Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Some improvements in progress.
In the next Beta version, there will be a new "Tint" slider that will allow you to control the tint of the areas (and their immediate surroundings), where they got clipped at the sensor.
This means that areas that got "highlight reconstructed" will no longer be stuck at being R=G=B "white".
Loads of work still needs to be done to improve it, but it's a very large improvement IMO.

yes we chat! svolta epocale nel mondo delle di messaggistica: consentira' di usare altre app per chattare

just finished a great app with flutter after a while, I'll publish it to app markets tomorrow!

I just took another look at googles personal safety
Your visible name in the app is linked to your Google Account. You cannot change the name visible in the app without changing your name in your Google Account. There is sooo much wrong with that from an online safety perspective!

New app added to the Accessible Apps directory by Salih Kunduz: StreamSphere accessible. This privacy-friendly and ad-free RSS reader app allows effortless management of RSS feeds, access to favorite articles, and a customizable reading experience.

Gehts Euch auch so, dass Ihr X, Mastodon, Threads und Bluesky parallel laufen habt, weil es irgendwie keins davon richtig bringt :)

Seeking feedback on an alpha version of a macOS application.

I have in my head this vague idea that could be the answer to closed garden platforms through an , or apps, that provide a different for different types of streams.

Would have:
- Vertical scrolling for -like.
- "Google reader"-like for blogs.
- Swipeable for /short videos.
- Channels for videos.

UX could be matched to feed by declared type but users can always override.

I wonder if this makes any sense and what it would take to build...

Bluesky is really progressing in terms of users, most of people I follow here are already

It just needs a well-made mobile app client, and this is going to be a great opportunity for folks to revive Tweetbot, because birds love flying on a beautiful bluesky!


Ab Mrz werden WhatsApp-User mit Benutzern anderer Messenger Nachrichten austauschen knnen. WDR-Digitalexperte Jrg Schieb ber die Hintergrnde und warum es auch Kritik gibt.
Make your own Tour App

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This cli tool might be really good for others, like me, who are new to Linux. I love it.

"eg" outputs examples of common commands you query. I tried out "eg touch" in the left panel and this is what came out. Bit more info in the right panel.

You can install it with pip ("sudo apt install pip" then "pip install eg").

More info here:

Friday sketches!

The Byczek Real Estate Sales app that helps buyers and sellers without a was ranked 33rd top paid in the reference category at the same time the Rent Repayment Plan macOS app to avoid was 35th top paid in Lifestyle

The Byczek Real Estate Sales app that helps buyers and sellers without a was ranked 33rd top paid in the reference category at the same time the Rent Repayment Plan macOS app to avoid was 35th top paid in Lifestyle

New app added to the Accessible Apps directory by The Evil Chocolate Cookie: Dont touch my phone. Accessible with few unlabeled buttons. This is a security app to help you keep up with your phone.

Discover new rock and metal releases in our app

In der knnen jetzt alternative -Marktpltze zu durch und hinzugefgt werden. Das berichtet gestern im eigenen -Portal. Apple nimmt darber hinaus auch Einreichungen fr den Notarisierungsprozess an, der fr alle - erforderlich ist, die ber alternative Marktpltze vertrieben werden.

Mehr zum Thema:

LastPass is warning that a fake copy of its is being distributed on the App Store, likely used as a phishing app to steal users' credentials. The fake app uses a similar name to the genuine app, a similar icon, and a red-themed interface made to appear close to the brand's authentic . However, the fake app's name is 'LassPass,' instead of 'LastPass,' and it has a publisher of 'Parvati Patel.'. In addition, there's a single rating (the real...

A password manager calls fraudulent booted from App Store

The fake app was called LassPass.

No App Store is 100% safe. There are no exceptions. Always be careful what you download. Fake apps are everywhere.

Not sure what the goal of this app was, but safe to say it was probably on some scale of malicious as most fake apps are.

Overwhelmed by your to-do list Planndu is the solution! Prioritize your tasks and achieve goals faster. It's about getting the right things done!

Tipp Mactracker neues Update verfgbar die wurde integriert. Link Mactracker

This is a simple project, created by me with .
You can make some notes in this .
I called that Noote! Check this report on :

Buenas noticias otakus! La app de Crunchyroll pronto llegar a los TV de Samsung

Immediately my favourite radio . As for stations.. You might (or might not) find "Palanga street radio" lovely. Also, you can add the wonderful Radio Musikii, which is not found automatically:

(I still live in shame remembering how I failed to send you their contacts privately, when I was just discovering Mastodon (:

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Microsofts New PC Manager App Now Available For Windows 10 And 11

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Tagungsbericht Symposium zu Dream Reactions in Mnster
Auf dem Weg in eine nachhaltige Zukunft beim ersten Dream-Reactions-Symposium in Mnster trafen sich am 24. August mehr als 200 Forschende und Studierende aus Israel, den USA, Japan, Schweden, Dnemark, den Niederlanden und Deutschland, um sich ber grne Chemie unter dem diesjhrigen Schwerpunktthema Wasserstoff auszutauschen

Fake LastPass app discovered on the Apple App Store

Victor (Saison 2024) & Schlaraffel ab heute in Pokmon Masters EX

Neue Inhalte rund um Victor und Schlaraffel knnen nun genutzt werden.

Zur News:

- just released Mr.AIEffect :) photo postprocessing app. Features foreground/background recognition and applying artistic and abstract effects.

find Highlights Map