfortunately searches for recommended podcast apps are coming up with a lot of big platforms like Spotify and Audible.

For actual individual apps, the first two recommendations I tried had been decommissioned or simply no longer existed.

So if you use and like an Android podcast app that isn't Spotify or some other platform, please share.

The University of California has all but dropped carbon offsetsand thinks you should, too

The X Prize is taking aim at aging with a new $101 million award

Discover the heart of God: a love that carries, surrounds, and holds us always.
However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak and He will tell you things to come.
John 16:13

tegorocznych nagrd Apple Store Awards 2023. Znamy ju zwycizcw.

Zwyciskie aplikacje

Aplikacja roku na iPhonea: , od AllTrails, Inc.

Aplikacja roku na iPada: , od Prt--Template.

Aplikacja roku dla komputerw Mac: , od UAB Pixelmator Team.

Aplikacja roku dla Apple TV: , od MUBI, Inc.

Aplikacja roku dla Apple Watch: , od Mateus Abras.

Zwycizcy wrd gier

Gra roku na iPhonea: , od COGNOSPHERE PTE. LTD.

Gra roku na iPada: , od Snapbreak Games.

Gra roku na komputery Mac: , od NEOWIZ.

Apple Arcade Game of the Year: , od Sunblink.

Zwycizcy z segmentu aplikacji majcych wpyw na kultur

#App #AppStore #AppStoreAwards #AppStoreAwards2023 #Gry #Oprogramowanie #Software

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Mastodon lucha contra los comentarios desafortunados

Una per ricordare le terapie

Si chiama Y-DOC, basato sull'AI, capace di interagire con tutti i device dei pazienti e dei loro caregiver, di inviare reminder per l'assunzione dei farmaci, e di fornire risposte ai dubbi grazie ad un'AI che restituisce indicazioni in tempo reale su modalit di assunzione delle terapie e sui loro effetti collaterali, attingendo unicamente alle informazioni contenute nei foglietti illustrativi dei prodotti

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 46 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Dekarbonisierung Kohlenstoff fixieren
Pflanzen binden Kohlenstoff aus dem Kohlendioxid der Luft fr eine bestimmte Zeit. Pyrolyse von Pflanzenrckstnden bindet ihn lnger. Das Produkt lsst sich in der Landwirtschaft nutzen, um Enzyme und Mikroorganismen fr die Photosynthese und die Nhrstoffaufnahme zu strken.In einem Szenario des Weltklimarats (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC) besc

Apple App Store Awards 2023 14 Apps +
App Store Apple Apple App Store Aw
The post Apple App Store Awards 2023 14 Apps + appeared first on .
App App App Store

NOTE 14: MastoDeck feedback

MastoDeck web-client doesnt seem to work with the Mastodon filters, so my timeline is filled with unwanted content, which is a big issue for some, like myself. If that is an error, please let me know :-)

Town #176
by Vincent Will
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Pieces for Developers getpieces

Captura is finally live!

It's an for (macos 13+) that lets you quickly record your screen and share it as an mp4 or gif.

It's local first, but it lets you bring your own backend!

It also has automation via AppleScript and a captura: URL scheme

Also, it's free!


Guess the by Lil Rel Howery.

Download and play from & !

cybernews research KidSecuritys user data compromised after app failed to set password

:globo: Plataformas criam centro de apoio a entregadores - Bom Dia Brasil - 29/11/2023

A reportagem que me deixou com nojo da humanidade diante das medidas que infelizmente so necessrias e a dificuldade elevada para quem trabalha diariamente sob chuva e sol para entregar comida.

In vielen deutschen Haushalten luft an jedem Abend das , um die Kleinen auf die Schlafenszeit vorzubereiten. Mittlerweile gibt es die niedlichen Geschichten auch in digitaler Form in einer eigenen fr iPhones und iPads: . In der neuen Version 37.0.0 hat nun wieder der jhrliche Einzug gehalten.

Mehr zum Thema:

"Schnell! Wo liegen die "

La plataforma PedidosYa acaba de incorporar a su oferta y ahora la tiene la funcin de platos personalizados. El est listo para contigo desde el 28 de en toda la de Santiago

Ok friends, whats the best out there I tired the official iOS app and it is too confusing. I tired mammoth and it is too buggy on my iPhone 11 Pro. Got any recommendations for me

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Die lange vernachlssigte Biochemie der Selen-haltigen Proteine bringt neue medizinische Erkenntnisse und Anwendungen hervor.Proteine bestehen aus bis zu 20 verschiedenen Aminosuren, so steht es in den Lehrbchern. Und in einer Funote heit es dann oft: Als 21. Aminosure kommt Selenocystein vor, das anstelle des Schwefels im Cystein das Homologe Sel

Google Play's giving app browsers a fright
By suspending them left and right
DMCA notices, they can't fight
Vague in content, none can cite

Tap any post in Herd for Mastodon to see details on its author, add it to any Lists, and see the conversation thread for the post.

is a truly excellent on for

Five from me

NOTE 13:

On the Phanpy web-client for Mastodon, every time I want to reply (on desktop it seems) then there is no reply button. I have to zoom in or out, or have to press enter to make a new line and then it suddenly appears.

UPDATE: The developer replied and informed me it was due to using Graze, a Mastodon add-on for desktop.


NOTE 12:

The Trunks web-client has some issues when I try to edit my text. The selector and area are misaligned.


NOTE 10:

Tootle app privacy issue

Of all the apps, every time I open the Mastodon Tootle app, its asking me to access my copied clipboard information

That cant be good for privacy or security

NOTE 09:

Wow, so many basic features are hidden behind paywalls or just plain missing from so many Mastodon apps.

I realise now I will have to set up a spreadsheet or something to keep track of the 31 apps.

This is bigger than I anticipated. :pebblesurprised:

NOTE 08:

Mastodon web-clients are WOW!

a) They're so smoooth!

b) Allow one to press return / enter." Keeps posts clean and simple.

c) Even cleared the history of my default browser (DuckDuckGo) + Safari browser: the apps still run great! (DDG clears everything, must just check if Safaris clear all flushes cookies too.)

DISCLAIMER: Ive mentioned before, but Ive been using as my main driver before starting this review process.

NOTE 07:

Tootys web-client doesnt seem to work as a web app when saved from Safari to my iPhone home screen. It keeps logging me out. So for me, its not viable for daily use, unfortunately. :-/

Warum funktioniert der in der nicht

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Wir freuen uns, Sie zur exklusiven Veranstaltung Classroom App einzuladen, die speziell fr Pdagogen konzipiert wurde. Die Classroom App von ist ein leistungssvolles Werkzeug, das Ihre Lehrpraxis auf innovative Art und Weise bereichern kann.
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