Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Suche eine App, die zeitgesteuert andere Apps starte. Ohne Root.

Gerne teilen. :BoostOK:


Enjoying some vibes in Herd for Mastodon iOS app, now available on the AppStore

Quale app usate sul cellulare per Mastodon

The Microsoft Photos app gains support for image background removal and replacement.

It's really annoying how little fuzzy testing companies are doing these days. It takes 5s to break an average , leaving it loading forever or crash.

The Biggest Questions: Are we alone in the universe

The US militarys privacy problem in three charts

Thank you for including Focus in your StandBy collection,

Some great apps to try out! Link:

Thema: Rechner

Schlichter Rechner
Ein wissenschaftlicher Taschenrechner schnelle, einfache Berechnungen.

Einfacher und schner Taschenrechner fr Android.

Trendbericht Biochemie 2023 (3/3) Ein Neutron extra
Fortschritte bei der Analyse epigenetischer Basen helfen unter anderem dabei, Krankheiten frher zu diagnostizieren. In Inneren von Encapsulinen, das sind proteinbasierte Nanocapside, laufen (bio)chemische Reaktionen geschtzt ab, sie knnen daher fr die Katalyse genutzt werden. Deuterierung von Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen erhht deren Extinktion, Fluoreszen

WhatsApp on February 7 a series of new updates as the Meta-owned messaging looks to bolster its ephemeral status that currently allows users to share text, photo, and video that disappear after 24 hours. WhatsApp is introducing the ability for people to record and share voice messages up to 30 seconds on WhatsApp status along with status reactions that will enable them to provide a quick and easy way to respond to status updates from their ...

Oh uh neat, so my pushed a new version of their , and now it will not let me:
- autofill the login form via my password manager
- login via biometrics

Both were possible before.

My only option now is to do two copy-pastes between the pw manager I need to pull up separately, and the banking app. Amazing. A vastly improved experience

Ich wurde schon mehrfach gefragt, welche Mastodon App ich fr iOS empfehlen wrde. Nach einigen Tests mit verschiedenen Apps ist bei mir die Original Mastodon App auf Platz 1 gelandet. Bei dieser App habe ich bisher keine Tracker etc. entdeckt. Hat jemand hnliche Tests gemacht

Whoever created Workbench on Gnome, thank you been getting my hands on some Gnome dev, and Workbench examples are awesome

Oh, what a fun afternoon installing apps on a new phone, and trying to remember what email address and passwords I used on the old now non-working phone.

Spannende neue in F-Droid fr Bildbearbeitung. Der Name ist Image Toolbox
Macht viel cooles einfach mglich

How open-source drug discovery could help us in the next pandemic

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 79 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

A team of researchers has unveiled an that aims to reshape musical experiences. This app offers a fresh perspective on musical interaction, giving users unprecedented control over tempo, dynamics, and style. According to TechXplore, this may open up a world of possibilities for musicians and enthusiasts alike by harnessing the power of voice and gestures. Ilya Borovik, a PhD student specializing in computational and science and engineering, ...

will never get rid of .

Thema: QR-Code

QR Scanner (Privacy Friendly)
Privatsphre-freundlicher QR-Scanner mit minimalen Berechtigungen.

Barcode Scanner
Eine kostenlose Anwendung, die das Lesen und Generieren von QR und Barcodes ermglicht.

apps y juegos de pago para Android que estn gratis o con jugosos descuentos durante unas horas

wie alles von unterschiedliche 's im gibt und wie die zusammenhngen hat der mal gepostet:

Mist aber such! Sobald ich ein (neues) App ber installiere, vergesse ich dies im Aurora-Store die Installation von Google-Store her zu sperren. Klar gibt es dann sich strende doppelte Updates


Oh my god, made a website that explains how to make a GTK4 (+ optionally libadwaita) app in Crystal!

Ultimate GTK4 Crystal Guide

Google richieder test delle app prima della pubblicazione su Play Store
Novit in arrivo per gli sviluppatori Android che dovranno sottoporre le loro app a test prima del rilascio sul Play Store.

Thema: Podcast

Einfach zu benutzender und anpassbarer Open-Source Podcast-Manager.

Podcast-Player mit unkomplizierter Schnittstelle.

I tried lab-grown chicken at a Michelin-starred restaurant

We believe is a dying fraudulent company and its is cleverly hidden that poses an urgent threat to U.S. national interests

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 89 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Thema: Passwrter

KeePass-kompatibler Passwortsafe.

KeePass-kompatibler Open-Source-Passwortmanager.

mobile on is a hot candidate for ousting as shittiest piece of software ever written. I cant bear this catastrophic .

Please help me: Which app do you use And is it possible to have as


900+ Presets, 5 PCM cards, 3+ Gigs of Original Sounds, compressed to 450mb...

Epic 64-voice /
Inspired by the Digital Synths of the 80s, 90s, 2000s

Includes all 12 Soundbanks!

Buchgutscheine mit der NDR Hamburg App gewinnen

NDR 90,3 und das Hamburg Journal verlosen fnf Gutscheine fr die Hamburger Thalia Buchhandlungen.


Just got this together, not sure if it would be better to make something more automatic but something to remind me of what I need to do it's already better than forgetting basic stuff when creating a new app release!

I thought id try an actual for but i didnt like it so back to installed web app i go

In a strategic move to enhance the shopping on its social media platforms, Meta has partnered with to introduce a new in- shopping on and Instagram, according to a report by TechCrunch. Through this collaboration, users can link their Facebook and Instagram accounts to their Amazon accounts, enabling seamless shopping within Meta's social apps. This picture taken on October 5, 2020 in Toulouse, southwestern France, shows ...

Android is fabulous